Noah knew nothing about what happened in Manhattan.

He just took it for granted that since there was a shadow of S.H.I.E.L.D. behind him, it was impossible to do something to his parents.

At least not at this time!

However, he ignored the existence of Hydra.

SHIELD, there is another name, but it is called Snake Shield!

Hydra would not have so many concerns.

He just threw himself into studying Megatron's life form.

Of course, it is not quite right to say that it is wholeheartedly.

Because he noticed that there are other secrets in the deeper part of this base.

More mysterious than Transformers?

This made Noah think of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

The source of fire may be very mysterious, but the Rubik's Cube of the universe is also a treasure that is not inferior, and may even have a stronger treasure.

If he can get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, even if his research on technology is insufficient, as long as he can open the door to other worlds.

Then he can collect the special life cells of this universe as much as he wants.

Although there are not many special life on earth.

But that doesn't mean the universe is like that.

Like Thanos.

The Titans, no matter what legend they are in, belong to a powerful race.

Of course, let him go to the tyrant now, he is not so big.

Although in the movie, Thanos is like a fool, but how can he be so stupid if he can dominate the universe for so long.

The current self, against Thanos, is probably as powerless as a bug.

But after thinking about it, it's not realistic to turn against S.H.I.E.L.D.

When dealing with official organizations, it is inevitable that there will be many worries. Unlike dealing with gangsters, it is enough to kill all the enemies.

S.H.I.E.L.D., shouldn't have the guts to move him head-on under the pressure of local capital.

Noah smiled in his heart and threw the thought out.

In this world, there are rules.

Everyone needs to abide by the rules, otherwise, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

On the other hand, the anxious battle at the Umbrella base continued.

The battle so far has exceeded the expectations of both sides.

In order to deal with Umbrella's biological weapons, the Ten Rings Gang even used missiles.

The huge movement, not to mention the entire New York, can be heard, but with New York's intelligence network, I am afraid that the war here at this time has already been placed on the table of all parties in New York.

Therefore, everyone in Umbrella was very calm.

They are the capital of the United States, and they can go to the military table.

A gang of terrorists from nowhere?

The military doesn't just look at it that way.

That is not only a provocation to capital, but also a provocation to the entire military.

Therefore, although the battle situation is not clear enough, in the eyes of everyone in Umbrella, they are already a sure winner.

They know it, and the Manchus naturally know it too.

The military is not a kitten or a puppy, and even Pierce's face cannot influence the actions of the military's top management.

Therefore, he must resolve the battle as soon as possible.

Master Manchu, seeing this, stood up.

In an instant, all the members of the Ten Rings Gang looked solemn, and even showed enthusiasm in their eyes.

The reason why the Ten Rings Gang is strong has never been because of their well-equipped equipment, nor because of their large numbers.

The only reason is that their boss, Lord Manchu!

The moment Lord Manchu stood up, in their hearts, Umbrella's base had already been sentenced to death!

No one can stop the steps of adults.

Only Brock Rumlow still looked disdainful.

Ten Rings Gang?

After all, it's still trash.

Count on what a person can do.

However, he still watched Manchu's movements.

He has also heard the name of the ten precepts.

Master Man slowly walked towards the dense forest.

On him, everyone in the Ten Rings Gang followed closely behind.

Brock Rumlow hesitated and followed.

The gunshots got closer and closer, and suddenly a member of the Umbrella unit wearing a K1 uniform passed by at a low altitude.

After discovering them, he just hesitated and rushed towards them.

The clothes of these people are like conductors.

If these people can be dealt with, the battle will naturally end.

However, as a battle-hardened soldier, he still reported his findings to Director Frank before launching the attack.

Because the battle has been going on for a while, his various hot weapons have long been exhausted.

But the energy of a micro-reactor is itself the most powerful weapon.

Just as he was approaching rapidly, Master Manchu raised his head, said nothing, raised his right hand, and a light flashed.


A ray of energy came into contact with the K1 armor, and the terrifying force directly destroyed the K1 armor.

Seeing this scene, Brock Rumlow was stunned.

The Ten Rings members are even more fanatical.

This is the strength of Manchu!

Lord Manchu didn't even look at the member of the Umbrella Special Response Force, and continued to walk into the battlefield.

In the battle, Frank quickly realized that something was wrong.

Because he couldn't get in touch with that soldier.

How could a warrior with superhuman physique still wear K1 armor, how could there be no news.

The only possibility is that the enemy has an unknown secret weapon!

Just thinking about it, suddenly a cold light in the distance hit a K1 warrior in the air.

In an instant, the warrior's suit was covered with frost.

Then it fell straight down.

"Thomas! Thomas!"

Frank yelled over the communicator.

However, there is no response!


Frank immediately called Deadpool.

Here, the situation of the other party is unknown, and he needs someone to check it out.

There is no doubt that Deadpool is that candidate.

Wade also noticed the situation. He wasn't afraid, just curious.

Killing the person in front of him, Wade rushed in the direction the beam had hit just now.

After seeing Master Manchu and others coming over, Wade was about to say something.

Lord Manchu raised his hand, and a cold light hit him.

Wade's body was instantly covered with ice.

" How is the situation?"

Frank asked in the communicator.

Wade shivered.

"Fa... Fake..."

When Lord Manchu saw that he could still speak, he was a little surprised, and then raised his hand.


A burst of flames shot, directly blowing Deadpool to pieces, leaving only a charred alloy skeleton.

Master Man was a little strange, but then a few lasers flashed, and the alloy skeleton was cut into several pieces by him, and he nodded with satisfaction.

This time, it should be dead.

Brock Rumlow felt a little chill in his body.

This Master Manchu is too dangerous.

No wonder they are so confident.

After smashing Deadpool to pieces, the ring on the **** of Manchu's right hand glowed blue.

A whirlwind appeared out of nowhere and took him to the sky.

Everything on the battlefield can be seen.

Master Man's eyes were slightly cold.

Then he stretched out his hand, and then the power of rage was injected into it, the next moment.

The flames surrounded the entire war zone!

At the same time, furious thunder flashes in the air, and every time the lightning flashes, a licker or a warrior must die.

Even a tyrant, and a K1 armor, can hardly withstand the attack without taking any damage.

Seeing this scene, Frank finally understood why Deadpool didn't answer.

Facing this kind of enemy, even if Deadpool didn't die, I'm afraid he would still be busy recovering.

This time, big trouble!

Frank's heart sank, then he no longer hesitated, and took out a controller that Noah left him.

He didn't know what it was, but he knew.

The boss said it.

If the trouble can't be solved, open it!


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