Chapter 0077: Restrictions lifted, Orange and Peach are so cute that they are all over the Internet!!

The characters that the short video refers to are too obvious.

Orange, Peach.

Aren’t these Little Orange and Little Peach?

And the actress of Peach is even the same as Little Peach, a little girl with a bit of exotic style.

The implication of the reference is too obvious.

Even two-year-old children like Little Orange and Little Peach know that they are the ones playing in the film, not to mention Su Rui, an adult, who can tell at a glance that they are the ones playing in the film.

No wonder Little Orange and Little Peach were angry after watching it.

The plot in the film is seriously inconsistent with their lives, and it is completely malicious speculation and arrangement.

How could Su Rui not be angry after seeing his daughter being arranged like this?

“Dad, look, there’s this.”

Xiao Taotao’s little finger slid gently on the screen, and soon she turned to a video.

In the video, two mothers were holding their children on the sofa and watching TV.

There was no smile on either of their faces, and they were hinting that the other was not qualified to stay in this family.

The two children in their arms were fighting for a toy.

“This video is so bad, our mother is obviously not like that”

“I mean, our mothers obviously have a very good relationship, how could they quarrel when they sit together like they acted?”

“And this, Dad, you see, we are portrayed as bad guys too.”

“Taotao also stole my food”

“And this dad, you see, dad was deceived by Juzi, and then scolded Taotao, Taotao cried out of grievance, dad has never scolded us, and Juzi has never bullied Taotao.”

The two little girls said as they scrolled up the video to let their dad see how bad the actors were in these videos.

The two little girls have completely replaced the characters in the video.

It is precisely because of this that they are very angry when they see their parents and themselves behave so badly in the video.

Even if they re-watched the videos that maliciously edited them, the two little girls were still so angry that they stomped their feet

“Dad, can you take a video for us?”

“Put the video of me and Taotao on the Internet, let them know that we are a good couple”

“And mom!!! Dad also posted the video 12 of mom and mom online to let them know that our mom doesn’t quarrel every day like them. Our mom is so loving.”

“Also, daddy, take more pictures so that the whole world knows that our mom is adorable. Now that we are two, she won’t bully us two little babies.”

“Mom and Dad are taking care of us two little babies, we are so happy.”

Little Orange and Little Peach said in baby voices.

The two little ones tried their best to prove that their family’s life was completely different from what was shown in the video.

Su Rui suppressed his emotions.

He hugged them and said,”We don’t need to prove our lives to anyone. For these malicious videos that edit us, Dad can have them all removed from the shelves, so you won’t see them when you watch videos.”

As an adult, Su Rui’s first thought was to deal with the problem in an adult way.

But the two little guys didn’t think much of it.

“But dad, there are a lot of videos like ours on the Internet now.”

“I think many, many, many children have seen this video.”

“Even if dad made all these videos disappear, the people who have seen them know about it. Then in their hearts, aren’t we and mom and dad just bad dads, bad moms, and bad kids?”

“If Juzi and Taotao go to kindergarten in the future, the other kids will think we are bad and won’t play with us. Then we will have no friends, right?”

Juzi clearly expressed her concerns from the perspective of the children.

“And, when Ju and Tao go to school, other kids will say that we have two bad moms! Tao Tao doesn’t want others to say that our moms are bad. Our moms are the best moms in the world, not bad moms.”

Little Tao Tao pouted.

When she was excited, she couldn’t help but make a big circle with her hands in the air, trying to prove how good their moms are, really, really good.

“And dad, our dad loves mom and us, and Orange doesn’t want other kids to say our dad is bad.

Little Orange also pouted.

Both kids tried their best to prove that their family is very, very good.

“Dad, please take a video for us.”

“Orange and I want to tell the world loudly that we are the best sisters in the world, and our parents are the best parents in the world.”

“We also want to tell the world loudly that Orange and Taotao are the happiest children in the world. Our parents love us very much.”

“Dad, hurry up.”

Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao came out of Su Rui’s arms together, handed the phone on the sofa to Su Rui, and then the two little guys stood farther away hand in hand.

