Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 303 Guide And Bodyguard

After breakfast early the next morning, other students were preparing to go to Hogsmeade to relax, while Solim took four people to the Forbidden Forest. Silna is taking Gabrielle and Fleur to Hogsmeade today, and she said hello to Solim last night. For Sirna, she had already seen the Acromantula and the Forbidden Forest, so it wouldn't be a big deal if she didn't go there, and Solim was worried that if there were too many people, she wouldn't be able to take care of them.

Among the five people in Solim, only Hermione and Neville have never been to the Forbidden Forest. For them, the Forbidden Forest is a typical example of being both familiar and unfamiliar. They had all heard a lot about the Forbidden Forest from Harry or Solim, but they had never personally experienced the terror and depression in the Forbidden Forest.

"This is why we come here during the day." Solim pointed around and said: "At least there is still some light coming through in the Forbidden Forest during the day. What if we wait until the sun goes down?

You can't see your fingers here. You don't even think about seeing the road clearly under your feet.

"Yes, Hagrid always carries an oil lamp with him when he comes out of the Forbidden Forest." Harry said on the side, "And sometimes he also brings his crossbow."

"Where should we find those damn spiders?" Draco held the wand in his hand and looked around nervously as he walked, as if an Acromantula would pounce on his face in the next second. Same.

"To be honest, the Forbidden Forest is full of Acromantulas now, but this is the outermost perimeter. The Acromantulas will not come here for the time being. We still have to go inside." Solim opened the way at the front, " And after one night has passed, I think those Acromantulas should be escaping deep into the Forbidden Forest."

"Escape?" Hermione walked right behind Solim.

Suddenly there was a dense rustling sound from the front, and several people could tell that it was not the sound of wind blowing leaves, but something coming towards them, and judging from the sound, it must be big.

"That's right, just running away." "

Solim stopped in his tracks, causing Hermione to bump into him.

"Now I want to ask you to cover your mouths." Solim turned around and said to the people behind him, without worrying about the sound coming from the front.

"Please be mentally prepared, our guide and bodyguard are coming." Solim and the others were now standing in the sunlight filtering through the leaves, so Solim could appreciate their expressions.

"Hurry up, cover your mouths," Solim urged, "Draco! I'm talking about you!"

Seeing everyone covering their mouths obediently, Solim nodded with satisfaction, and then made a meaningless hissing sound from his mouth.

Harry, who was behind Hermione, looked at Solim in shock. He put down his hand covering his mouth and was about to say something to Solim when a huge shadow loomed over their heads.

Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Neville looked at the behemoth in front of them with bulging eyes and horror. "They now know why Solim asked them to cover their mouths."

"Introducing Basque." Solim patted the big guy next to him, "If some people still have memories, they should be able to remember..."

"Chamber of Secrets! Basilisk!" Harry seemed to finally realize that he could speak, " are actually the heir of Slytherin!"

Apart from Solim, Hermione is the only person here who truly knows. But she has never seen a real basilisk. As for the others, they would just stare blankly at the basilisk next to Solim. Human beings can't help but feel fear for huge things - especially living things. This is a sense of crisis imprinted in their instincts. It has nothing to do with courage and wings, it is just the instinct of living things.

"Basque was indeed the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, and he did kill Myrtle's murderer under the control of Riddle at that time, but it was not of his own free will." Solim patted Basque's body, "As for What you said about 'Slytherin's heir', I'm really sorry, I really am not, there has only ever been one so-called heir - that is Riddle, who is now Voldemort."

"But..." Harry looked at Solim and then at Basque's huge body, "Why..."

...Why didn't he show up in the Chamber of Secrets back then?" Solim followed Harry's words, "Because it was unnecessary. The incident in the second-year Chamber of Secrets was planned and purposeful from beginning to end. Of course, I can't say much about the specific events, but I think Professor Dumbledore will tell you when he sees fit. "

"Are you sure this big guy won't attack us?" Draco asked suddenly, "And I never knew you were a Parseltongue - you never told me. "

"Everyone has their little secrets, and haven't I told you through practical actions now?" Solim clapped his hands and continued: "Okay, I think we shouldn't waste time talking. Although today is Hogsmeade day and we have a lot of time to waste, I don’t think you are willing to stay in the Forbidden Forest for a long time. If you have anything to say, we can talk while walking."

Then Solim said to Basque: "Okay, take us to find those Acromantulas, but you have to go slower."

Basque turned and swam away. Solim led a few people along the road opened by Basque.

The low shrubs and thorny low plants in the Forbidden Forest were all pressed into the soil due to the Basques. Compared to the hard scales of the basilisk, the school robes worn by Solim and the others could not withstand the torment of these plants. (Wang De’s)

"Harry, maybe you can try talking to Basque." The tip of Solim's wand was emitting a bright light. They were now going deep into the Forbidden Forest. There were more and more trees here, and the light above their heads was almost blocked.


"Of course it is you. Apart from me, you are the only one here who is a Parseltongue." Solim said: "Parseltongue is a very useful talent, and you should not waste it."

Solim's words are indeed correct. Parseltongue is of course a powerful talent. The most important thing about it is not the ability to communicate with snakes but the powerful control Parseltongue has over snakes.

Regarding how strong the control Parseltongue has over snakes, Richie and Remus Johnton, who were driven wildly by snakes in the Forbidden Forest not long ago, must have a deep understanding of it.

"But I don't like it. Harry's tone was a little defensive, "It will make people think that I am a dark wizard. "

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