Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 654: Exposure (2)

"Who cares about you? Don't put gold on your face! Get away! Get away!" Xia Siyu desperately tried to push away, but during her menstrual period, she was soft and weak. She was hugged by Bo Yan and kissed.

Bo Yan is very enthusiastic, eagerly waiting to pass on all the heat from him to her. The two pushed forward one by one, and between the ears and temples, the parts showed signs of recovery.

This time he didn't dare to move. Xia Siyu was in his menstrual period today, and he didn't want to bully her no matter how animals or animals. I held her to ease for a while, suppressed his emotions, and came back to kiss her: "Sleep well."

"If it hadn't been for you to make trouble, I would have gone to bed!" Xia Siyu was still angry, turned his head, and left the back of his head.

The thin words are angry and funny, and my heart is even more sweet. He hugged her from behind and put his hand on her lower abdomen specially: "I am proud of my wife. I play with you every day, and I know your progress best. It's really amazing."

Xia Siyu does not like that her work is not recognized by others. She also knows that she has many shortcomings and cannot be done overnight, but she is still very serious in her work.

Bo Yan felt there was something wrong to mention, but she couldn't deny her.

"I don't like people talking nonsense about my work."

Bo Yan was stunned for a moment, and he nodded quickly: "Okay."

My wife is not the little wife of the president. She seems strong and independent, but she still lives in the golden cage created by the president. Without the support of the president, their careers have lost nourishment and support.

But Xia Siyu is different. She wants to take the shadow queen, he can help her, but mainly depends on her. Otherwise, even if she really wins the award with the money, she will have no face to face her mother.

She was overwhelmed with obstacles and went all the way, he could support each other with her, but could not take her place.

She is not a dodder raised in a deep boudoir, she is a real warrior.

He was wrong.

"I'm sorry, it won't be anymore." Bo Yan realized this and immediately apologized. At the same time, he is very proud. He just likes her like this. She looks savage and willful, but in fact she has a rule in her heart.

Hearing the apology in his words, Xia Siyu snorted: "It's pretty much the same."

It was deeper and more serious, and soon the two of them stopped talking, Bo Yan hugged her, and gradually entered a dream.

This is a peach blossom place for the two of them, but one day they will come out of the garden.

Fortunately, they are no longer alone.


Early the next morning, after breakfast and a simple farewell, they took the car back to the studio.

When we arrived at the film and television city, there were a lot of people coming and going. Xia Siyu and Bo Yan also reduced the intimacy in the small courtyard, and became more serious with each other.

Although Bo Yan has packed all the houses on the first floor of the film and television city, this is a film and television city after all. There are always paparazzi who don't understand the rules and follow the film. He has to pay attention.

Under the deliberate estrangement of the two, if you can't get close, you can only film the scene desperately. During the process, some fans came to visit the class. They saw the tenderness and affection in the play of Bo Yan and Xia Siyu. They shouted "card", and the two divided faster than the rabbits.

Occasionally, with a chance, the two secretly meet, which is more exciting.

For example, today, Xia Siyu has finished the filming of "Spring Light" today, and it can be finished. The two had three cups and two cups, and there was affection in each other's eyes.

I didn't notice at all, there were already cameras staring at them...

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