Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 711: New Scandal (5)

Hearing the front is okay, and hearing the last sentence, Bo Yan's eyes contracted involuntarily.

He smiled faintly: "What are you thinking about every day. Your news is flying all over the sky, so you need to check it out? As for the golden tires, and the only thing about Li, the Bo family occasionally troubles me. My brother and your sister are well-informed people. It's not difficult to know the news."

Xia Siyu seemed to believe it, "It's true or false." She thought of something again, "Wait, you haven't answered me yet, if I never choose you. How do you know that I will like you?"

"Impossible. You will definitely choose me." Bo Yan was determined.

"Why choose you?" Xia Siyu sneered. Even if she chooses him now, it doesn't mean that she didn't have another chance before.

Bo Yan gave her an analysis. Even if she did have an inferiority complex in the face of Xia Siyu, she couldn't tell her: "Look, I am handsome, tall, and in good shape. I want to find someone more handsome than me. It’s not easy for a man with a good body."

Xia Siyu just wanted to sneer, but was suppressed by thin words: "Don't say you haven't coveted my body. At that time, when the relationship between us was not good, you would look at my body. Touch my chest muscles and Don’t be too active with eight pack abs."

Xia Siyu really wanted to refute: "I admit that you are very handsome. But you said that you have a good body. Many male models, many of them do bodybuilding, and they are not worse than you in terms of height and body."

Bo Yan shook his head: "A good figure is not as good as I am, and better than mine... I haven't found it yet. Would you like to find one?"

I really can't find it. Bo Yan is indeed very handsome, just like her, maybe not the best looking one in the long history, but in the current entertainment circle, there is no substitute.

Bo Yan said: "And I'm highly educated and not conservative." He suddenly approached, his voice was low, "But most importantly, I'm great~"

The last word, with a slight upward pick, matched his original slightly mellow tone, with a kind of strange chest resonance. To Bo Yan, it was definitely a rather rude voice.

Where did Xia Siyu admit it, she immediately shook her head: "You think too much. That's my kindness and I can't bear to expose you. In fact, you are very bad."

Bo Yan didn't believe it: "That's not what you say when you cry and hug me every day."

In fact, many men do not consider each other's feelings at all when doing things. They run wild and have no skills. Most girls actually don't experience much happiness. But Bo Yan is not the same. The cost is good, and he is willing to study and explore, and constantly consult users' after-sales feedback to ensure that the service is in place. Now the two can be in harmony.

"Yeah, isn't that just crying? I cried when I was happy." Xia Siyu would not admit the moment of shame.

Bo Yan was angrily, turned his head to suppress her, his voice was dangerous: "Really? Then I will do a after-sales feedback to see if the customer is not satisfied, and improve it later..."


Xia Siyu has another scandal.

She was still filming this day, and after filming one, the group of people next to her was already talking about it. And the look in her eyes was a little strange. Wei Jingjing hurriedly pulled her aside: "Si Yu, is this man Shang Feier's boyfriend? He told you about a scandal!"

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