Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 1946: Trial task

This couple's choice is a bit strange-the kidnappers only need one million, and they actually spend one million to ask Ma Gu?

However, there are really such people. They do n’t fight for buns for their breath. In the words of the monks, they have a good idea.

What the couple thought was that tossing my daughter like that, I would rather avenge outsiders than you!

In fact, this is not just about letting off gas. They gave the kidnapper a million, and they may not be able to get their daughter back-what if the ticket is torn?

And even if you get it back, there is still entanglement in usury there, and you can't live in peace-people don't admit that this is company behavior.

So it ’s better to go out and ask Ma Gu to take action, just in case ...

The logic of the couple is very clear, even if Magu's shot has no effect, it is really effective, and the gang of people in Myanmar has been rectified, so the local loan sharks have no courage to come again.

Ma Sanniang analyzed it. Obviously, he could not handle such a problem, so he found Luohua for help.

She doesn't force Luohua to help, help if you can, and don't worship me. They are all Luohua's-Dan Xiatian just wants to make a name, and this girl has hateful things, but more pitiful things.

In fact, Ma Sanniang thinks most, Luo He is the most suitable for the magic of Lin Heihu, but Lin Heihu ’s roots, she is very clear-the local is OK, the foreign is a bit inferior, as for foreign countries ... It is estimated that Feng Jun will be out.

She didn't think that this little thing could please Feng Jun and leave it to her to be Feng Jun, not necessarily interested in paying attention.

But always try it? For a million dollars, Feng Jun's eyes must not be seen, but this is also the sincerity of Dan Xiatian.

After Feng Jun heard it, he was really speechless ... Is it my responsibility for this matter?

He did not feel that he had such a responsibility to Dan Xiatian, and the energy of the land **** could not get there.

Seriously ... I have difficulty finding the police.

However, just when he was going to refuse, Gao Qiang, not far away, said, "Boss, An Hejun is familiar with Myanmar. It should be no problem to deal with this matter, it is not good, I can go with him."

"You two ..." Feng Jun pondered for a while, if you can use An Hejun, it would be an opportunity to give these newcomers a contribution, so that there is a reason to teach the law in advance, and it can mobilize the members of the manor to a greater extent. Enthusiasm.

When he took his disciples in the past, he rarely let them experience hardships. The most important thing was to ask for help in economic or commercial projects, so that the combat experience was not very rich, and now he began to try to learn.

In this way, not only is he a tired babysitter, but their growth process is a little too easy, but it's not really a good thing.

Of course, this is not because he has no overall planning. The key point is that at that time, he was relatively weak, and the insignificant development was the right way. In addition, the disciples were not relatives or friends, and it was not easy to open up, so it developed into that. .

By now, his power has just begun, and there is no need to be low-key anymore. In fact, he can't bear to be obsessed with it, so it is normal for the elderly to bring new people and complete some "trial tasks".

If there is no trial task, how can it grow into a powerful force with deep heritage?

However, Feng Jun still didn't make up his mind. He used his consciousness to attract Red Sister, "You said that there is something to do in the Southwest. Now there is such a thing, I want to consult you ..."

After listening to it, Red Sister pondered and replied, "I have heard of this kind of thing. It is estimated that my face is not enough. It should not be a problem to let people go, but I have to repay the debt ... Killing the life and paying the debt, I ca n’t help but talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes. "

"This money can't be repaid," Ma San Niang, who overheard, couldn't help but directly contacted Feng Jun with his thoughts. "The loan sharks were not good people at all, and they took the woman as a female supporter. Whether a woman is right or wrong, this retribution is enough. "

It is worthy of Kun Xiu Taoism, Ma San Niang's thinking is quite feminine.

Feng Jun frowned, knocking on the table in front of him, "I was thinking, such a big fan ... Was it worth it?"

After all, he still has the idea of ​​"quietness and inaction" in his heart. It is certainly no problem to save people, but will it be more rash to take such a cause and effect rashly?

"It must be possible," Ma Sanniang used Jin'er to stab him. "Now it's a world of great contention. When contentious, it's contentious. Everyone said it was 'Wanjiasheng Buddha', and there has never been a 'Wanjiasheng Tao'. In other words, this situation should be changed. "

Feng Jun nodded thoughtfully. If it is for this reason, it is really worth shooting.

It seems that Luohua Manor should also have a contribution point system!

It ’s really not difficult to get this system up. Feng Jun sells the task point system is not a set of two, and he has some of Luohua ’s exercises, fulu, pill medicine and Tiancaidibao, etc. Quantitative indicators.

This time, it was too late. Feng Jun nodded, "Then you and Gao He walked together, and you, Red Sister, follow you. If there is a problem that they can't handle, you have to solve it."

