BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 140

Chapter 140 Kim Hyun-soo (3)

“What’s the merger?”

[M: It’s a joint broadcast] Two streamers appear in one video together.]

“Is he here, too?”

[M: Not really. We should go in this way, or the driver should go in this way.]

Henry was speechless.

A concept that he couldn’t imagine was flowing out like it wasn’t much to a flame solo.

“Do you mean, by any chance, to skip the dimensions? You really did have that, didn’t you?”

[M : Dimension?] Oh, you might think so.…. Should I say something like that? Yes, it is. Skip Dimensions! There’s one here, too. Spirit, hell, oh, more like a demon than hell?]

“It definitely exists. I’ve heard of it. But there are only a limited number of people who can go over there. Most of them were talented people who could leave their names in history.”

How about a driver?]

“It’s impossible. I didn’t get to that level……. Oh, I guess I can find it.”

Trying to give up, Henry suddenly came up with a way.

There were two options.

I had to see if the sponsoring store was selling the items, and I could have asked the 8-star wizard Coelay.

Henry, who is only a four-star knight, can never do it, but Coelay would be different.

[M : I’ll wait for you slowly] Then shall we check it first and proceed with the next content?]

Henry nodded his head.

“I’d like that.”


[Sponsored Store]

* Currently available for purchase are as follows.

Henry narrowed his brows and looked through the patron’s items.

There were various products, and the prices varied.

If you have enough money, it’s not hard to rock the continent.’

It secured a huge amount of gold by purchasing one piece of information in the first place.

Just a few repetitions of similar levels of work would make Henry one of the greatest giants on this continent.

Is that all?

Merchandise, including beads of talent, could have helped Henry reach up to 10 stars at once.


Henry closed the store.

“There’s nothing that lets you skip the dimensions. I can’t help it.”

To be honest, I felt sorry.

The flame solo was never a man of fiction.

When it comes to broadcasting.

He knew dozens of times more facts than Henry did.

Henry moved his seat. Coelay was still searching the tower for traces left by the wizards.

“Kuelay, are you busy?”

“Tell me, I’ll listen.”

“Can you possibly move on to another dimension?”

“It’s possible. You can only choose where you’ve already been discovered, you can’t accompany anyone else, and you may not be able to return.”


Coelay put down the book he was looking at and looked back at Henry.

“Why all of a sudden? Do you have business in the neighborhood?”

“I was curious.”

“If you want to move on, you can come up with a way.”

“Didn’t you just say it was impossible?”

“I’m on my own. It’s not completely impossible to rent a few hands here and there. Like bringing together ten high-ranking wizards from different schools, or a high-ranking spirit who acts like a servant to a higher-ranking spirit.….”

“You’re saying it’s possible with their help.

“It depends on where you aim, and who you can get help from.”

There were three worlds that Cuelay knew.

First of all, the first was the middle dimension where Henry is now standing on his feet.

The second one is the land of spirits.

The third was the realm of demons located deep in the mounds.

“If you’re looking for another dimension, or if you’re going to keep in touch with them in moderation, that’s enough for ordinary wizards. What if it’s the land of the spirits? Of course you need a spirit. I don’t really want to recommend a mugger.”

“Do you really need the help of the Devil’s Church?”

“I don’t care about similar people. Like a necromancer…Of course, it should be at least tens of thousands of innocent lives.”

Coelay pushed her eyebrows up.

“I guess that’s not the answer you wanted.”

“No, it was just a question.”

“You have to know if it’s true or not. Camilton has been born with that poker face for generations. Go somewhere and get some rest. I’ll be done in a minute.”

This was also a failure. Coelay was a great wizard, but the flame solo must have mentioned something above him.

The simple spirits and horses were places of no value to Henry right now.

Soon the flame solo came back.

[M : You don’t look good. Did you check it out?]

“It’s going to be hard. Maybe later, but right now…….”

[M : I can’t help it] Then when are you talking about later?]

“There are two things. Look for people who remember the Coelay-like, or Camilton-like vows.”

[M: Right] That’s a possibility.

“Or the wizard gives me a chance. There are two things we can expect at the moment.”

