Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 888: Fight empty (2)

She raised her head and glanced at Bo Yan. Bo Yan just smiled and touched her head: "Is the sweet potato delicious?"

Xia Siyu nodded: "Yeah."

Bo Yan smiled: "That's good."

Xia Siyu said: "I usually don't like doing charity, I always think it's a show. And some artists say that doing charity, the last dime will not be donated. Do you know what I had dreams of when I was young? I want to go. In Africa, I want to be a volunteer. Help those people, or animals."

During the second period, she really wanted to go to Africa, to South America, to the prairie, to the primeval forest. White-leftism in Europe is very popular. She grew up there and liked and rejected modern civilization. She had unrealistic illusions about Africa and South America.

After returning to China, China has developed very well over the years, but there are shadows under the sun, and society cannot always be prosperous.

It's not that Xia Siyu has never done public welfare, but she doesn't like doing it in the name of an artist, and always feels that this is a show.

Moreover, she has read some reports. Many poverty alleviation cadres helped some villagers by buying rice, oil, and electricity. Those people praised them, and immediately sold the things for cigarettes and wine, and then continued next time. Waiting for poverty alleviation.

Although love is good, she doesn't want to sway her love indefinitely, she must know Sheng Mien and fight Mien. Giving too much may not necessarily be a good thing.

However, seeing these people who really need help makes her feel sad.

"Although we seem to have a lot of fans, we are actually very small, and there are few ways to help them. Moreover, the one just now doesn't need us to give more money. She does things by her own labor. You give her more money. , Is an insult to her."

Of course Xia Siyu thought about it too, she nodded and chewed sweet potatoes twice. The sweet potatoes are soft and sweet, but she feels that the sweet potatoes in her mouth are no longer fragrant.

"However, I still want to help them. Are there any good channels?"

It is not easy to donate money these years. Going to the Red Cross, Dang Re is a more official organization, but it was a bad reputation a few years ago. Going to funds established by other stars feels even less reliable. You don’t know if every penny you donated was spent on helping people.

"Do you really want to donate?"

Xia Siyu nodded: "When it's hot. I just don't know what else can be done."

Bo Yan thought for a while: "I actually have thought about this matter, and I have already started preparations with Han Yifan. We opened a film and television company and will donate part of the proceeds."

Xia Siyu was immediately excited: "Really?"

Bo Yan smiled and touched his nose a little embarrassingly: "However, this was because the money was donated at first, and the tax was deducted. But I can guarantee that every penny donated , Can be implemented. The other operating expenses of the fund are paid by the company of Han Yifan and myself. We will write down the donations and methods one by one."

In foreign countries, many wealthy people have established their own foundations, which are called "charity". In fact, they put the amount of tax that should be paid into the foundation. They claim to use "charity" to help the society. Tax deductions. That money went to the foundation, how much it was spent in the end... only God knows.

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