Chapter 62 is indeed here!


The generals responded immediately.


Li Teng valued this Spirit Pill Palace very highly.

And looking at the looks of the generals around him, it was obvious that they were all like this too.

This may be due to the different times. In their view, these elixirs are real panaceas, not poisons.

They don't know about heavy metal poisoning or anything like that.

In Zhao Feng's view, the elixir in the stone chamber was all useless and useless.


This was just as Zhao Feng expected. He moved the medicinal materials from the Medicine Hall and the short blades and armor from the Weapons Hall without arousing anyone's suspicion.

Who could have imagined that Zhao Feng could take away so many things by himself.

"I didn't expect that there is such a secret secret passage in this palace. If Zhao Feng hadn't been careful, maybe we wouldn't have known about the existence of this secret passage." Kuai Pu said with a smile.


Li Teng nodded, and then said with a smile: "If Zhao Feng can capture King Han and bring him back, it will be a real great achievement. With the ability to break the city and capture the king, the king will definitely be very happy and regain the title." reward."

Hear the words.

The generals on the side also nodded silently.

But people's hearts are different. There may be some who admire Zhao Feng, but naturally there are also many who are jealous.

"Zhao Feng is so lucky."

"To be able to discover this secret passage, if we really capture King Han, it will be a real great achievement."

"Why don't I have such good luck?"

"If I were to discover this secret passage and capture King Han, this great achievement would at least allow me to be promoted to two nobles."

The generals around Li Teng had different thoughts.

But these.

Zhao Feng naturally didn't know.


The other end of the secret passage.

"Oh shit."

"This secret passage is so long, probably more than ten miles. It seems that the secret passage was not dug overnight, but was an escape path left by the Han royal family for themselves."

"It took me so long to get here."

Seeing that he had reached the end of the secret passage, Zhao Feng cursed secretly, but a smile appeared on his face.

"The last door, I don't know where it leads."

Zhao Feng stared at the door in front of him, walked slowly, pulled out the Longquan from his waist, and stretched out his spiritual power.

"There are people stationed outside."

"It looks like he belongs to King Han."

"Sure enough, King Han escaped through this secret passage."

Through mental exploration, even if he didn't see it with the naked eye, Zhao Feng knew that there were people stationed outside, and there were quite a few of them.

But Zhao Feng naturally showed no fear.

King Han definitely did not take many people with him when he escaped from the secret passage this time, because the more people he took with him, the less safe he would be.

Then, just like when entering the treasure house, he swiped at the gap in the door.


The outside door lock was cut open.

The Longquan Sword is a magical weapon at the Mysterious Level, and it is naturally easy to cut through the iron weapons of this era.

As the chains cut.

There was a click.

It fell directly to the ground.

And outside the secret passage.

More than a dozen Korean imperial guards were attracted by the movement and immediately turned their heads to take a look.

"Why did the chain suddenly break?" a Han imperial guard asked in surprise.

"I do not know."

"Is it because the chain is not strong?" Another Han imperial guard also replied in surprise.

"Get another chain to lock it up."

"This is a secret passage leading directly to the palace, so there must be no mistakes."

"Now that the Qin army has captured the capital, we must wait for an opportunity to escape." A Han imperial guard said.


He walked towards the secret passage door.

But the next moment.


The closed door suddenly opened. The Korean Imperial Guards outside were all shocked.

But they were not given a chance to recover.

A figure flashed directly in front of the eyes of the first few Korean Imperial Guards.


The sword light is accompanied by blood light.

The three Korean Imperial Guards at the front had their heads dismembered. Their bodies fell to the ground weakly, and blood spurted uncontrollably from their necks, making them look extremely bloody.

This scene happened suddenly.

The dozens of Korean Imperial Guards present were panicked.

When they saw Zhao Feng, they saw him wearing Qin army armor.

After being frightened, he immediately came to his senses.

"He's from Qin."

"Kill him quickly."


More than a dozen Han imperial guards drew their swords one after another and all attacked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng didn't hesitate and rushed forward with his sword.

The body flashed with a speed that even these Korean guards could not catch.

As soon as the figure appears, one of the Han imperial guards must die.

Just the blink of an eye.

All the Han imperial guards on duty fell in a pool of blood, but Zhao Feng was the only one left.

"Kill one of the Korean soldiers and collect 5 points of strength."

"Kill one Korean soldier and gain 5 points of speed."

The panel prompts constantly, and all these Korean soldiers killed have become the source of Zhao Feng's strength.

"I'm only asking once."

"Where is King Han?"

Zhao Feng walked up to the only Han Imperial Guard. The Longquan Sword was still bleeding and looked extremely scary.


The Han Imperial Guard looked at Zhao Feng with a horrified look on his face. He could naturally feel the killing intent coming from Zhao Feng.

This made him tremble all over.

"You don't want to say it?" Zhao Feng frowned and quietly raised the sword in his hand.

"I said, I said."

"The king is hiding in this secret palace deep in the mountains." The imperial guard was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and replied in panic.

"How many people are around him?" Zhao Feng asked again.

"Three...three hundred guards."

"Not an ordinary guard, but a hidden guard who protects the king's safety."

"They are the best among our Korean elites." Han Jinwei said with great fear.

"very good."

"You are very honest." Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction, and then put away his sword: "Take off your armor and be your common people. I will fulfill my promise and spare your life."


Zhao Feng turned around and walked in the direction pointed by the Han imperial guard.

Looking at Zhao Feng's back.

The Han imperial guard glanced at his dead companion on the ground with a look of survival.

Just a moment ago they were chatting and laughing together, but now he was the only one left.

"Is he a monster?"

Looking at Zhao Feng's retreating figure, Han Jinwei, who had been lucky enough to survive, felt an unspeakable sigh.


He didn't stay here either.

Instead, he quickly took off the Korean Imperial Guard armor, threw it on the ground, threw the weapon on the ground, and fled to the other side.

Now that Han has been destroyed, maybe he can really save his own life by taking off his armor and serving the people.

Zhao Feng looked around.

The exit of this secret passage is inside a mountain, not far from Xinzheng. The only mountain can be regarded as a landmark of Xinzheng.

This mountain forest has always been a hunting ground for the Korean royal family, and it is difficult for civilians to enter.

It's just that no one can imagine that this is a way for the Han royal family to survive.

PS: Please give me recommendation votes, monthly votes, and follow-up reading. I would be grateful.

(End of chapter)

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