Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1163: Team up (1)

Now Xia Siyu has not won the mainstream awards, although he has been in the entertainment circle for many years, he is still top-ranking, and his acting skills are gradually gaining a foothold. But if she gets an award one day, go one step further.

Maybe it will rush to the world and become a real superstar.


While waiting for the show, the host still laughed: "Are you stunned by Xia Siyu's complaints yesterday? That's not good. We are a complaint show. The more such a situation, the more difficult it is. Anyway. She doesn't care about anything about her, don't be afraid, just throw a burden on her and speak a little harder. You can't lose the momentum!"

Yesterday they all took turns to complain about her, just hoping to get back the initiative. After all, Xia Siyu has a big position. If she is not beaten down, the balance of the whole game will not be maintained.

Unfortunately, it fell short.

However, the comfort of the host did play a little role. Indeed, Xia Siyu is now the largest traffic in the program group. With her on stage, the traffic can be higher.

They participated in this variety show, not for such a small notice fee, but also hope to increase the exposure rate. That is, if you say it too harshly and offend Xia Siyu, then you will lose more than you gain.

Xia Siyu was also on the side when the host "cheered up" them. She smiled and said, "You come here as you please, isn't this show just for complaining? I want to play ten each."

As soon as she landed this sentence, the atmosphere on the scene was much relaxed.

Anyway, Xia Siyu also said, you can complain about her casually, she will not be angry. And it's not polite, it's true to say that, some people become more active.

After the first game, everyone especially hoped to be opponents with Xia Siyu instead of teammates. They hope to compete with her and win attention, not to be compared with her. Especially ladies, it can be said that even the idol who made his beautiful debut has nothing to do with Xia Siyu's appearance. The same frame is hanging, why bother. The men are eager and shy, even if they are teammates with her, they can have more company with beautiful women. But sitting with her, I am afraid that she will be overwhelmed by her aura.

Among a group of people, only the host and Li Yiru did not express. The host did not participate in the PK, and Li Yiru was silent. But everyone is eager to try.

The draw began. After the host finished speaking, Xia Siyu was the first to appear, "I'll do it first. See which little cutie is playing BOSS with me."

She smiled very brightly, and then stretched out her hand-drew a "number two".

People with the same number will be grouped into one group. She holds the number two card confidently and sits in the second group position with her legs folded comfortably, her elbows resting on her legs, and her chin resting on her palms. This action is actually a bit arrogant, but she is beautiful, and this kind of action won't feel vulgar, on the contrary, it adds a wild beauty.

"I'm coming." Then, the RAPPER came on stage. As soon as he came onto the stage, "Heavenly Spirit and Spiritual Spirit, everything except No. 2", everyone laughed together. Sure enough, he smoked a "three" and went down with joy. The singer came up again, he smiled and said, "I especially want to complain about Sister Xia, please give me this opportunity." Nor is it number two.

Then one after another came to the stage, everyone praised Xia Siyu, and then said that they would oppose her, and they all got what they wanted.

Only the last one is left, Li Yiru. She didn't need to draw lots and automatically became Xia Siyu's dear teammate.

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