The basement of Snape's house looked much wider than the top, but only in relative terms. Especially the iron cage placed in the corner made this place look no wider than the top.

The cage holds five comatose people, all of whom share common traits: Muggles, grown males, criminals—and all on death row. It seemed that Snape had done more or less research when he was picking a model.

"What's next?" Snape opened the cage, ready to get out the sleeping people inside.

Solim looked at Dumbledore: "Principal, have you read the things I gave you before the holidays?"

"Leave it to me, Severus," Dumbledore said calmly. Before the holiday, Solim gave Dumbledore the correct way to use the Resurrection Stone and how to summon the souls of the dead. Trust Dumbledore to be ready - both mentally and materially.

Snape frowned, watching Dumbledore take out various things from the bag on his body. Solim noticed it, and explained: "Five-five-seven" "Professor, this ceremony is not only enough for the soul and the resurrection stone, but also requires other materials, of course, you know, I am a poor ghost, these Many of the materials are contraband, and only the principal has the means to get them all into the box."

Snape nodded, sort of accepting Solim's explanation. Don't look at Snape as a potion master, but there are some things he really can't get his hands on. The materials used in the ceremony are not only potion materials, but also some rare alchemy materials, and only a great wizard like Dumbledore who enjoys a high reputation and has a large number of connections can collect all these things.

When Dumbledore was ready, Snape took out the resurrection stone.

"Professor, next, you have to listen carefully to every word I say, because in the following process there must be absolutely no mistakes." Solim said to Snape seriously.

The garment of the soul is the body, but the garment of consciousness is the soul. A soul without consciousness is like a body without a soul. Only when consciousness, soul, and body are complete can a person be complete. Just like the death curse, it completely destroys a person's soul. Even if the person's body and consciousness are still intact, but without the soul, the person is considered dead. Because it is the soul that connects the consciousness and the body, and the body without the control of consciousness is a pile of dead flesh.

Solim said that this ceremony is called a spiritual ceremony, which is not accurate. But that's what it says on the phone, it doesn't matter what the name of the ceremony is, the key is its function. With the soul as fuel, supplemented by various materials, what is truly summoned through the resurrection stone is not the soul, but the residual consciousness of the dead. Because the soul has no way to communicate, only the consciousness can communicate.

But once a person dies, whether because the body is destroyed or the soul is destroyed, the consciousness will be affected and fall into a deep sleep—just like sleeping. But it is not an ordinary deep sleep, this should be called eternal sleep. Just like waking up a sleeping person, external stimulation is needed to wake up from sleep. This is especially true for the already silent consciousness.

But these silent consciousness are like a person who has not closed his eyes for three days and three nights and can fall asleep even standing up. If such a person wants to stay awake, he needs external stimulation. These souls prepared by Snape are What is used to do this, by burning these souls, is to keep the awakened consciousness alive so that it can communicate.

While dealing with these souls, while maintaining communication with the summoned consciousness, these things can only be done by one person. And the act of burning the soul cannot be interrupted, otherwise the summoned consciousness will immediately fall into a deep sleep. And it is not so easy to wake up again.

"So, professor, this is your only chance." Solim said: "Consciousness is different from the body and soul. It is invisible, but you who hold the resurrection stone can feel it. I will be with the principal later. I will leave and leave you here alone. The principal must have explained the various precautions for this ceremony to you, so we will not disturb you. Good luck."

After speaking, Solim glanced at the hesitant Dumbledore, turned around and was about to go to the living room. What was going on in Dumbledore's mind, Solim thought he could guess a little. Ariana -- Dumbledore's eternal pain. Would he want to take this opportunity to apologize to his sister? But even if Dumbledore wanted to do this, it would have to be left behind by Snape. Maybe Dumbledore had prepared too many materials, but Solim didn't believe that Dumbledore would Murdering the soul of a Muggle in order to apologize to his sister - even if the Muggle is a death row prisoner. Dumbledore might not be a good guy at all, but after his repentance, his moral standards were terribly simple.

Solim went back to the living room, took out the diary after sitting down and put it on the coffee table, he was waiting for Dumbledore. He could use this time to talk to Dumbledore about the diary. To be honest, Solim himself was not sure whether he should dig out all of Voldemort's Horcruxes, and when Solim was weighing the pros and cons, Dumbledore sat across from him.

Dumbledore didn't look at Solim, but stared at the diary on the coffee table.

"Principal, this Horcrux is a bit different." Solim said, "It is a conscious Horcrux."

Among all Voldemort's Horcruxes, apart from Nagini and Harry, who were originally life, this diary was the most special. Other horcruxes only seal part of Voldemort's soul, but this diary not only contains the soul, but also part of Voldemort's memory. It is because of this part of memory that this horcrux is more "active" than other horcruxes. It is much taller, it can be said to be a Horcrux with its own will...... It will take the initiative to confuse others, and it still has all the memories of Voldemort's student days - including the recognition of various magic Know.

Solim picked up his pen, ready to show Dumbledore how different this Horcrux was.

"Hello, Dark Lord." Solim wrote the words.

There is no response from the diary.

Solim smiled at Dumbledore without saying anything.

"Your headmaster is looking at you, don't you think it's impolite for you to ignore me like this?" After writing this sentence, Solim went on to write: "Also, don't really think that I can't destroy you, sir. Come out honestly."

After writing this, Solim took out his wand with his left hand and flicked it lightly on his right wrist. Then dripped blood on the diary. Compared with the method of absorbing Ginny's vitality, Solim's current method is more direct. The vitality in fresh human blood is what this diary longs for, which will make it stronger.

After stopping the wound, Solim said to the diary: "Come on, don't hide. Come out and say hello to your professor."

As soon as the words fell, a black air drifted out from the diary, and gradually formed a human shape, but it was a little transparent, and the scene behind him could be seen through him.

"Hello, Professor." Voldemort said very politely when he was a student: "Of course, and you." Glancing at Solim, Riddle——he is not exactly Voldemort

Looking at Solim with a scrutiny.

"Hello, Tom." Dumbledore said, "I really didn't think that we would meet in this situation."

"This is just the memory of my sixteen-year-old 3.0. It can't be regarded as a complete person." Riddle is now acting very honestly, "He stripped me roughly, and then roughly stuffed me into this broken book, Then I was forced to stay in this diary for an unknown number of years, and I was not released until today."

"Getting sympathy.....It won't work for us, Mr. Riddle." Solim crossed his legs, "The two people sitting here know you well, so put away this set Let's do the trick."

"And I don't have much blood dripping on the diary, don't waste this hard-won opportunity, I won't do it again." Solim finished speaking to Riddle, looking at Dumbledore opposite.

"Then I'll ask directly, Tom, you made this Horcrux...or he made it when he was 16 years old, many did he plan to make at that time?"

"You should ask him about this. I'm just a 16-year-old memory he kept in his diary. He didn't have such thoughts at the time, at least I didn't know." Riddle was expressionless. .

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