Sister Red is a little bit embarrassed-the point is that she has little interest in this matter, how much peace of mind hiding in Luohua practice? So she hesitated and said, "Some people over there ... have something to do with me. I don't want to change myself. I don't want to be contaminated by this cause and effect."

I do n’t want to be contaminated with cause and effect. This is a very legitimate reason. Feng Jun did not force her any more. Instead, after lunch, he convened a period of gas refining. Beautiful, five spirit stones for free flowers. "

"I'm going!" Red Sister stood up for the first time, because she was very familiar with this task, and naturally reacted a little faster than others.

Feng Jun gave her a strange look, "Well, don't you want to be contaminated with cause and effect?"

"Where do I know you will give Lingshi?" Red Sister replied straightforwardly, "At present Lingshi, that little cause and effect does not matter."

In fact, she does not lack spirit stones. Feng Jun gave her a hundred pieces for petty use, but there are conditions for the use of this spirit stone-it can be used in the Kunhao plane, not in the earth.

Although there are few rewards for these five spirit stones, the key is ... It can be used freely, that is, there is no restriction on the place.

She is in a place where there is no flower spirit stone in the earth world, but there are more people lacking spirit stone here. If she can have this scarce resource, she may come in handy when she can.

"Sister Red, you're wrong," someone said at this time. It wasn't Tang Wenji who was the other person. She said angrily, "You have already given up, don't delay me to earn a spirit stone?"

In fact, among these people, the most eager for the spirit stone is Xiao Tianshi. She also has the "pocket money" given by Feng Jun, but if it is not available in the earth world, she cannot help Maoshan-she can give it secretly, But ... can you hide Feng Jun?

Now that she can earn a spirit stone in a fair and bright way, of course she must strive for it.

"I want this spirit stone too," Gazi said aloud. "Brother, can I use the spirit stone to buy exercises for Yuhuan?"

He has never fought much with others, and believes that Brother Jun can't treat himself badly, but he doesn't want to let Luo Yuhuan wait too long to practice after the evaluation period, then these five spirit stones, he must fight.

Even if he knew that it would be a violation of the manor ’s rules, but he still had to fight for it, and he asked the elder brother if it was appropriate or inappropriate to do so. The relationship was originally the most sad.

Feng Jun frowned slightly, not angry, but felt that in the midst of nothing, Ga Zi triggered something invariant, but he still smiled and asked, "Five Spirit Stones ... What do you think you can buy?" "

Ga Zi hesitated and replied honestly, "That's ... Director Yang's exercises."

Gu Jiahui heard the words, his face changed forever-do you know my mother's exercises?

Ga Zi really guessed something, because Feng Jun did not deliberately hide the relationship with Yang Yuxin in front of him, so even if Ga Zi is an unattended magician, it can be roughly imagined.

Feng Jun's face also changed for one thing-if Luo Yuhuan wanted to practice "Xianglong Yufeng Hehe Jiejie", he could really practice in advance, as long as Gazi was willing to guide.

And his practice is derived from the mundane world. Although it is a royal practice, this thing really does not need to be bought with spirit stones-as long as you have this opportunity, you can practice without fear of pressure from the royal family.

So he whispered, "Since you ask for clarity, then you go ... but I do n’t know when the practice will be fulfilled ~ ~ I have to explain to you in advance."

Ga Zi stunned, "This exercise ... isn't it already there? I promise she won't leak."

"Of course she can't leak," Feng Jun gave him an angry look, and said that it was another practice. If she dared to leak, it is estimated that you will have to punish yourself, "but the observation period cannot be completely Cut it out. "

In fact, our observation time for Luo Yuhuan is not short! Ga Zi would like to explain this, but he nodded in the end, "Okay, my request is a bit too much, embarrassing boss."

"You know the embarrassment too," Xiao Tianshi said aloud again, "Gazi, if you give me this job."

"I'm weird," Red Sister couldn't help it. "It seems that I was the first to take over the task? Ga Zi, you are still in charge of the blessing small courtyard, can you leave for so long?"

"There is a deputy dean in the small courtyard," Ga Zi replied indifferently. In the blessing small courtyard, he can really play a small role. Dreaming is Lin Heihu's business, and deducing missing children is Feng Bo's business , He is a mascot.

Yin Mingyue can also be a mascot. She is not less famous than Gazi among her followers in the small courtyard.

Feng Jun waved his hand. "Okay, it's Gazi. It's not easy for him to find an object. I'm a brother. I have to complete him ... By the way, I have to make things bigger and let them know that it's a domestic shot. "

Ga Zi thought about it, Shen Sheng asked, "Do you want to kill?"

"This is not reluctant," Feng Jun did not want to come up with so many rules, "Dao law is natural, how come it is appropriate."

(Within the double period, there are less than thirty hours before next month. Friends who have n’t voted yet, hurry up and vote. I really ca n’t bring it next month.)

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