Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Chapter 1519: Sweet burden (2)

He turned his head to look at Xia Siyu, no wonder someone called marriage a sweet burden.

It is sweet when it is sweet, but it is also a burden when it is burdened.


When I went to shoot the commercial the next day, when I got downstairs, the management of the hotel intimately asked them to "pay attention to safety". Xia Siyu still didn't quite understand. Wei Jingjing was well informed and told her: "I heard that a few suspicious-looking people were caught here last night. I don't know if it's going to be an attack."

Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked. If you are in China and see someone picking something out of your bag, most people will think that he is holding a power bank. But in foreign countries, people feel that they might be attacked.

After all, China’s protection measures are still very good. Firearms are banned and the sky is full of eyes on the streets. Many people in foreign countries may think that this is a violation of human rights and freedom, but people in such an environment cannot think of so many things at all.

"It's so dangerous? It's better to finish the filming and leave early."

Those reporters might not have thought that Xia Siyu and Bo Yan had discussed leaving the next morning. The paparazzi might have a little more time to figure out their room number. Now Xia Siyu, they decided to leave first, and the three of them discussed it. After a while, I decided to ask a few assistants to come back to clean up the house and check out directly. They finished filming the advertisement and went directly to the airport with their luggage.

Xia Siyu is professional in running off the road. In case of an attack, it is not a trivial matter, go early and be safe.

When the paparazzi were released from the police station, Xia Siyu and the others had already cleaned up the house and checked out. No way, they had to let people stare at the airport. Searching for air tickets, there is a direct flight from Marseille Airport to Paris at 7: 8 in the evening, and then a direct flight from Paris to Yancheng.

Although it may be relatively small to arrange for someone to fly all the way with the flight at a time, it is still easy to stay at the airport and wait.

The daily flight from Marseille back to Paris is fixed, and they don’t have to arrive early. You should be able to squat near the security check two hours before the flight.

But unexpectedly, this squat squatted until 8 o'clock in the evening, squatted until the last flight took off, and no one has been seen. Several people are a little numb, can it be said that they are going to leave the next morning? Did you just change your hotel to stay today?

Check the flight again, there will be a flight to Paris at six tomorrow morning. In order to get up early, several decided to go back to rest first, and then work harder in the morning.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the paparazzi left, Xia Siyu and his party came.

They did not book the most convenient flight from Marseille to Paris. Instead, they booked Marseille to Frankfurt, then flew from Frankfurt to Yancheng, and then to the filming location.

The paparazzi went back home ignorantly, thinking that anyway, they had taken some pictures in Cannes before. Although there are no single photos of the two, there are always some more intimate group photos, and they can always make friends.

Who knows, the pictures have not yet been sent out. The three studios of Xia Siyu, Bo Yan, and Shang Feier have already sent out pictures of the three of them in the Marseille commercials. These three were also discussed. Once you get the picture, you will start to repair it on the plane. Once the repair is completed, you will start to send it to Frankfurt after you connect to the WIFI.

The paparazzi were completely empty and contacted the country again. In any case, they must stay at the airport where they were filmed. The journey is tired, and returning home must be the most relaxing time!

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