Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 810: Resources! Ask for completeness!

On Mars, from a high altitude, there are countless small black ants on the surface of Mars.

They're constantly transporting something back and forth.

Each terminator is bound to their id.

Their weapon system is inactive, unless they find any crisis, the x system will automatically disarm the weapon system for them to resist.

in the solar system.

What can happen?

Mars is just where one of the transport ships is staying.

And on another star.

on the moon.

A huge transport spaceship stopped here a few days ago, all kinds of mines were punched out, and more than 30,000 terminators were constantly digging and stepping on various mines.

Do these jobs tire them?

Do not.

They are quite excited.

Nowadays, it is necessary for humans to dig for money.

But they have heard that the next time the transport ship returns to Earth, it will be the time when a large number of Terminators will be pulled over.

A large number of computer-controlled terminators are transported to various mines for digging, and then there is nothing for them.

They just came to collect all the data.

Many players never dreamed that they could go to outer space.

Home next time.

It's all next month.

It takes about ten days to fill the transport spaceship. On these unmanned planets, mineral resources are very rich, and it is very convenient to collect.

It takes less than a week to fly.

So they are still very excited inside. They are consciously controlled and have time to quit every day.

After exiting, those Terminators will enter the x system control time for mining and collection.

Ye Fan let the players control, mainly to train them.

How can it be possible without a fleet of space battleships? starter

Officials in various regions have seen this huge change. In the future, the technology crystal company will be able to manufacture spaceships, and even collect them on various stars. From a technological point of view, people would have left them several blocks away.

From the point of view of force, the Future Technology Crystallization Company seems to be above them.

The future technology crystal company has already crushed them.

They can only pin all their hopes on the future technology crystal company.

Huge difference of change, can't they see it?

Of course it can be seen.

But they didn't speak out.

Because they have already given up.

Why speak.

In a flash, another month has passed.

within this month.

Ion engines have built countless more.

Today, there are less than 20,000 ion engines left unfinished, and the number of Terminators is increasing. starter

The once unlimited production of terminators has led to the existence of at least hundreds of millions of terminators.

So many Terminators have their own tasks.

Part of it was going to build the ion engine.

The other part is helping people secure dungeons.

The other part is to find some creatures, and some creatures are still alive, but they are not easy to find.

So the Terminator found them and either made them into specimens, genetic samples, or protected them and kept them in the underground forest.

The other part of the lead is to mine various mineral resources.

A small part goes to the sea for fishing.

Sea resources can not be spared.

Especially now that people have no meat, they can only eat earthworms, or some small animals.

For example, voles, voles reproduce relatively fast.

And it's more livable.

Dried worms.

Therefore, there are very few things that can eat meat. As for those pigs, sheep, cows, chickens, etc., they are also in the breeding process, and there are large numbers of breeding in various regions.

Now that I have entered the dungeon for a year, farming is still OK.

But if you want to supply all the dungeons, it is basically impossible, unless you give them three or four years, maybe they can supply all the dungeon meat resources.

Now, eat as little as you can.

And the fish in the sea are basically one of the meat resources that supply all the dungeons.

There are still many lives in the sea, and they are not affected by the flare. As long as they do not go to land, they will not be affected.

As for the sea area becoming ice, that doesn't matter.

As long as you drill a hole, you can enter the sea to fish.

There are a lot of fish in it, and a lot of fish can be caught every day.

After being transported back, it was all made into dried fish.

Or make it into wax or something.

Grilled fish.

Secret pickled fish and the like.

canned fish.

All are being produced and then transported to other dungeons.

These foods are for sale.

If you want to buy, you have to spend the contribution.

What is Contribution? It is the only currency used in dungeons today.

Contribution amount.

You go to plant fertile land, you can get a certain amount of contribution.

You can also get a certain amount of contribution value when you manage the plant forest.

You go to build a dungeon, you can get a certain amount of contribution.

You go into business and sell all kinds of food, and you can also get a certain amount of contribution.

This is the current state of the underground, which has revived the social economy.

People also adjust to this contribution amount.

After all, as long as you don't starve to death, this is the best choice.

Being able to eat is the best choice for them.

It's been a month.

The first transport ship is already on its way back.

The day of the return of the transport ship is also the day of the global live broadcast.

In each dungeon, there is an official live holographic projection screen.

Everyone is waiting in front of the big holographic screen, praying constantly in their hearts.

I'm coming!

I don't know who was shouting in the crowd, and in an instant, everyone's emotions were excited.

When the transporter spacecraft left the earth, they understood that these spacecraft were not to escape the solar system, but to collect materials and resources on other planets for use.

Because the resources of the earth are not very easy to collect.

That's why they have spaceships. After they understood this, they felt very guilty because they had suspected Ye Fan.

Come to think of it now.

Just plain stupid.

The incomparably gigantic transport-class transport spacecraft enters the earth's surface from the atmosphere, and when passing through the atmosphere, the friction between the transport spacecraft and the atmosphere directly burns with gas, which will not affect the spacecraft.

After leaving the atmosphere, the fire was quickly extinguished.

And the spacecraft landed in an open space.

What followed was countless large transport suspension trucks.

These suspended trucks are here to pull and transport these materials.

Transport all these materials into various dungeons for refining.

Extract all the ore resources inside.

In particular, iron resources are the most in demand today.

The iron resources from transportation are also very large.

While the transport ships are unloading these resources.

Countless Terminators also came to this open space, waiting to assemble.

This time the transport ship will pull away a lot of terminators from the earth and put them on Mars and the moon.

With these Terminators for outsourcing, the speed will be faster.

Resources are being collected.

Earth will be built faster.

There are less than two months left before all the ion engines can be completed.

Isn't that good news?


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