Rosnick Restaurant is a very elegant restaurant.

It is full of humanistic atmosphere. There are many old photos and some abstract portraits on the wall at the entrance.

In the restaurant, a middle-aged man in his forties with a beard from Luosha country played the accordion.

Anna really likes this tune.

Ye Feng can't say that he likes this style, but he doesn't hate it either.

He just thinks it is full of romance and style.

This quiet and literary place is very suitable for a date.

Anna ordered red wine, steak, French foie gras and a serving of pasta.

Ye Feng doesn't like this kind of food, and he always feels hungry.

Ye Feng picked up a piece of steak with a fork and stuffed it into his mouth

"To be honest, I don't like western food. It always feels gaudy and superficial. It's not as filling as the red cabbage soup from your country of Rakshasa."

"It's just exquisite. You women like this kind of exquisite things."

Anna took a sip of red wine and said:

"Of course, what woman doesn’t like beautiful things!"

Anna likes people who are honest, and she likes Chinese food and all kinds of barbecue.

"There are no famous Chinese restaurants in Irkutsk, otherwise we wouldn't have to come here, but this place is very suitable for a date, isn't it?"

Anna suddenly leaned forward, the corners of her mouth slid into an arc, and her eyes flickered as she looked at Ye Feng.

"Then you come to my farm, I can cook for you what you want every day in different ways. If you want to eat Japanese food, I can also learn how to make it."

"I'm looking forward to it!"

The two of them had a very comfortable and relaxing lunch, and after dinner they went out shopping together. It was not until around 2 o'clock that Anna received a call to go back to work, and the two reluctantly said goodbye.

"Uncle Peter, when are you going back?"

Ye Feng called to ask.

He couldn't leave Peter and his wife here.

At this time, the couple were sitting on a bench in the campus chatting with Vera. Vera's roommate and best friend Chris was also with them.

"What? A monthly salary of 150,000 rubles?"

Chris looked at Uncle Peter in disbelief, thinking he was talking nonsense.

Vera's condition didn't seem serious, but her eyes were still a little red.

"It shouldn't be fake. A farm of tens of thousands of acres is worth billions of rubles at least. There's no need to lie to my parents."

Vera thought for a while and made a judgment. Just now, Petrov and his wife praised Ye Feng and the farm in front of Vera.

Although the words they used seemed exaggerated, such as a 4,000 square meter villa, ten thousand acres of forest land, luxury yachts, etc.

But at least it shouldn't be wrong. It's not good for such a large farm to be left without anyone to take care of it.

So it's reasonable to hire them with a high salary.

"The boss can also cook. Oh my God, I swear, those dishes are like magic in the boss’s hands. They are much better than the milk oatmeal porridge made by your mom!"

"He asked us about you before he came, and we said you were excellent, so he decided to hire you."

"A basic salary of 150,000 rubles! This is simply a pie in the sky. I can't think of any reason for you to refuse it!"

But Chris still didn't quite believe it, because this kind of thing was too fantastic.

It was beyond her understanding.

"Is he a liar?"

"We'll know if he's a liar after he comes to see him!"

Vera made the final decision. Although the Petrovs were unwavering, Vera still had to use her own judgment to draw a conclusion.

This is the most basic pride of a person with higher education.

But he shouldn't be a liar. According to my father, the farm has all the necessary documents and yachts.

And the plan of this Chinese boss to open an online store has already been launched. It's all logical, isn't it?

Ye Feng drove to the parking lot on the campus of Irkutsk University to pick up the Petrovs and their husbands and wives.

He also wanted to meet that Vera, who was judged as an excellent talent by the system, and he couldn't miss it.

He had just parked the car when three dogs suddenly rushed out from the front of the car and attacked his pants.

Ye Feng was speechless. Is this the magic of Huskies?

The three dogs were not big, about two or three months old.

They looked very cute, but what they did was not cute at all.

Ye Feng walked forward, and they hung on his feet.

Ye Feng looked at the soles of his feet and wondered if he had guessed the dogs on his feet. Shit.

He pretended to growl at the three dogs twice, but unfortunately, the three dogs glared at him with contempt and started to yell again.

Oh, this look is so common in the emoticons on the Chinese Internet.

Ye Feng was happy for a while!

Unfortunately, no matter how happy he was, these three stupid dogs still insisted on wearing Ye Feng's pants.

Ye Feng had to bend down, holding one in his left hand and one in his right hand.

Then there was another one hanging on his foot.

But at least he could walk.

The two puppies caught in his hands were being dragged for their lives. The back of Yun's neck instantly turned into wood.

A closer look revealed that they looked pitiful.

The Chinese Internet portrayed Huskies as being very capable of destroying homes, so Ye Feng had no idea about such noisy dogs. Seeing them today, it really lived up to their reputation.

They were not afraid of people at all.

Just as Ye Feng was staggering forward with the two dogs in his hands, the Petrov family and Chris came out together.

Young Chris laughed at the scene in front of her, and her original suspicion of Ye Feng disappeared.

""Boss! You're here so soon? Sorry to have kept you waiting, this is my daughter Vera!"

Petrov was the first to greet, and was introduced by Vera, who was standing next to him in a long skirt.

"This is her roommate Chris. They heard that you were coming over, and they all wanted to meet you!"

Vera and Chris were both beautiful women, exuding the youthful vitality that only students have.

They greeted Ye Feng:

"Hello Mr. Ye, thank you for hiring my family!"

"Mr. Ye, nice to meet you!"

Ye Feng took a look and found that Vera had a clear shadow of Irina, having inherited her mother's excellent genes.

Chris was also a beauty above her standard.

However, Ye Feng was not a rookie who had never seen a woman before, so he smiled and said:

"Hello, both of you. Nice to meet you two beauties!"

Just when Ye Feng said this, the three dogs started to add to the drama, whimpering softly at the two beauties.

Vera chuckled,"These three troublemakers have finally been dealt with!"

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