“Dad, please take a picture for us.”

The two little guys couldn’t wait to clarify to the world.

Su Rui felt helpless when he saw their actions.

From an adult’s perspective, their actions were meaningless.

The more they clarified like insignificant people, the more they would fall into the trap of self-proof.

With his strength, he could completely ask major platforms to increase the review process so that these videos with innuendos could not be released at all.

But he had to take care of the emotions of his two precious daughters.

“But baby, if daddy takes this video for you, many, many people will know you.”

“No matter where you go in the future, there will be many uncles and aunts taking pictures of you with cameras, and then posting you on the Internet, so that more people will know you.”

“Wherever you want to go in the future, there will be a lot of people watching you.”

Su Rui said.

The reason why all the information about Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao was removed from the Internet was to give them a more peaceful space to grow.

If they really sent a clarification video to them, all the previous efforts would be in vain.

According to the current popularity on the Internet, if this video is sent out, at least five out of ten people will know Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao when they go out.

This is what Su Rui doesn’t want to see.

But children’s thinking is obviously completely different from that of adults.

When the two heard what their father said, their eyes became brighter.

“But Dad, we just have to tell the whole world”

“That’s right, wouldn’t it be better if more people knew us? Then everyone can know that Orange and I are good friends, that our parents are good parents, and that our parents love us very much.”

“And why can’t we let others know us?”

“Many people know Yang Mi’s mother and Reba’s mother. They are big stars. Everyone can see them on TV. We also often see them on TV.”

“”Dad, why can’t we let everyone know each other?”

The two little ones looked at their dad with confused eyes.

They didn’t understand the logic of adults at all.

Su Rui was a little confused by the childish questions of the two girls.

Of course, he wanted to protect their living space from being disturbed.

But how to explain this to them?

“Aren’t you afraid that many people will disturb your life?”

Su Rui thought for a while and asked

“Why do they disturb our lives? Will someone suddenly come to our house when we are playing at home?”

Xiao Taotao asked with her head tilted.

“Of course not.”

Su Rui would definitely shake his head.

“Then when we are eating, will someone suddenly come over and snatch our food away, preventing us from eating?”

Little Orange also tilted his head and asked

“This… of course not.”

Su Rui still shook his head.

“Then how do they disturb our lives?”

The two little guys asked the same question.

Su Rui said:”It’s what Dad just said, when you go out to play, there will be uncles and aunts around you taking pictures, and there will be people discussing you.”

“Just take pictures, we are not afraid, right Taotao?”

“Yes, yes, we are having fun by ourselves so we don’t have to worry about others taking pictures of us.”

“Can’t we just ignore them?”

“They are not big tigers and they won’t eat us.”

“Hehe, even if they are big tigers, Dad will definitely protect us.”

The two little guys looked at their father innocently, and they couldn’t understand their father’s worries about this matter at all.

Su Rui looked at their innocent appearance and was speechless for a while.

It even made him re-examine the issue of protecting their privacy.

Frankly speaking, even if the two of them were made public and everyone in the world knew about their existence, so what?

Except for a little impact on them in public, it really didn’t affect them at other times.

Even in public, according to the current life patterns of Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao, there is not much overlap with the public in public.

Even those celebrities can give their children enough protection after making their children public.

Su Rui couldn’t figure out what he was worried about for a while.

Maybe it’s the cautiousness after having children?


But if this kind of caution in adults affects the children in turn, and makes the children cautious when facing life, isn’t it a failure? The two little guys want to clarify themselves and want to protect their parents. The mood is so pure and beautiful. If even this is not allowed, how can we say that they have given them a carefree life.

Su Rui looked at them.



“Are you thinking about how to help us take the photo?”

The two little guys ran over and hugged their father.

Su Rui thought for a while and said,”Baby, Daddy is thinking about something.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Dad is thinking about what kind of life he should give you.”

“They are two girls who live in their own world and grow up secretly, and then quietly become the best girls in the world.”

“Or two girls who can freely express themselves and write brilliant lives in both real life and the online world.”

Su Rui obviously didn’t say this to them, he was just talking to himself.

