Looking at Jinbian, who was gradually being swallowed by the insect swarm.

Noah's eyes were calm.

Maybe he really is a lunatic.

Think carefully.

How many people did he kill today? How many people have been killed in the past...

But at this time, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Is it because these people were basically not killed by him?

It's just self-deceiving nonsense.

But he was already at ease, because he had passed Gu Yi's hurdle!

For a long time, Gu Yi was like a big mountain, pressing heavily on his heart.

That one is a terrifying existence with a time gem that can see through the future.

Even if he didn't notice it before, he should have noticed after he killed so many people just now.

Perhaps because existence is reasonable?

Or maybe it was because she judged that Noah would not destroy the earth?

In short, Gu Yi has already made a judgment.

Then he felt at ease.

The world has truly accepted him, and he has truly accepted the world.

The sea of ​​worms quickly disappeared to the ground.

The endless biochemical beasts also dispersed.

Not a single corpse was left on the ground, only some blood and water remained, proving that there was a big battle here before.

Except for a few big holes in the ground, everything seemed to have never appeared.

And soon even these big holes were flattened.

He was not worried that someone would follow the remnants of the hole to find it.

There are deep pits blown out by bullet marks everywhere, and there is no difference at all from the outside.

Even digging is useless.

The nest of the Zerg is nearly 100 meters deep underground.

Besides, today's warning is enough.

As long as Noah doesn't leave.

Even if someone finds an anomaly, no one dares to carry out an investigation with great fanfare.

So in order to make sure there are no problems, he plans to continue to live here for a while.

With the gunshots gone.

Someone at the periphery finally began to try to enter.

This time Noah didn't stop him.

Instead, he directly evacuated all the fighting wolves to this neighborhood.

Ruo Ruowu's howling sound made the surroundings look extremely terrifying.

A gang member came over and saw the battlefield here, and the appearance of no one.

He immediately fled in horror, and even dared to stop and pick up the shoes after they had escaped.

Although he didn't see the corpse, he saw bloodstains and the big pits that had been blown up.

The rain that turned completely red is also enough to prove what happened here.

Afterwards, members of other forces also approached.

Even if he was daring, he wanted to get closer to check, but after hearing the faint roar of the wolf fighting around him, he left sensible.

This night is destined to be remembered by the entire Hell's Kitchen.

The name Noah Allen is destined to become a taboo for all gangsters!

Early the next morning.

George Stacy brought two police officers to his house.

Noah looked at George Stacy with bloodshot eyes and drank coffee calmly.

"Director Stacy, what's the matter with coming here early in the morning?"

With a gloomy face, George Stacy slapped the table and said angrily:

"You're a lunatic, what did you do yesterday!"

Noah raised his eyebrows.

"Didn't you already know?"

Noah said lightly, and then looked at George Stacy, as if it was strange for him to ask.

George Stacy ignored Noah's eyes and continued to ask:

"Most of Hell's Kitchen was blocked yesterday.

Seven gangs united to surround this place, tell me where they all went.

And Wilson Fix, do you know how much trouble he would cause if he died, a famous philanthropist.

And do you know how chaotic Hell's Kitchen will be when several big gangs disappear at the same time! "

Noah sneered:

"You said it all, they surrounded my house, and it wasn't me who surrounded them.

How could I possibly know what happened to them.

What's more...

Whether hell's kitchen is messy or not has nothing to do with me.

Rather, everything right now should be a good thing for you.

During your tenure in office, you have solved so many large-scale gangs that your predecessors could not solve. This is a big credit, and it should be enough for you to be promoted. "

Hearing the calm Noah, George Stacy suddenly felt a little powerless.


As long as Noah Allen agrees, he can claim the credit for this matter.

At that time, no matter how chaotic the future is here, he can leave this damned place ahead of schedule.

But, do you want to compromise?

Or for those scum who are likely to be dead, and confront someone like Noah Allen.

In just a moment, George Stacy sighed.

There is really no hesitation in this question.

"You won't do anything that endangers civilians."

Even though he knew that his questioning was powerless, he still asked.

Noah looked at him strangely.

"Your question is really interesting. I'm a businessman, not a murderer."

After speaking, Noah saw off the guest directly.

As for the father of this Spider-Man's girlfriend, he turned out to be somewhat interested, but now he is no longer cold.

Not to mention him, even if Spider-Man himself appeared here, he would not be in his eyes.

Send away George Stacy.

Noah considered his own gain this time.

Although he has accepted the transformation of the black light virus, this does not mean that he will let it develop on its own.

It can even be said that follow-up research is the top priority.

It is very important to formulate a suitable evolutionary route, determine the ability and limit of the black light virus, or the harm.

But this is a long-term goal.

Noah temporarily took down the black light virus research project and replaced it with gold and genes.

Looking at the brief analysis data given by the system, Noah frowned slightly.

Sure enough, Jin Bing's genes have been mutated, and it is an extremely dangerous mutation~www.NovelMTL.com~ Jin Bing is definitely lucky to survive.

Although the improvement is great, the danger of this mutation is uncontrollable and difficult to improve.

In other words, although he can use gold and become a tyrant.

But the success rate will be lower.

Of course, this is not a problem.

The big deal is to cultivate on a large scale and then transform successful individuals, which is nothing more than an increase in cost.

Then Mrs. Gao.

He is very interested in Mrs. Gao's genes, after all, it may have something to do with the keel.

After checking the basic research materials, Noah felt very satisfied.

There is a special gene in Mrs. Gao's cells. Although it does not help to improve the combat power, it is of high research value.

Even Mrs. Gao, who has been transformed by a keel, is like this. What about the keel?

Noah's eyes narrowed slightly.

If you have the opportunity, you may be able to look for it. It may contain the secret of immortality.

If a drug that can prolong life can be researched, I am afraid those high-level government officials will be crazy about it!

After all, not many people can resist the temptation of eternal life.

Especially those big men whose power has reached their peak.

She took stock of her gains, and then planned her future development route.

Noah suddenly felt that the future was bright.

I am a businessman.

Maybe it's time to think about making money.

During this time, he had almost spent all the money he earned, and even borrowed a sum of money from the bank, so that he could barely make a turnaround.

Or, give the military some sweetness?

The trial tyrant should be fine.

It is time to bring out the mass-produced and elite models.


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