Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 643: Sales No. 1! Ask for completeness!

Inside the HP Group headquarters.

Chairman, congratulations!

There was laughter and laughter throughout the conference room, and all the board members came.

And Peters sat in the first place, smiling, and he understood what these congratulations were.

Just last night, their daily sales were as high as more than 3.6 million fighters.

The price of each one is more than 20,000 RMB. This is only low-end, and there are medium and high models. People who buy high-end models are as high as millions, and high-end models are at least tens of thousands of RMB.

Can you imagine how much money they make by selling one day a day?

Hahaha, the group is growing, and everyone's shares are becoming more and more valuable. If you want to congratulate, I should congratulate you. Peters smiled and looked at everyone.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help laughing. The stock market was soaring now, and the shares in their hands were of course valuable.

Everyone is worth hundreds of millions.

Or Mikin's.

Advertising department, report your next plan.

The head of the advertising department stood up immediately, holding a thick copybook in his hand, and after thinking about it, he opened his mouth to explain.

Hello directors, I'm Luke from the advertising department. First of all, congratulations on our daily sales as high as 3.67 million yesterday. I won't talk about the precise data. According to yesterday's revenue, it means that our advertising department caught The news is accurate!

Everyone listened quietly and watched the advertising department perform.

Luke went on to say: Yesterday's profit is because we have manipulated the news of the Future Technology Crystal Company. Everyone here knows that all of the Future Technology Crystal Company's technology products, except for the X mobile phone, are big. Products large and small are not available in markets outside our regions.”

Smog absorbers, garbage absorbers, H potions, suspended sports cars, Dabai personal health assistants, and holographic battle instruments are all not on the market.

As for why they didn't go public, we found two points after negotiation and discussion. First, they are afraid of technology leaks. Second, their technology products have the function of collecting information. Take the suspension sports car as an example. If the suspension sports car is suspended in the air, ,

All the information of the situation can be seen at a glance. If the information cannot be collected within one year, what about two or three years? This is the equivalent of having monitors installed over our major regions.

The ability to monitor all areas at any time is the biggest problem that they can't go public. As for the major auto groups that can go public, the reason why they use the suspension engine should be that technology companies in the future will not be able to play with the suspension engine.

Because their system wasn't adopted.

And having said so much, because they are not listed, they will definitely attract countless complaints. Whether it is buyers or players, they will definitely not care about the reasons for the products of future technology companies.

As long as it doesn't go public, it's disrespectful to everyone, what makes everyone annoyed, and even they think it's a monopoly, a kind of discrimination.

And we use their psychology to resist the idea of ​​​​future technology companies. Under this idea, as long as someone researches and compares with future technology companies, people will inspire that kind of rebellious psychology, you don't go public, okay, Then we'll go buy another one.

That's what we did yesterday with sales of up to 3.6 million a day because we mobilized all the emotions.

In the next few days, we will continue to use this solution to push our sales to the top, and I am very confident!

The head of Luke's advertising department fell.

The scene was thunderous.

Those who didn't know they thought they were engaged in C sales, and their faces turned red, as if they had seen the powerful business empire in the future.

Okay, confidence is the most important thing. In this regard, I firmly support it! Peters said quickly with a smile.

Peters didn't care about how the mood was mobilized.

Even if it is to smear the future technology crystal company, he doesn't care. Of course, he can't be too arrogant now, otherwise, in terms of game content.

There may be mishaps.

The other board members laughed.

during the meeting.

In the background operation department of the advertising department of the HP Group, a large number of staff are constantly creating accounts, and some are even acquiring accounts, commenting on various discussion areas.

The words of their comments are basically very close.

for example.

Isn't the future technology company discriminating against us? Isn't it unwilling to launch products in our area? Haha, now? We not only have a suspended sports car, but also a self-developed combat device. Look, we have developed a combat device. When they came out, they sold it immediately, because they were afraid that they would be no match for us!

Yeah, supporting our self-developed brand is more important than anything else.

Of course, there are many people who understand.

Their comments are also unsympathetic.

The core technology of the suspension sports car is everyone's own, who said that they are not listed in major regions?

The fighting apparatus technology is not wanted by others, why is this virtue?

Even if they understand how sharp what people are saying, those who have already aroused empathy will not listen to them.

In terms of supporting independent research and development brands.

They took out the combat instrument developed by the HP Group for comparison. There are countless netizens who are crazy about it without the promotion of the HP Group on the Internet.

Various support.

Sales are naturally increasing.

And Hewlett-Packard Group also announced the highest number of daily sales, which caused the boiling of countless netizens.

And now on Weibo.

Countless netizens are still waiting for the response of the future technology crystal company.

These are sure to support future tech companies.

But they couldn't accept the news that the Future Technology Crystal Company had sold the fighter.

Selling the Battle Ritual is equivalent to selling the belief in their hearts.

In this way, will the recalled fighters still give an explanation?

Is it so white to recall?

Of course, there are still many netizens who continue to send news from the international news network on Weibo, so that many people can see how good the sales of HP Group are.

At present, the sales volume of the major sales stores of the HP Group is not low, it seems that these days.

Sales will continue to skyrocket.

There are more and more people supporting HP.

This is also the place where countless netizens discuss the most.

There are also many netizens who hope that technology companies can make some responses in the future.

for example.

respond to this incident.

But the future technology crystallization company is like a fish sinking into the sea, and there is no wind at all.


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