After saying this, he actually had the answer in his heart.

His daughter’s life should not be confined to one space.

So what about the Internet.

It can also be my daughter’s world!

“”Dad, what are you talking about?”

The two little ones obviously didn’t understand what he said.

Su Rui smiled and touched their little heads,”Nothing, Dad is thinking about how to better clarify this matter.”

“Don’t worry, okay?”

“Let’s clarify this matter when dad comes up with a better solution.”

“Don’t worry, Dad will let the whole world know that you are not like what is shown in the video. You are the best sisters.”

“We also need to let everyone know that our parents are very good too,”

Xiaojuzi added.


“Dad remembers it”

“Stop watching videos, go play with your toys, Dad will find a solution,”

Su Rui said gently.


The two little ones finally became happy.

Su Rui took their tablets and randomly watched a few videos.

Their family is so popular now that one out of every three or five videos is related to them. Various scenes from the skits are cut everywhere.

Looking closely at the comments, they are all just watching melons.

It’s easy to remove all of them.

But now their family is so popular that as long as they can get traffic, they will get money in this traffic era.

Even if one wave is blocked, there will definitely be waves of self-media that will continue to edit related videos to attract attention for money.

So after careful consideration, Su Rui did not plan to remove these videos.

“Ye Lin”

“Come up here for a moment”

“What’s the matter, Mr. Su?”

Ye Lin soon appeared beside Su Rui.

“Ask all major platforms to remove the content restrictions on Xiaojuzi and Xiaotao 840tao, and release all the photos that were previously blocked”

“Are we also free to speak freely?”

Ye Lin asked.

Although she was a little surprised by his sudden decision, she believed that Mr. Su must have his reasons for doing so.

“Let go of them all.”

Su Rui nodded.

“So…what about you, Mr. Su?”


Now that the relevant permissions of Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao have been lifted, he, as a father, will certainly not hide behind them.

Of course, he will face this complex online world with them.

In this way, their parents are with them in the real world, and even in the complex online world, their parents are with them.

“Got it.”

Ye Lin turned around and made a phone call.

All the photos of Xiaojuzi and Xiaotaotao, as well as Su Rui, that were originally blocked by major platforms, were revived.

They reappeared on the homepages of those reporters.

All the accounts that had forwarded them before, and the blocked content also reappeared

“Holy shit!!! My previously deleted photos are back!!!”

“Are these the two daughters of Yang Mi and Reba? ? ? They are so cute!!!”

“Two beautiful little friends~~”

“Is the guy holding them in the photo their dad Su Rui? Wow, he’s so handsome!!!”

“My son is three years old, is there any chance???”


“I thought the two girls in the skit were invincible, but I didn’t expect the real protagonist to appear and instantly kill the two skit actors.”

“Weren’t these photos blocked before? We couldn’t even post them. Why were they released again? ? ?”

“I’ll give it a try… Damn, I can post the photos I saved!!! I’ll tell you, Yang Mi and Reba’s daughter is prettier than you think!!!”

“So what is going on now? ? ? Didn’t their father Su Rui block all relevant information on the Internet in order to protect them? How come they are all resurrected again?”

“You guys are so fucking nosy, I just want to ask for more updates!!! It’s so cute~~ I want to see more~~”

“Did you see the photo of these two little guys beating up Mr. Zhang? Hahaha, these two guys are so funny”

“Is it possible that they are not as scheming as portrayed in the skit?”

“Where is Su Rui’s account? I want to ask for updates~~~”

“Everyone go to Yang Mi and Reba’s accounts~~~~ Let them post more content about their daughters and husbands”

“Hahahaha, this is the first time I’ve come into such close contact with a wealthy family!”

“Wang Sicong: How about I quit the internet???”

“Principal Wang is really not a rich man in front of Su Rui.”

With the large number of photos from the Magic City banquet that night reappearing on the Internet.

Not many people have seen the photos that appeared briefly that night, but the popularity of the past few days has made these photos that have seen the light of day instantly sweep the entire Internet.

Hundreds of millions of people have seen the cute little orange and little peach, as well as their handsome father.……

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