Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1417: Turning point (1)

Xia Siyu said: "I have four in stock, and I am not without a chance."

Shang Feier nodded: "We originally agreed to be thirty years old, but I am older than you. In fact, according to reason, next year's Golden Olympics should be closed. But this year is a special situation for you, so I have to postpone it for another year. , There is still more than a year before the next Golden Olympics deadline. Since I have postponed the time, I will not count the Golden Phoenix Award this year."

Xia Siyu still wanted to argue, and Shang Feier said: "It's only for the two of us to bet on this matter, not counting. Externally, it must be counting. Joke, I took two movie queens, and the company can't wait to confess me to the outside world. Receiving dramas and business magazines also use this as the actual performance. But if I rely on this to tie with the actual performance of Teacher Wen's 30-year-old second film queen, I will not be able to pass my own level."

Since she said so, Xia Siyu didn't insist anymore. Shang Feier didn't want to miss the actual performance this time, just like she didn't want to use any means to influence the second round of voting for the Golden Olympics, and she missed a queen award.

"Okay, when I come to Jinao, I will be thirty years old, and you will be thirty-one years old. Although you have given me one more year, you also have one year more chance. Two letters are not that simple, no matter what Which award is the case."

Shang Feier's retreat is to advance, but she is actually fighting for one more year for herself. This Xia Siyu also saw it really, and even though she was taking advantage of it, she was not bad in fact. After all, she has no overseas resources, and it is difficult to get the Golden Moon Award. Second, unless you are really superb in acting, you have to use time for space.

The game is to be compared upright, even if it is won by small means, it is useless. After all, the goal of both of them is the mother, she is there, and the standards are those. Any crooked way is an insult to this kind of game.

After speaking, the two looked at each other and returned to the situation where they were upset about seeing each other.

Xia Siyu glanced at her and snorted softly. Shang Feier also shook his head, with an expression of "the rain girl has no melons". One of the two walked to the left and the other to the right.

Not long after leaving, Wang Zisu saw it, and secretly pulled her sleeves on the side: "Are you and Sister Fei... friends?"

Xia Siyu rolled her eyes: "Where do you see that the two of us are friends? It's good if we didn't fight. Me and her are enemies, like fake enemies, understand?"

Although he was talking about the enemy, there was a smile at the corner of his mouth.


Xia Siyu actively participates in various activities, every time he misses the opportunity to buy hot searches. And everyone brainstormed, try to choose fun and stalking jokes on the hot search. Stay obedient when you are not active and don't attract the attention of passers-by. She used to work at Hui Xing, and Hui Xing was a good player in public opinion. Although she usually didn't care about these things, she was deeply touched by her eyes, including Wei Jingjing, who were all well-versed in hype, and soon the enthusiasm slowly began to grow.

Handed her more and more books in her hand, and there is no such horrible drama of "undressing" and stepping on her superiors before, but there are not many good books. She has been patiently choosing, and she doesn’t mind whether the other director is. The newcomer is still a famous director, but has not encountered a suitable script for the time being.

She is still waiting for the opportunity.

If, with her word-of-mouth reversal, "Youth 2", which had been hiding from the air before, will finally land on the 51st file.

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