Huge mithril ore appears in the ant colony.

Everyone who was retreating stopped one after another.

Some people think this is an opportunity that cannot be missed, and risk rushing into the ant colony in an attempt to obtain mithril ore.

Some people feel it is too dangerous and after hesitating for a moment, exit the danger zone.

Hoo ho ho!

"Fire Wall Technique!"

After the mithril ore appeared, the mages couldn't stand it anymore.

The second-level ring mage casts a spell, and a moving wall of fire appears on the battlefield.

Pushing all the way, killing countless zero-level iron-eating ants.

Fire Wall is a second-level fire spell, a range attack spell.

Killing level zero iron-eating ants is easy.

Iron-eating ants have no magic resistance.

The body of the dead iron-eating ant appeared to be intact, and its internal organs had been cooked and burned.

Compared with the solid iron shell, the internal organs of iron-eating ants are more fragile.

Unable to withstand the second level fire wall attack.

After the second-level ring mage took action, others couldn't help but took action one after another.

For a moment, the dim cave was illuminated by magical light.

Fireballs, wind blades, lightning, wooden spikes, rock pillars, water waves...are everywhere.

After the mage took action with all his strength, the battlefield situation changed instantly.

Originally there were hundreds of iron-eating ants that were densely packed like a tide.

In the blink of an eye, he was bombarded with magic.

Several roads appear leading to the depths of the ant colony.

"Come on!"

"The ore is mine!"

"Don't fight yet, get the ore out and then divide it!"

Bang bang bang!

While everyone was fighting the iron-eating ants, they were also fighting other professionals.

Someone suggested joining forces to get the ore out and redistribute it.

But no one listened.

No one wants to give away the extremely precious mithril ore to others.

They all want to take it all to themselves.

The scene was very chaotic.

Swish, swish, swish!

More iron-eating ants crawled out of the Silverstone Lake.

The number of iron-eating ants is increasing, and in a blink of an eye there are more than 3,000 ants.

First-order iron-eating ants can also be found everywhere.

call! Boom, boom, boom!

A second-order iron-eating ant crawled out of the Silverstone Lake.

Liquid silver fell from the body of the iron-eating ant and hit the ground, making a sound.

Swish, swish, swish!

The second-level iron-eating ants are even more terrifying in size, one meter tall and three to four meters long.

Although smaller than the anteater, its combat power may be stronger.

The iron-eating ant's defense is higher than that of the golden anteater, and its power is several times that of a monster of the same level.

The power of a second-level elementary iron-eating ant is no less than that of a second-level advanced warrior professional.

The power is extremely terrifying!

The smaller the iron-eating ant is, the higher its strength multiplier is.

The strength of the zero-level iron-eating ants is enough to tear through steel, which is stronger than ordinary first-level monsters.

The strength of a first-level iron-eating ant can easily bite through armor, and its power is comparable to that of a second-level monster.

Even so, the iron-eating ants still possess power that far exceeds that of monsters of the same level.

The appearance of the second-order iron-eating ants subconsciously slowed down everyone's pace.

Then, some people's pace became faster.

They want to take the mithril ore before the second-order iron-eating ants.

Levi stood on the edge of the battlefield.

Seeing the few people who had just escaped return, they rushed into the ant colony again and headed towards the mithril ore with difficulty.

He was a little confused, why did the ant colony suddenly push such a large piece of mithril ore out of the lake?

Iron-eating ants do not eat mithril because they cannot digest it.

They only eat ordinary metal ore and flowsilver stone.

"Wait first, don't rush to take action."

Levi did not choose to rush into the ant colony to fight for the mithril ore.

The person who gets the ore first is not necessarily the winner.

Only the one who laughs last is the winner.

Levi saw that those who left the battlefield first did not stay away.

They hide in the mines.

You can tell with your toes that they want to rob someone on the road.


A second-level warrior was knocked out by a second-level iron-eating ant and fell into the ant colony.


There were screams.

After a fierce fighting spirit broke out, the second-level warrior, who was covered in wounds, escaped from the ant colony.

Almost died.

Brad rushed towards the mithril ore, and the second-order iron-eating ants stopped in front and attacked him.

"Breaking through the air!"

Brad struck out with his sword.


The sword collided with the iron-eating ant's forefoot, and a large spark erupted.

The fighting spirit cut off the iron-eating ant's front legs in half.


Brad's jaw was shocked to the point of bleeding, and his arm was so shocked that it hurt.

He quickly pulled back.

The power of the second-level iron-eating ant is too terrifying, and he is no match for it.

If he continues to hit her head-on, his arm will become useless.

Seeing this, he shouted loudly: "Let's join hands and get the ore out first!"

"If the ore stays in the ant colony, no one will get it by then!"

Brad stepped forward, and everyone hesitated for a moment before raising their hands in agreement.

He is the leader of the Glory Mercenary Group, and he is quite famous, so everyone is willing to listen to his opinions.

An unknown person also shouted before, but it was of no use.

Everyone worked together to eradicate the iron-eating ants, trying to get the huge ore out of the ant colony.

I don’t know what’s going on, but the iron-eating ants seem to be crazy and won’t let anyone get close to the ore.

Bang bang bang!

Fireball, ice cone, wind blade, water wave, rock thorn...

Under a series of magic bombings, the second-order iron-eating ants also quickly fell.

Everyone successfully approached the huge mithril ore.

After Brad got closer, he felt that the ore in front of him was a little strange.

It doesn't look like an ore, more like a lump of mud mixed with something.

He glanced at the mithril at the top of the ore.

No matter what, at least there must be mithril in this ore.

Get it out first and then talk.

"Cover! Soldiers, knights, and I will help get the ore out!"


The ore was pushed out of the ant colony by everyone.

The ants are chasing everyone frantically, preventing them from taking away the ore.

Boom, boom, boom!

Two more second-order iron-eating ants appeared, striding towards the crowd.

"Be careful, this is a second-level intermediate iron-eating ant!"

As soon as this statement came out, no one dared to approach the two iron-eating ants.

Unstoppable, the second-order iron-eating ants strode forward and soon approached the ore.

When Brad saw this, his eyes widened and he shouted: "Support! Support!"

"Stop them!"

Levi stood watching this scene from a distance and couldn't help but shake his head.

"That's so stupid! Just break the ore and take away the mithril. You have to move the entire ore away."

Bystanders are clear, but the authorities are confused.

The optimal strategy is of course to directly take away the visible mithril.

Maximize profit strategy and remove the entire ore.

There is no doubt that everyone has chosen to maximize their own interests.

No one proposed giving up or breaking the ore at all.

Levi raised his hand, wanting to help.

He looked around and retracted his arm.

There was someone nearby, but it was still not exposed.

In order to protect the ore from leaving the ant colony, everyone tried their best.

Two second-level intermediate iron-eating ants were blocked by the mage's spell and killed the other.

Brad and the others rolled the ore out of the ant colony and towards the exit.

Swish, swish, swish!

Iron-eating ants are in hot pursuit.

First-order iron-eating ants also kept appearing in front, trying to stop them.

In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded and lured away.


Brad was stunned, what was the sound?


The rolling ore exploded and fragments flew into the air.

Everyone looked up and saw several pieces of rubble flying out with mithril exposed.

Some fell in the ant colony, and some fell in the open space.

Someone got lucky and caught a piece in mid-air.

The next second, he was pierced by an arrow.


Screams came.

Brad's figure flew backwards more than ten meters and crashed into the ant colony.

Three updates today!

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