Chapter 190 Alexander was besieged by sled dogs!

The next morning, early in the morning, he did morning exercises as usual.

Ye Feng has clearly felt the benefits of morning exercises recently, and his physical fitness strengthened by the system has been further strengthened.

In other words, morning exercises further activated the strengthening effect.

He felt that he was now on par with Alexander. At least the girls were like little chickens in his hands, allowing him to fiddle with them.

Vera and Chris lay on the mat panting, their breasts rising and falling with their breathing, looking very cute.

Vera said with sweat dripping down her cheeks:

"Boss, you have become much more powerful recently!"

"Chris and I can't do anything to you now!"

Chris nodded, her eyes full of admiration.

"At first, we thought the boss was in poor health, but we didn’t expect that his physical fitness has improved so quickly in the past six months. I think the boss may have secretly taken some magic medicine without our knowledge!"

Fara said excitedly as she sat on a small bench nearby:

"I know! I saw my dad secretly drinking that kind of wine soaked with strange things the other day!"

Ye Feng was full of black lines on his head, and he couldn't explain it. Vera and Chris smiled foolishly.

They had already discovered that this little Lolita could often make the boss embarrassed, and the boss had no way to deal with it!

But what made them unhappy recently was that it seemed that there was no chance to climb into the boss's bed without any burden.

The last time the two of them woke up, they sneaked out of the bedroom, and then things became weird between the three of them.

Chris could still pretend to be natural, as if nothing had happened, but Vera always had a knot in her heart.

Ye Feng, in his opinion, dealt with all this with the attitude of a semi-scumbag who would not take the initiative, would not refuse, and would take responsibility.

After all, you can't push your own woman away, right?

That would definitely be beaten up by the readers!

His favorite was still Anna, and Anna had also made it clear that when she was not with Ye Feng, Ye Feng, Vera and Chris could be allowed to accompany Ye Feng. Ye

Feng was so grateful to Anna for being such a righteous daughter-in-law!

So now the situation is so deadlocked.

Every day's life is still quite enjoyable.

Chris comforted Vera:

"Now I am with my boss all the time, what is there to complain about! Even the boss's wife Anna doesn't have this blessing!"

Chris is not an expert at pitting her best friend. She never thinks about these things, and her creed is relatively simple. I like it, I am happy, and I am happy!

What's more, it is really fun. The first time, I didn't feel that the boss was powerful, but the boss was more powerful each time.

Both she and Vera almost didn't take him down!

And the fighting skills have also improved visibly. Every time they get close, the strong hormones on the boss's body make her intoxicated.

If Ye Feng knew that Chris had this idea when she contacted him about fighting, I wonder if he would go back to the bedroom and take an extra shower.

Speaking of this, Ye Feng always sighs a few times.

Westerners always have a strong body odor, whether they are black, white or Indian. Only Orientals, that is, the Chinese island country, the Koreans and the Yue Nan people, have a higher proportion of body odor.

But now the few Mao girls he met basically have no smell, but a special sound. God is really good to him.

He would meet Luosha sometimes when he was shopping. The smell of body odor that spreads ten miles away gives him a headache.

But foreigners themselves cannot feel this body odor.

It's a bit like what our ancients said, it's like entering an abalone shop, and you don't care about its stench for a long time.

Especially when they spray cheap perfume and still think they are fragrant, the Chinese are almost fainting!

In the midst of laughter and playfulness, several people finished their morning exercises.

Aunt Irina made soy milk and fried dough sticks this morning, and now everyone on the farm also likes this Chinese breakfast brought by Ye Feng.

Of course, the nutritional value of soy milk and fried dough sticks is not very high, so it is also equipped with milk, oatmeal porridge, and whoever likes to drink can drink what they like.

Aunt Irina and Uncle Petrov saw the performance of Vera and Chris, but they couldn't say anything. Their daughter has grown up and has the right to deal with her own emotional problems. What

's more, the boss is too good and treats Vera and Chris very well. It's not so outrageous to be attracted to him.

Alexander and his wife Aurora were talking and laughing at the table. Ye Feng asked curiously:

"What are you two whispering about?"

Alexander said with a smile:

"Boss, I told her that when I went out to look for the dog yesterday, I was besieged by a group of sled dogs and thought I was a thief!"

"Fortunately, I was agile and escaped with only a pair of pants at the cost of my life!"

Aurora glanced at him and said:

"Why don’t you tell your boss that the dog tore a big hole in your pants and half of your butt is exposed?"

"Boss, he drove all the way back to our farm from the north of Irkutsk with half of his butt hugged yesterday!"

Ye Feng was a little surprised,"How can you be besieged by dogs?"

"Is he okay?"

Alexander said with a simple smile:

"It’s okay, it’s mainly because there are too many dogs!"

"Otherwise, how could I be besieged by dogs?"

Ye Feng said with a smile:

"That's a huge sacrifice for you! After all, your butt is invisible to everyone except Aurora!"

Aurora blushed and lowered her head to eat.

Ye Feng asked again:

"So you mean you found a lot of dogs today?"

Alexander nodded.

"Yesterday I went to a nearby villager's house to ask where I could find sled dogs. I looked around for a long time but couldn't find many. No one wanted to sell them."

"Finally, a hunter in the town told me that there is a sled dog breeding base in the upper reaches of the Irkut River north of Irkutsk city."

"So I drove for three hours to look for them. When I found them, no one was at the breeding base, so I climbed over the wall to check on the dogs first, but I was surrounded by a group of dogs!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but sneer:

"Ha, we Chinese have a saying: chasing wolves with bare buttocks is shameless. Your experience is similar!"

"But thank you for your hard work! After you buy the dog, you two can go for a ride first!"

Chris smiled mischievously:

"I was wondering how you got besieged by sled dogs. It turns out you climbed over the wall to get in! The three idiots in our farm will chase and bite strangers, not to mention those who are trained!"

Chris had just finished speaking when the three idiots seemed to have heard someone calling their names. They immediately ran out of the villa, surrounded Chris, and rubbed against her beautiful legs.

She had no choice but to feed the stupid dogs some beef.

Ye Feng saw that these stupid dogs were growing stronger and stronger, and estimated that they would be able to serve as the leading dogs of the sled dogs in two months.

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