Best of Hollywood

Chapter 74: First day box office statistics

The cinema company took the initiative to increase the number of screens to 1,500.

It is much more than the 1300 screens expected by 20th Century Fox, which shows that the theater company is very optimistic about the prospect of the release of "Saw 2".

The next day, which is Christmas Eve, the number of screens for the release of "Chain Saw 2" will increase, and it is very likely that it will break through more than 2,000 screens.

In the early 1990s, the number of screens for a movie was more than 2,000 yuan, and it was a horror movie with an investment cost of only 4 million US dollars, which is unimaginable.

Early the next morning, the box office of the premiere had not yet been counted, and the major media began to report frantically.

As for what role 20th Century Fox played, I don't know.

Facts have proved that, except for some media under the News Corporation, most mainstream media in North America have published reports about the premiere of "Chain Saw 2".

Suffice to say, the popularity of the film is very good.

Most of the mainstream media have almost all positive reviews.

Those unscrupulous tabloids that like to publish gossip news can be ignored.

The headline of the "Los Angeles Times" report is very clear: Jigsaw strikes again, can it become a dark horse at the box office again!

"As we all know, this year's Christmas schedule is very lively, and the number of films far exceeds that of the past, including "Today's Christmas Event", "Rebellious Sexual Harassment", "Dumb and Dumber", "Interview with the Vampire" and many other films, "Movie Saw 2 is facing huge box office pressure, whether it can become a box office dark horse again!"

The focus of "New York Daily News" is not on the film, but on the actors.

"Monica Bellucci, known as the Goddess of Horror, is just an unknown Italian model."

"However, it is such a model from Italy who actually starred in two "Saw" in a row. It is said that she has a very close relationship with the founder of the series, Ryan Gosling."

"USA Today" report is much more objective.

"The success of "Saw" is not accidental. When most people have seen enough of the same horror movies, "Saw" that appeared in the summer file is like a seductive girl, making countless horror fans cheer for it. The just-released "Saw 2" completely inherits the selling points of the previous one."

Most of the reports are relatively pertinent, at least there is no sharp language.

Ryan was called by Helen to Star Economy Company early in the morning to wait for the premiere box office data.

As the director of the film, Gauri Hoblit, he came earlier than him. As for the main actors, they need to go to various parts of North America to promote.

"The efficiency of the North American cinema company has always left people speechless." Sofia Coppola couldn't help complaining.

This was the case when the first "Chain Saw" was released. On the afternoon of the second day after the premiere, the theater company slowly started to calculate the box office statistics.

In the early 1990s, theater companies were all counted manually, and they needed to compare each by telephone and fax, so the speed was naturally not fast enough.

Unlike the Internet statistics in the previous life, the box office data of the previous day can be obtained with a delay of at most one or two hours.

"The Blair Witch" is an exception. Only 100 theaters were screened on the first day, so 20th Century Fox could count the box office on the first day in the shortest time.

"Be patient. Twentieth Century Fox has been keeping statistics with the theater company since last night." Ryan looked calm, showing no signs of worry.

Even with the urging of 20th Century Fox, the theater company still can't get up quickly. Firstly, the number of screens where the film is shown is too large, and secondly, the theater company has to calculate the box office data of other films.

On the contrary, Gauri-Hoblit was a little nervous, drinking cups of coffee continuously, with anxious expression on his face.

Ryan could not care about it, but he couldn't. This "Chain Saw 2" in front of him was his first time directing.

It can be predicted that once the film's box office is not satisfactory, it will definitely lose the director position of the next "Chain Saw", and it will even be difficult to direct the film again.

Compared to the previous two times, Helen is much calmer. Even if the box office of "Saw 2" is not satisfactory this time, it won't affect Ryan too much.

After all, he is only the producer of the film, not the director, so he can completely relinquish all responsibilities and continue preparing for the next film.

At the same time, in the 20th Century Fox Building, Colette Singer was indescribably exhausted.

Since last night, he has been sitting by the phone, waiting for news from the theater company, and wants to report to Tom Rothman as soon as possible.

"Ring ring ring..."

Colette-Singer seemed to tremble, his whole body tensed up, and he took several deep breaths before regaining his composure, and reached out to pick up the phone, "Have you got the box office statistics yet?"

"Okay, send it to me right away, and I will report to Mr. Tom Rothman in person."

Not long after, in the office of 20th Century Fox CEO Tom Rothman, Colette Singer looked happy.

"According to the statistics of the theater company, the box office of "Saw 2" premiered yesterday as high as 13.11 million US dollars. According to the sharing agreement signed with the theater company, "Saw 2" has recovered the cost of filming."

"The questionnaire survey also gave a score of A-, and many horror movie fans gave it an A+, and there was even a phenomenon of watching the movie twice."

It may not be a miracle that the film successfully recovered its investment cost on the first day it was released, but it is still unbelievable.

Of course, the premise does not include publicity costs.

Tom Rothman obviously showed a smile, and said: "Very good results, it seems that our cooperation with Ryan Gosling is very correct."

As soon as he took up the position of CEO, there have been blockbuster films appearing one after another. Even the always demanding board of directors are very satisfied with him.

However, these films are all from Ryan Gosling.

"According to the theater company's prediction, if nothing else happens, "Saw 2" will probably become the box office champion of this week in the first three days of its first weekend." Colette-Singer's tone was full of pride.

"As for "The Years of Love" released by Columbia, the box office performance at the premiere is not half that of "Chain Saw 2". The theater company has decided not to continue to increase the scale of the screening." Colette-Singer went on to say a very Great news.

This has always been the case for theater companies. The box office of a film on the first day is not satisfactory. It is already very rare for theater companies not to reduce the scale of screenings.

If the film sells well on the first day of its release, there is no need for the distribution company to urge it, and the theater company will take the initiative to increase the screening Years of Burning Love will not continue to increase the screening scale, so "Chain Saw 2" will naturally Could get more screens.


"A happy news." Tom Rothman couldn't help but tapped his fingers on the desk.

"Then next, in addition to continuing to increase the declared scale and strive for more screens, immediately contact Ryan Gosling's agent to reach a cooperation agreement for the next "Chain Saw" in the fastest time. "

"We can properly give that woman some benefits and let her persuade Ryan Gosling to agree to continue working together."

Tom Rothman seemed to feel that it was not straightforward enough, "Twentieth Century Fox must invest in the next "Saw", even if it pays some price."

At the beginning, Twentieth Century Fox only signed the investment and distribution agreement for "Chain Saw 2" with Ryan, and did not involve the next film.

Colette Singer nodded in agreement, and said: "With Ryan Gosling's ability, I believe that "The Evil Spirit" will be the next "Saw", even if you pay a small price. There will be more rewards in the future.”

"I heard that the female agent is looking for a role for her actress. It seems to be the sci-fi movie promoted by Roland."

Tom Rothman naturally knew that the sci-fi film promoted by Roland, with an investment budget of up to 75 million US dollars, was the most important project of Twentieth Century Fox right now.

However, he still agreed and said, "As long as she can convince Ryan Gosling, in return, I will personally greet Roland."

He obviously didn't want to lose his investment in a series of "Chain Saw" films.

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