Billion Technology Crystal System

Chapter 822: Gene technology enhancement! Ask for completeness!

Such as gene sequence drugs.

It used to be 20%, but it can strengthen the human body by about 20%.

But now.

With new technology.

As mentioned earlier, human civilization has countless myths and stories.

For example, the Monkey King in Journey to the West, Erlang God with three eyes, and other mythological stories.

And these Kobe stories are all made up by humans.

They were all made up by real people in ancient times, saying that they have rich imaginations, but the Classic of Mountains and Seas, as well as these myths and stories, are very similar.

Did that even exist.

People don't believe in existence.

In many areas, some historical traces of scientific and technological civilization have been found.

Such as the Atlantis civilization.

Atlantis is also translated Atlantis, also known as Atlantis, Atlantis, in the ancient manuscripts of Moxie XG preserved in the Vatican City State and the works of the Indian civilization of Moses that have survived to this day, there have also been similar The narration: Four generations of humans have appeared on Earth. The first generation was a generation of giants who were not inhabitants of this place but from heaven. They were destroyed by starvation. The second generation was destroyed by a huge fire. The third generation was destroyed by fire. The first generation of human beings were ape-men, and they were destroyed by cannibalism. Then came the fourth generation of human beings, that is, the human beings in the stage of the sun and water, and the human civilization in this stage was destroyed by the great floods with huge waves.

Where is the sky?

Isn't it the universe?

They are colonies from the universe.

Live and work in peace on earth.

It's like Ye Fan is going to Keller planet now.

In addition, modern science has found that before the great flood, there may be a continent on the earth. This continent already has a highly developed civilization. In a global disaster, the continent sank in the Atlantic Ocean. The great disaster was caused by the massive earthquake and the subsequent tsunami. The ash left the entire Mediterranean region in darkness for weeks, and plants as far away as Y were affected. The power of the earthquake is equivalent to 4000 times the explosive power of a super atomic bomb. For nearly a century, archaeologists have found remnants of prehistoric civilizations on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean that seem to support this hypothesis. People call this continent Daxizhou, and the country that gave birth to prehistoric civilization is called Daxiguo. The scientific community continues to use the name proposed by Plato - Atlantis.

So the civilization of Atlantis exists.

And it's an era of super development.

As for the traces found, there are too many, so I will not give examples here.

These civilizations all exist.

Are those ancient myths also civilizations?

Was there really only one civilization in that era?

There will definitely be many bright civilizations that have appeared, but people just don't know it.

Who would know what happened tens of thousands of years ago?

No matter what happened tens of thousands of years ago, Ye Fan only knows that the genetic technology he has mastered is very mature. If you want three eyes, it is not impossible, it is also possible.

All it takes is a genetic change to do it.


If you have three eyes, you will definitely become an outlier.

This technology cannot be exposed today.

But genes can be refined to continuously and slowly change some genes in the human body.

Such as electric fish.

The currently known self-charged fish include electric eels and electric dummy rays. The unknown electric fish on Keller planet has a similar basic structure of their generators, which are composed of many electric plates. Their generators are distributed in the muscles on both sides of the body,

The tail of the body is positive, the head is negative, and the current flows from the tail to the head. Powerful electrical currents occur when their heads and tails touch an enemy, or are affected by stimuli.

Simply put, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy, that is, ATP is converted into electrical energy. And they have many so-called bio-batteries inside them in series and parallel, so their head-to-tail potential difference can be as high as 750V, but because the parallel connection of bio-batteries spreads the current, in fact, the current through each row is connected to their electric current. The current released by the fish is two orders short, and it is much smaller in comparison, so these fish will not electrocute themselves when they are hunting.

And these are all genes.

Do you want to be the Thunder King?

Do you want to be an electrician?

Then fuse the genes of the electric fish.

Ye Fan doesn't know if he can succeed, but he has the idea and the technology. If he wants to succeed, he just needs to do a few more experiments.

If it is really successful.

That's a big-time reform.

A human has the ability of electric fish, and it can emit electric current without friction and friction.

This is simply bizarre.

Can you breathe fire?

It seems that among the currently known creatures, only one species seems to be able to breathe fire.

Fire-breathing fish - a kind of fire-breathing fish grows in the Y ocean. It is only about 20 centimeters in length, but has a stunt: when it swims to the surface and encounters an enemy, it can immediately spray a The beam of flames more than 3 meters long caused the enemy to turn back and escape.

They will breathe fire because after eating phosphorus-containing food, once they encounter natural enemies, fire-breathing fish will start to resist and spew out a flame that is more than 3 meters long, and this 3-meter-long flame is phosphorus in their stomachs. Food is formed in its natural state.

It really exists.

However, the sprayed flame is only three meters long, and it is extinguished soon after spraying. It does not hurt people, nor does it have any strong temperature, it will not burn the skin, and it is not a large area, and it can only scare away other fish. , it can't burn other fish, at most it just adds some light to the deep sea in the dark.

Others have no effect.

Very tasteless.

This kind of gene is not a gene, but a way of living organisms.

He needs to protect himself.

It changed some of its own genetic conditions, and after it was able to absorb phosphorus-containing food, it was stored, and a three-meter-long flame began to form in its stomach.

If you have this gene, you still need to constantly eat foods with phosphorus, and then store it in your body, maybe you can fry it yourself.

Could it be that some of the buzzwords in the Internet have exploded.

Is it really going to explode?

It's better to take a sip, light a fire, and the effect of squirting is good.

The power of genetic technology is not reflected in this aspect, but in other aspects.

For example, human gene replacement can have some biologically powerful genes.

Even, Ye Fan can use these genes to create a powerful creature.

These creatures can also be used to make a body for the X-brain.

Become a half-mechanical, half-biological being.


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