Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 179: Shocked Snape

"I solemnly swear that I have no good intentions.

Snape watched as Solim took out his wand and pointed to a blank piece of parchment and read a sentence. Immediately afterwards, various lines quickly appeared on this previously blank parchment.

"What's this?" Snape studied the parchment in Solim's hand curiously.

"Professor Snape, this is..."

Before Solim finished speaking, a few lines appeared on the parchment:

"Padfoot expressed surprise that the snot-nosed man has become a professor.

"Prongs think Snape is an ugly idiot."

"Moon-face agrees."

"Wormtail said hello to 'Professor' Snape, and asked him to wash his greasy hair.

Solim dared not look up at Snape's face now.

"This is.....prongs...Padfoot.....Moonface.....Wormtail.....yeah, that's it." Snape looked at the parchment The handwriting on it reads, "It's them....I should have thought of it long ago..."

"Professor?" Solim called tentatively.

Snape was now basking in his memories of the time when he'd heard the Gryffindor gang call each other that way when he was at school. In other words, the enchanted parchment in front of him was made by the four of them.

"Professor?" Solim called again, this time waking Snape up.


"Come and see." Solim began to fold the parchment, and after a while a map appeared on the parchment.

Snape was surprised when he saw the name of Remus John Lupine, with a pair of footprints appearing and disappearing beneath the string of names. Solim folded the parchment again, this time showing Professor McGonagall's office.

"This is Potter, and this is Professor McGonagall." Solim pointed to the two names on the map and said, "After seeing Potter, he has honestly gone to find Professor McGonagall."

"Where did you get this thing?" Snape asked.

"Professor, I know what you mean." Solim shook his head, "I didn't get it from Professor Lupine, I got it from Filch at the time." It must have been the map when they were in school. Confiscated by Filch."

"Professor, do you want to know what I see on this map?" Solim started folding the map again, what he was looking for.

"Black! You saw him on this map, didn't you?" Snape asked excitedly, "Where is he now! Tell me!"

"No no no, Professor, come and see this." Solim pointed to a name on the map.

"Rubeus Hagrid?" Snape frowned.

"No, it's the one in the corner." Solim clicked on the map.

Snape's eyes followed Solim's fingertips, and the next second Snape's eyes widened, and he looked again in disbelief.

"Peter Pedirou?!" Snape looked up at Solim, "What's going on? Is this magic item broken?"

"No, I can be sure of this. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself, the professor. Everyone's name in the school will appear on it—including Evans."

Solim shoved the map down in front of Snape.

Since the exposure, the concealment spell and anti-tracking spell on Evans have been invalidated, and he did not continue to maintain those spells. After all, maintaining these spells for a long time means that part of his magic power cannot be used. Now that these spells have been exposed The spell was useless for Evans.

Snape flipped through the map, the more he looked, the more surprised he was, he knew some places that the students didn't know, but on this map these secret rooms and hidden classrooms were all hidden, he even looked in the principal's office To Dumbledore and Lupine.

But then Snape frowned as he found his office. He also saw his own name, and the reason why he frowned was the name of another person in this room. Snape was very sure that there were only two people in his office now, one was himself --- it had been shown on the map, and the other was Zilim opposite him, but on the map Solim's name was an ink blob.

"Have you cast a spell on your name?" Snape asked, also puzzled.

"No, I didn't cast a spell on my name, nor did my grandfather cast a spell on my name, no one cast a spell on my name, my grandfather has confirmed that." Solim looked at the one on the map Mo Tuan sighed, he had wanted to figure out this question a long time ago, but so far he didn't have any clue.

"Now that the map has been examined [professor, what do you think the name represents?"

"Peter Pedillo is dead," Snape said. "He died ten years ago, blown to pieces by his friends in front of Muggles."

"Professor Snape, I certainly wouldn't be surprised if you knew this. But..." Solim put the map into his pocket calmly. "...There are some things you don't know, Professor Snape, and I suspect you've never paid attention to them.

Watching Solim put away the map, Snape didn't move, just looked at Solim with a sullen face.

"Weasley has a mouse," Solim said, his tone unchanged by Snape's sullen expression. "Originally it belonged to Percy Weasley, and then it was given to Ronald Weasley. As far as I know, the mouse stayed in the Weasley's house for about ten years." It's been a year, and here's a very interesting little detail: the mouse is missing a finger."

Snape pulled his robes tighter, looking a little nervous now.

"A student's pet? Why should I care?"

"Peter had only one finger left at the scene, and the mouse was missing a finger." Solim pointed out a finger.

"It's just a coincidence." Snape said disdainfully of Rei.

"An ordinary mouse that has lived for more than ten years...Professor." Solim thought for a while, and continued: "If you don't believe me, you might as well ask Hagrid later, if anyone else was there at that time in his room.

Snape narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

"By the way, Professor, you should have already guessed who the maker of this map is." Solim observed Snape's face. "Prongs, Padfoot, Moonface, Wormtail, professor, you should understand who these nicknames correspond to."

"The current situation (good for the king) is: Black, Lupine, Harry Potter, and a professor who you think has died a long time ago, these four people are now at Hogwarts, professor, don't you think of something? ’ Solim hinted further.

"What do you want to say?" Snape hesitated, then said in a calmer tone, "What do you know?"

Solim knew a lot of secrets, something Snape already knew. Judging from the conversation just now, although Snape was very reluctant to believe this fact, Peter was indeed still alive. Peter is still alive, which means that there are other hidden things in the past. Lupine was found by Dumbledore, Black - whether he came for Harry, or for Peter

Anyway, he's near Hogwarts now, and he can enter the castle at any time.

Snape understood that there was something wrong, but he couldn't know everything because of insufficient information.

"Professor, I think you should have a good talk with Headmaster Dumbledore about that rat." Solim said, looking Snape in the eye. .

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