Become Stronger and Immortal By Picking Up Attributes From the Battlefield

Chapter 51: Kill enemies like crazy! Zhao Feng is watching!

Chapter 51 Crazy killing of enemies! Zhao Feng is watching!

For the elite men who understand Zhao Feng's strength, they naturally respect Zhao Feng.

But for most elites, in their opinion, Zhao Feng was mobilized from a logistics army, and his military exploits were too weird and a little too false.

After all, seeing is believing.

But today they can truly see is believing.

With such strength, it is not an exaggeration to call him a God of War.

Moreover, Zhao Fengtong led the troops, which made all the elites stand in awe. Having such a brave and fearless general inspired them greatly.

not to mention.

There is also the invisible blessing of Zhao Feng's luck official seal to his warriors. Even if it is only 10%, it has a great manifestation on the real battlefield.

Time passes in the **** killing!

There were constant sounds of killing in Handu City.

Cries of death, screams, and wails.

There is also the sound of the charging army, which has not stopped since the Qin army broke through the city.

Zhao Feng led his warriors to kill very quickly. Although the city was already in chaos, under the leadership of Zhao Feng, five military princes followed closely, and the military system of the captain camp under Zhao Feng's command was still there.


This is also a wonderful use of the luck official seal, which allows Zhao Feng and his subordinates to be invisibly connected.

The last line of defense in the outer city of Handu.

The last acting general of Han Dynasty, Cao Yi, personally controlled the place.

"Finally, it's here."

Looking at the retreating Korean army in front and the black-armored Qin soldiers charging madly under the hazy moonlight, Cao Yi showed a bitter look on his face.

The time has come.

How could he not see that defeat was certain and the country was about to perish!

"Korean soldiers."

"The moment of life and death has arrived."

"I, Cao Yi, will lead you and others to coexist with the country."

"Pass this general's order to fight against the Qin army."

"The crossbowmen are in front, the infantry behind."

"Once the fleeing soldiers at the front attack the military formation, they will be killed on the spot."

Cao Yi pulled out his sword and shouted loudly.

"Follow the general to the death."

All the Korean troops behind Cao Yi shouted in unison.


The fleeing Korean troops were approaching the last line of defense in the outer city.

"Everyone turns around to face the Qin army. Get close to Juma and kill them without mercy."

A general beside Cao Yi stood in front of the set-up horse and shouted at the fleeing Korean troops.

But in this life-and-death crisis, these fleeing Korean troops didn't care at all and still fled towards the resistance horses they set up.

Cao Yi looked at it indifferently, raised his hand, and waved.

The Korean crossbowmen who had resisted their horses immediately faced the room of the fleeing Korean soldiers.

Boo hoo hoo.

Boo hoo hoo.

Head on.

Hundreds of Korean soldiers were shot dead by their colleagues.

Perhaps this move is cruel, but it is the best solution for the Korean army. If these defeated troops are allowed to rush into their military formation, it will also cause them to fall into a disorganized military system.

"Go back immediately to fight the Qin army."

"Otherwise, kill."

Cao Yi raised his sword and shouted.

Hear the sound.

Those Korean troops who fled in panic also understood that they would die if they fled again.

Under the threat of death, they could not turn around and continue to fight. A few continued to flee, but naturally they could not escape the fate of being pierced by random arrows.


Zhao Feng was fearless.

He held up the somewhat damaged shield in his left hand, and held the Longquan Sword tightly in his right hand. The Longquan sword's edge had killed countless Korean soldiers, but there was no blood on the blade. Perhaps this was a magic weapon that could kill enemies without staining blood.

Zhao Feng came out.

The sword edge swung.

He easily harvested the vitality of the Korean army in front of him.

Under the leadership of Zhao Feng, the hundreds of Korean soldiers fleeing in front of them were quickly killed.

"Fire the arrow!"

Looking at the Qin army that had dispersed, Cao Yi shouted loudly. Suddenly, thousands of Korean crossbowmen who had been prepared in front of the formation rushed to the room.

In the dark night.

Arrows were shot out intensively.

Many Qin Rui soldiers were shot dead by random arrows and fell in a pool of blood.

However, under the leadership of Zhao Feng, his subordinate Qin Rui Shi was still extremely brave and followed the attack. ·

Zhao Feng raised his shield to block it, and swung his sword forward, cutting off sharp arrows one after another. At the same time, Zhao Feng also rushed forward quickly, at a very fast speed.

Those random arrows shot around Zhao Feng, and Zhao Feng's figure was like a ghost, dodging easily. Zhao Feng easily dodged under such irregular random arrows, and many Korean soldiers looked like they were looking at ghosts and gods.

After getting close to the horse.

Zhao Feng didn't hesitate and kicked him out.


The Juma in front of him was kicked straight away.


next moment.

After rejecting the horse, a dozen Korean crossbowmen were directly knocked down by the rejecting horse and killed without any chance to react.

One can imagine how powerful Zhao Feng's kick was, and how lethal the kicking horse was.

"Kill one of the Korean soldiers and collect 5 points of strength."

"Kill one of the Korean soldiers and collect 5 points of strength."

The panel continues to prompt.

After kicking a horse away.

Zhao Feng watched as he was still firing arrows, and there were many casualties among his subordinates behind him.

Turn around immediately.

Just kick him away.

Another horse flew out and hit the Korean army.

Zhao Feng followed suit and kicked all the dozen or so resisting horses around him away, clearing the road ahead.


"The first victory in breaking Handu was ours, and the victory in capturing the king should also be ours."

"Kill with me!"

Zhao Feng shouted loudly and rushed directly to the Korean formation with undisguised ambition.

The sword edge swung out, killing in all directions.

Crazy picking up attribute points became the source of Zhao Feng's strength.


"Enter Lancer."

Seeing that the horse-rejecting formation in front of him was destroyed and the Qin army charged in, Cao Yi immediately ordered a change of formation.

At the moment he gave the order.

Under night.

A pair of eyes full of murderous intent has been locked on Cao Yi, who is giving orders.

"The Han general in command seems to have a high official position. If you kill him, you can get all attribute points."

For these generals with official positions and invisible luck, Zhao Feng valued them the most.

Because once you have an official position above ten thousand generals, you have the opportunity to obtain all attribute points. The larger the official position, the stronger your luck, and the greater the attribute points you can obtain to enhance all attributes.

Think of this.

Zhao Feng rushed directly into the Korean army, his eyes locked on Cao Yi, and he rushed towards his position.

The warriors behind Zhao Feng also tried their best to follow Zhao Feng and charge towards the Korean army.

The Changge soldiers went first and charged in with all their strength to kill the enemy.

The Korean army array deployed by Cao Yi was instantly dispersed.

The killing continues.

Zhao Feng, on the other hand, was approaching Cao Yi step by step. The warriors under his command cooperated tacitly, following Zhao Feng in the charge, and did not wait in a dull manner.

Starting from the broken city.

All the warriors under Zhao Feng understood the key point of killing the enemy. Just follow their captain and charge all the way. As long as they follow their captain closely, they can definitely kill the enemy and make meritorious service, and the chance of survival is much greater.

"General Han."

"As expected, he is a high official, and he is accompanied by personal guards."

Looking at Cao Yi, who was no more than a few feet away, and seeing the guards around him setting up shields to protect him, Zhao Feng smiled excitedly in his heart.

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(End of chapter)

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