“Are the two little guys hungry?”

Su Rui returned to the bedroom.

Xiao Juzi and Xiao Taotao were stuck together and sleeping soundly.

After all, they only ate half of their dinner. Su Rui asked the childcare sister-in-law a little worriedly.

“If the two ladies wake up in the middle of the night, Mr. Su can call us”

“We made milk powder for the two ladies to drink.” said the nursery sister-in-law

“Okay, you guys should go and have some rest too.”

“Mr. Su, go to bed early.”

The two nanny-in-laws gently closed the door.

Su Rui climbed onto the bed gently.

Seeing the two sisters leaning against each other and sleeping soundly, they couldn’t help but reveal a hint of the doting smile of an old father.

How could they be so cute? Little guy!?

Hey, there are two in my family!


“It’s delicious~~~”

Xiao Taotao probably thought she was eating, slurping the orange with her fingers.

This scene was so interesting.

Su Rui couldn’t help but take out his phone and take a video.

Think about it, Yang Mi and Rebala joined a group and created a group of three. Then they shared all the photos and videos of the two little ones outside feeding squirrels, fishing, and playing games in the playground.

The desire became stronger and stronger.

Yang Mi and Reba had just returned to the hotel from the set.

They hadn’t even changed their clothes yet.

When they saw the photos and videos that Su Rui had posted in the group, they immediately sat together. Looking at them

, a smile appeared on their faces unconsciously.

The fatigue of the day disappeared. Reba

: These photos are so cute~

Yang Mi: I feel like they are so happy with you every day.

Ba: Yes, every photo and video is full of smiles.

Yang Mi: Thank you Su Rui.

Seeing their daughter so happy makes

Yang Mi and Reba feel that Su Rui is a good father.

She felt happy and relieved, but also felt a little weird.

It was surprising that Su Rui liked Xiao Orange and Xiao Taotao so much.

The photos and videos were not enough, and Reba couldn’t help but feel a little empty.

Multi-person video.

Su Rui did not refuse.

He gently swiped the screen and answered the video call.

The faces of Yang Mi and Reba immediately appeared on the screen, both with gentle smiles.

“Su Rui, where are the children? We kind of want to see them.”

Reba said.

Yang Mi also whispered in agreement:”I haven’t talked to them for a day, and I feel empty inside.”

“The two little guys have fallen asleep.”

Su Rui turned the camera so that they could see the two little ones sleeping soundly on the bed.

Yang Mi and Reba saw the angelic sleeping faces of the two little ones, with their mothers’ unique happy smiles on their faces.

“They look so peaceful, like two little angels”

“Seeing them like this, the fatigue of the day disappeared. Su Rui said:”

The house was renovated today. I took them out to play in the morning. I didn’t take a lunch break in order to go to the amusement park at noon. As a result, they both fell asleep during dinner.””

“These two little guys often do this”

“If they wake up at night, just make them some milk powder and drink it.

Yang Mi was a little worried about the renovation:”Will you move in immediately after the renovation?” The remnants of decoration are not good for children’s health. Why don’t you go to our villa and stay there first?……”

“don’t worry”

“There are no issues with the environmental impact assessment.”

Su Rui also knew that their mothers would be worried about this.

He sent the environmental impact assessment report.

The two of them opened the file and looked at it carefully. Every data indicator was correct, which made them feel at ease as mothers.

Because the home decoration It is not uncommon for them to be afraid of residues causing physical problems in their children.

“Su Rui, you…you spent 180 million on reinstalling? ? ?”

Reba suddenly exclaimed.

At the end of the environmental impact assessment report, there was a one-page bill of materials, explaining the detailed materials, procurement sources, and specific prices. The final total price was 186.7 million.

It cost so much money to renovate.

It really put Hot Ba was shocked.

The two of them were already considered women who could make money, but the renovation completed in one day actually cost nearly 200 million. It was too exaggerated.

“Take less?”

Yang Mi looked back and her eyes widened when she saw the total price.

“I am also worried about their bodies, so all the materials used are the most natural.”

Su Rui said calmly.

If they hadn’t said it, he wouldn’t have noticed how much money he spent on reinstalling today.

They built a castle they liked for less than 200 million. This money was not worth it.

“Su Rui you……”

Who are you?

Yang Mi and Reba, who have just entered the capital circle, know nothing about the name Su Rui.

From beginning to end, their impression of Su Rui remained at the Cannes Film Festival.

Being able to attend the Cannes Film Festival as a guest should be quite wealthy and powerful.

Now, it feels like Su Rui’s financial power is more exaggerated than they imagined.

“You don’t have to worry about the safety of the two little guys.”

“I will pay attention”

“You are tired after a busy day. Go to bed early.”

Su Rui turned the video camera around and said to them

“Well, you must be tired after playing with them all day today. You should go to bed early.”

“Good night Su Rui.”

Reba said

“Go to bed early.”

Yang Mi also said in a daze.

She hung up the video.

The two looked at each other holding their mobile phones. Su Rui’s identity became more and more like a mystery.

The child’s father.

What kind of person is he?


“Good night, little one.”

Su Rui kissed their little faces and slept sideways facing them.

The two little guys smelled of milk and smelled very comfortable.

Su Rui smiled.

He yawned and hugged them together. Went to sleep.

The two little ones didn’t wake up at all.

When Su Rui woke up in the morning, they were still sleeping.

“Can you sleep like this?”

“Good morning my little princess.”

Su Rui kissed them on the face, looked at their cute sleeping faces for a while, and then got up to have breakfast.

Anyway, the bed is fenced now, so there is no need to worry about them falling down while sleeping.

“Good morning, Mr. Su”

“Haven’t you two ladies gotten up yet?” asked the nursery sister-in-law

“Maybe they were too tired from playing yesterday and are still sleeping. Let them sleep.”

Su Rui sat down to have breakfast.

“Good morning, Mr. Su”

“The bosses of those companies in Tianyu are already waiting for you.”

Ye Lin said

“let them wait”

“Let the two little guys wake up and have breakfast.”

He couldn’t bear to let the two little guys wake up in the morning and cry without seeing him.

It’s just a few nights.

Not as important as his precious daughter.

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