Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 8: The X system is born!

Ye Fan was very relieved.

More than 180 matrix groups and columns have been merged into one file package. Ye Fan bought the VO mobile phone with more than 2,000 yuan. This mobile phone has been used for nearly three years, and it has long been unable to keep up with the times. , and now the card is going to die.

Transfer the file package to the mobile phone and install it directly and automatically.

A big X logo appeared on the mobile phone, and the X logo also had color rendering, which was very high-definition, and had a visual impact like a sci-fi blockbuster.

[Ding, the system replacement is complete! 】

Power on!

3 seconds!


Isn't this speed a bit outrageous?

Both the response speed and the download speed are unparalleled fast.


Use this to end the era of monopoly!

Ye Fan's eyes flickered.

Check out the reputation value.

It is found that the reputation value has not stopped increasing in the past few days, and it is still increasing a little bit.

Host: Ye Fan!

Reputation value: 11322

Acquisition unit: holographic projection technology, supercomputer technology!

Eleven thousand more.

Ye Fan was a little excited.

Fifteen thousand reputation points can be exchanged for a graphene mobile phone. You must know what graphene is. It is the strongest material known in the world.

And it's super thin.

In a sci-fi movie, graphene is the core material of many parts of a battleship.

And Ye Fan also knew an unspoken rule that graphene mobile phones are not just a future technology of graphene.

At the same time, there are various parts production technology in mobile phones, as well as mobile phone system production technology, camera and other technologies.

These are included.

They are all super technologies that lead modern civilization.

Isn't the X system just laying the foundation in advance?

Thinking of this, Ye Fan was a little excited.

Once the X system is fully deployed, wouldn't it be better when you want to produce mobile phones in the future?

Ye Fan kept learning about the X system, downloaded a large number of viruses from the Internet and released them in the mobile phone.

The mobile phone smart assistant instantly blocks and kills the virus.

Even if some places are cracked by the virus, after the virus is killed, the cracked places will be automatically updated, making it more difficult to crack.

Self-healing ability!

It also means that he has the ability to update independently at the same time!

Thinking of this, Ye Fan's heart trembled, isn't this the ability of artificial intelligence.

Ye Fan carefully compared the core data of the two technologies in his mind.

Sure enough, artificial intelligence has a core program X system also has.

No wonder.

If that's the case, then why worry.

Now, in addition to owning the control of the X system, who can get it?

Thinking of this, the corners of Ye Fan's mouth couldn't help but rise.

It's unrealistic to want to release this software, and I don't want to be the target of major companies.

Slowly trembling, and when I have the confidence, I will compete with major companies.

So what I have to do now is to fish!

Wait for others to take the bait!

That posted location.

61 program network is the best release point!

If you release the X system on the 61 program network, your reputation may break through the sky.

Directly reach 15,000 reputation points.

But what should I say, there are not many people in the entire 61 program network, and there are thousands of people who die.

61 Program Internet Post Bar.

It has been five days since the list was cleared, the website has returned to normal, K has disappeared, and with one hand, Masha exits the program network, and the topic of K is still constantly in the post bar.

All lists have been refreshed,

I thought K would continue to shoot, but there has been no news for several days!

If K is making a move, I'll quit the network!

Retreat, hurry back, who is begging you to stay here?

Tieba is still very lively, just when they are lively.

Ye Fan started to act.

Their deeds affected them deeply. They all regarded themselves as great gods. Once the great god spoke, wouldn't it attract a large group of people?

Ye Fan uploads the X system file package directly in the post bar. The post bar does not allow uploading such a large file, but can this stop Ye Fan?

Move a few fingers, and the data package is uploaded directly.

[The latest X system for mobile phones is available for everyone to download! Produced by K! 】

X mobile phone system!

At the moment when K posted the post, programmers who were just hanging out immediately flooded into the post bar.

What? X mobile phone system? Just kidding, did K develop a mobile phone system by himself?

Hey~ I've developed a mobile phone system by myself, blow it up!

Who says it's not, Android and IOS systems have been researched for several years before they succeeded. K has only been absent for a few days, and the research has been successful?

Someone questioned with suspicion.

Others choose to download directly and try to feel it.

Li Bo is a god-level programmer.

He is pure and simple at 61 Program Network, but he works at Xiaomi.

He is a network engineer at Xiaomi.

K is already the great god he worships, and when the great god speaks, he must come and see.

The moment I saw the mobile phone system, my heart trembled violently.

What is Huaxia lacking the most?


Self-developed technology.

As far as mobile phones are concerned, many parts of mobile phones are made in China, but the core system is owned by others, and it costs hundreds of millions every year, and when people get angry, they say they are monopolized.

You can't tell how that person is.

Thoughts are far away.

The download has been completed, and it is very fast.

Ding~ Do you want to replace the system!

Just when Li Bo was about to open it, the screen of the phone went black, and an X logo with a cool color popped up.


is this real?

Li Bo's heart trembled!

[Ding~ Do you want to replace the system! 】

Looking at these big characters, Li Bo hesitated in his heart.

Although there are not many important things in my phone.

But what if this is a virus?


K is the great god in the program network, how can he do that kind of thing.

And even if he is a virus, can he overcome Alipay's defense?


Li Bo directly chose to replace.

The X sign is still there, but there is a progress bar below it.

The progress bar is not downloading, but slow replacement.

One minute.

three minutes.

The five minutes passed slowly.

Another five minutes have passed, and the progress bar has reached 99%!


Replacement is complete, get the right to use for one hour!

Um? ? ?

Still have a trial right?

I go, this interface, this smooth speed.

It's been almost two years since my broken mobile phone. Now the mobile phone needs to be replaced in two years, otherwise it will be stuck to death, but now, it can't be seen that it is an old mobile phone, but a brand new mobile phone.


Must run points!

The mobile phone running score has started, and it is compared with the latest scores of IOS and Android official website.

456243 points!

Beyond Android.

Beyond IOS.

Even dump them more than 10,000 points!

What the hell!

Li Bo almost didn't jump up.

If this system is true, it would be too heaven-defying.

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