Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 612 : Dabai's second press conference is finalized!

The Future Science and Technology Crystal Park is hot.

It's like a tourist destination.

People are everywhere.

Although there were so many people, most of them were journalists, none of the security personnel in the park dared to be vigilant.

After all, their duty is to protect the entire park.

In each area, there are several security personnel walking back and forth.

not enough people?

At this press conference, Ye Fan mobilized thirty Terminator bodyguards.

Don't be afraid of what happens, just be afraid of 10,000.

Those Terminator bodyguards were also mixed in with the security staff. In the past, the eyeballs of the Terminator bodyguards could not be humanized, because the eyeball parts were very complex.

But now, it can be 100% human-like.

But eyes are the most powerful way of communication for human beings. Sometimes, with just one look, you can read what he wants to do, what he thinks, and what he wants to say.

So those Terminator guards wear black sunglasses.

There were all kinds of noises at the scene, and there was still more than an hour before the twelve o'clock press conference time, and Qin Jiang had already arrived at the press conference site, followed by many group bosses.

Among them are the chairman of the four major mobile phone groups. They all came to congratulate Ye Fan, but Ye Fan didn't see it, so he could only stay here to watch the press conference.

Mr. Qin Jiang, will Boss Ye attend this press conference?

Mr. Qin Jiang, are you still hosting the Dabai press conference?

Mr. Qin Jiang, can you say hello to the audience?

Seeing Qin Jiang coming, all the reporters swarmed up in an instant.

To firmly surround Qin Jiang and others.

The chairman of the four major mobile phone groups was squeezed out of the crowd. Chairman Ren smiled helplessly, touching his nose, looking a little embarrassed.

They used to be in the limelight before.

is the mainstream.

Today, journalists only care about the news of future technology crystal companies.

Qin Jiang, who was tightly surrounded, listened to the grunting voice in his ear, and it was unbearable for a while, he hurriedly said to the camera: Everyone, about all the responses, we will be on the press conference stage for everyone one by one. Answer, please get out of the way and let me go there, okay?

When the reporters heard this, they reluctantly stepped aside and let Qin Jiang go.

Standing on the stage, Qin Jiang began to check all the equipment.

While checking, Qin Jiang was also observing the bottom of the stage.

There are a lot of reporters coming this time, and more than half of them are reporters from other regions.

Journalists from all over the world came.

This is also the first time that the Future Technology Crystallization Company has held such a formal launch conference, right?

How can the previous press conference be so formal today!

Seeing that the press conference was about to unfold, the reporters began to gather here.

Walk into the seat and start sitting, while mute the phone, this is also a rule in their industry, although it is outdoors, but also respect the organizer, right?

Generally, in an indoor press conference, the mobile phone must be turned to mute. Otherwise, if there are so many people, you will ring the mobile phone for a while, and he will ring for a while. Will the press conference still be held?

The news video footage is full of cell phone sounds, so who can stand it?

After the reporters muted their mobile phones, they began to adjust the cameras and began to aim at the stage of the press conference.

Everything is ready!

The place slowly became quiet.

Only the sound of the cameras clicking from the reporters.

Immediately afterwards, a staff member came to the stage, and in his hand, he was also carrying a gold-red box. On the surface of the box, a black and red X mark was also engraved, which looked a little unusual from a distance.


The four-sided holographic projection technology also lights up.

In a square, the direction Qin Jiang is standing can be clearly seen from all sides.

However, the reporters did not notice the upgrade of the holographic projection technology. They saw such a clear picture and were immersed in the joy of the Dabai press conference.

But at the moment when the holographic technology appeared, the reporters on the scene all exclaimed.

Why is this Dabai press conference considered the most formal one for the future technology crystal company?

Because the previous press conferences were all held in small places, and then circulated on the Internet, and then slowly became popular.

Not many reporters came, and most of them were Chinese reporters. Few were reporters from other regions. This time, there were quite a few reporters from all over the world.

The international status of Future Technology Crystallization Company has to be taken seriously by these reporters.

Ye Fan is a man who can conquer even Mensa Club.

Is there anything he can't conquer?

Where have those foreign reporters seen holographic projection technology? Even if they have, it is the holographic projection of the X mobile phone. The holographic projection of the X mobile phone is small, and such a huge holographic projection technology is the first time they have seen it. Here, it was as if the real person was in front of him.

Exactly the same, very realistic.

This is their first thought.

The cheers of foreign reporters drew the attention of countless Chinese reporters.

The reporters were a little excited and emotional, and there was a day when you were amazed?

After the staff put the suitcase down.

Qin Jiang came up, looked around with a smile, and said with a smile, Welcome to the Dabai product launch site of Future Technology Crystallization Company!

I'm the host this time, Qin Jiang.

I know there are a lot of people who don't want to see me, they want to see my boss, but my boss is too busy, I always thought I was the busiest person in the company, but now it seems like I'm the busiest... .


The reporters at the scene laughed.

Qin Jiang's expression was rather mean.

The atmosphere at the scene heated up instantly, and Qin Jiang also slowly grasped the atmosphere of the scene.

I don't know how much you know about Dabai's personal health assistant. Many people say that Dabai is artificial intelligence?

Hearing that Qin Jiang came up and mentioned this matter, all the reporters immediately pricked up their ears and listened.

Each one has a very serious expression.

Is it artificial intelligence? I don't know how to define it, but I can be sure that Dabai's personal health assistant is indeed artificial intelligence.


The reporters' eyes widened a lot in an instant.

Even the foreign reporters almost didn't stand up.

First of all, the X system developed by our Future Science and Technology Crystallization Company is a weak artificial intelligence type. With the continuous research of the boss, and our scientific researchers working day and night, on the day we released the X mobile phone, we Weak AI has been developed!

So, it's not just Dabai's personal health assistant that has an AI system!

In our industries, X mobile phones, Dabai personal health assistants, and built-in systems in suspended sports cars all have artificial intelligence systems!

boom! !

The news Qin Jiang said was shocking one by one!


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