Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 634: Two hundred and eleven. The solution to memory

   Chapter 634 Two hundred and eleven. The solution to memory


   The raging storm poured into the chimney, the shade plunged into the fireplace, and the flames flickered.

   Bad weather, bad news.

   After reading the notes in the newspaper, Lu Li handed it to Remi.

   "The third disaster..." Remy's heart became heavy.

   It sounds far more desperate than the plague of plants and the plague of night.

The    evil spirit radio was placed on the table, next to the radio and the black cat sitting beside it. Lu Li picked up the manual that came with it. Compared to Albert's prototype, the New Evil Radio was more like a homologue mixed with mechanical parts - it wasn't electricity that drove it, but the same perception as a sanity counter.

   The evil spirits recorded by it are in addition to the Shadow of Fire Stealing and the Visible Voice recorded by Albert, and the new disaster [Silent Time] is also among them. The sounds they represent are wind chimes, humming, and bells, respectively.

  When the evil spirit broadcast sounds, it means that the evil spirit corresponding to the sound is around.

   This is just the beginning, as time goes on, the ghost radio will record more ghost frequencies.

  【Humans have never conquered the sea, but they can still sail in storms】

  Evil Radio's wooden casing has a line engraved on the bottom. Reminiscent of its answer: because of wisdom and tools.

  Jimmy Ampere and the kids hid in a cave for shelter from the rain. Remy has no body, and she leaves the cave from time to time to check the hut for leaks and whether Annie and Crop's wooden hut are in good condition.

The    sculpture squatted beside the fireplace, it seemed to be afraid of the cold, and it was still wearing a stolen Lu Li coat.

   The stormy noon was as dark as the evening, and when the dagger on the clock began to fall, the sleeping Anna opened her eyes.

   Lu Li on the wooden chair tilted his head to observe the awakened Anna.

   "Good morning." Anna said weakly, sitting up from the bed, the quilt slipped from her illusory body.

   "It's already afternoon." Lu Li closed the book and pushed it to the corner of the table.

   The black cat squatting there raised one paw to hold down the book.

  Ana failed to resolve those memories, but only relieved some symptoms, such as asserting herself.

   "I feel that Sarah is still alive..." She frowned and said suspiciously. "She was constantly influencing me with her memory."

   "People are made up of memories." Lu Li just replied.

  Alan Kingdom once had a famous paradox: Mike lost his memory, Tom got his memory. So Mike is Mike, or Tom is Mike.

The discussion thus sparked, and many of the same paradoxical questions were split: If Mike without his memory was copied, would a Mike who was copied be Mike; Mike and Tom swapped memories of who they were Mike and who was Tom .

   But not so complicated for Ana. All she had to do was treat Sarah's memory as a realistic, long, fantastical adventure story. It doesn't matter if she is changed by the adventure story, because the changed Anna is still Anna.

   As long as Anna can keep herself, she will not confuse Sarah's memory and regard her as a part of herself.

   It’s hard because…

   "I want to have a body." Anna suddenly said to Lu Li seriously.

   Because much of Sarah's memory is being desired by Anna.

  The experience of having a body in Ellen's castle gave Anna this desire, and Sarah's memory deepened it.

  Want to ask Sarah's entanglement completely, and getting a body that Anna is no longer envious of seems to be an option.

   So Lu Li called Remi back to the cave and asked her how the evil spirit could have a body.

   "It's difficult..." Remy replied, rummaging through the knowledge inherited from previous scholars.

   is just hard, but not impossible…

"There is a way?"

  Anna's voice still sounded weak, and no one knew what she experienced after sinking into consciousness.

"Well, it's a ritual to let illusory people regain their bodies." Remy paused slightly, and suddenly avoided Lu Li's gaze: "But it's very evil... just as evil as what Sarah did to resurrect Adam. "

  Remi didn't think Lu Li would agree to Anna doing this. She suddenly regretted that she answered too quickly.

   "What ritual?"

   Weak Anna leaned against the deep sea stone wall and asked with interest.

   With a sigh in his heart, Remy replied, "That's a form of ritual... The evil **** lacks believers, so he will make his servants disguise as human beings, go to towns to confuse humans, and bring them back to the territory for transformation."

   "So we still have to find the evil god." Lu Li said.

   "Not necessarily, if we can master this ritual..." Remy regretted saying it more and more.

   She didn't want to see a... gap between Lu Li and Anna.

   "What's the price?" But Lu Li had already asked.

   "...corpses, the fresher the better."

   Servants are the nourishment of the evil god.

  Lu Li knew this clearly during the Shadow Town incident.

   Except for some mysterious and weird evil gods, most evil gods follow their instincts and expand in evil and blood.

  Each Cthulhu possesses similar powers, albeit in different ways.

   For example, Remy used to use the ritual of giving shape to disguise his servants as human beings to confuse them.

   There are also some evil gods who will spread books that hide their distorted consciousness. People who read them will be distorted by the distorted knowledge in them, and gradually become believers or servants.

   Or let the servants turn into beautiful girls to go to towns to seduce men, wait until they are pregnant, then leave, and return to the territory to give birth to the next generation of servants.

  Remi spoke out about the side effects of the "giving body" ritual.

The    ceremony is like being possessed by a ghost, but after the transformation, the appearance of the corpse will change to that of the possessor. The duration varies, usually depending on the degree of decay of the corpse, but usually no more than two weeks - although it can last longer, but the body is full of stench, and the body of maggots crawling in the rotting flesh cannot be in town. How long to hide.

   This means the corpse will be used as a consumable, not a long-term use...

   This is also the reason why Remy regrets.

  Lu Li will inevitably be in a tangle, and so will Anna.

   Like "Gifts for Couples", the husband sold his watch in order to give his wife a comb. The wife sold her hair to give the watch chain.

  If only that was the case, it would still be a sweet and good story, although it caused a wry smile.

  But if they disagree...

   "Try the first method first." Lu Li said to Anna.

   "The first way...? What is it." Anna asked curiously.

   "The evil **** has the power to seal and forget memories." Lu Li calmly looked at Anna, waiting for her answer.

   Just solve the source, those memories of Sarah. Ana will no longer be affected.

   "Forgetting..." Anna's eyes drooped slightly, making it difficult to see her emotions clearly. "Can."

  Although Sarah's memory inevitably affected Anna, she felt sad and lost about this decision, but Anna didn't want to worry that Sarah's memory would make her hurt Lu Li one day.

  The Swamp Mother is the only option. She has a good enough relationship with Lu Li and others, and can communicate.

   But that means they're off the cliff top again, after the storm.

   (end of this chapter)

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