M: The opportunity of a wizard…….]

“It’s a reward for me when I get 10,000 subscribers.”

The chat stopped for a while.

After a few beats, the flame solo said.

[M : That’s nice. I feel like I’m taking a test. Shall we move on to the next step?]


“He’s not doing it.”

You’re not?

I heard a voice that I couldn’t believe from beyond my cell phone.

It was a matter of course.

YouTuber Harang with 1 million subscribers.

How many people want to merge with her.

You sure there’s something?

“Maybe it’s because of the concept…….”

You don’t think so? It’s confidence. Confidence that you don’t need it.


Kim Hyun-soo muttered low.

It was because Lee Hee-jin’s words made sense.

I thought it was just a concept, but didn’t Kim Hyun-soo himself say that to Harang?

I think there’s something going on.

“There’s a possibility that it’s a game company virus. Honestly, I don’t think that quality would be necessary.….”

I don’t know. Even if it’s a virus, that’s an excuse. Give high-ranking developers a chance to enjoy it under the pretext.

“You’re just saying it’s for nothing, aren’t you?” We can advertise, we can broadcast, we can enjoy.”

Kim Hyun-soo thought it was pretty plausible again this time.

Where in the world is viral marketing like that?

Even if you do, it’s normal to be hit by a YouTuber that’s already proven, right? You run a channel from the bottom?

“I see. That’s a real excuse.”

Even if it’s a viral marketing mask, it’s just an excuse.

It doesn’t make sense in the first place.

There was no expertise in the field, but the experience gained from the side was enough to make such a judgment.

Anyway, you want me to take one and think again?

“I think so. I think you’re asking me to show my skills…….”

But you’re gonna stick to your orders?

“That’s who he is.”

It’s really fun.

He has a strong stomach.

Under no circumstances did the concept falter.

The same was true even in the face of the opportunity to grow the channel significantly.

The sad side has to wait.

“Do you feel sorry for your sister?”

The one who is curious loses. I lost, and you lost. Who the hell are you? I’m so curious!

Kim Hyun-soo grinned. I didn’t expect Lee Hee-jin to be in the shoes of the younger generation.

“I’ll call you as soon as I take a picture. This time, my pride was a little hurt.”

Lee Hee-jin smiled this time.

Kim Hyun-soo ended the call in moderation.

“Let’s take 10,000 first and think about it.”

Kim Hyun-soo recalled Henry Camilton’s voice.


A name that often pops up like a cheat key was a good excuse again this time.

Henry said he couldn’t help it, but how am I supposed to believe it?

“Okay, it’s actually 10,000. We’ll be shooting it soon anyway.”

Henry currently has 9,800 subscribers.

It was a shame that 200 people would rise even if they were left alone.

Of course, Kim Hyun-soo was a person who could not be satisfied with that level.

“If you asked me to show you, I should show you. I’ll do my best over there, and it’ll overflow with sauce.”

Kim Hyun-soo looked at the left monitor.

Henry’s image was playing in real time in a small browser.

He turned his eyes to the center. Relaxing his wrist, Kim Hyun-soo launched an editing program.

“Let’s see.”


Henry Camilton stared at the chat window.

It was full of advice left by Fireworks Solo.

There’s a category in the video.’

There were things I knew and things I didn’t know.

Some of them felt it with their bodies, but they did not understand it exactly.

‘But I get it roughly. How should I end the show?’

Excellent adaptability shone this time as well.

Henry was able to see the whole picture for the first time since he started broadcasting.

Difference between real-time viewers and subscribers.

The fun points that subscribers feel and the fun points that viewers feel.

The strengths and weaknesses of current broadcasting.

To maximize its advantages and to reduce its disadvantages.

But of all that, there was something else that touched Henry the most.

“If the strengths are strong, the viewers watch the show. However, even if there are no disadvantages, if the advantages are weak, there’s no reason to watch the show.」


I knew exactly what a conceptual worm was.

To viewers, Henry’s pretending to be an article is conceptual.

But Henry had to be a knight pretending to be a conceptual.

The back and forth changed, but the important thing was that the results were the same.

‘I’m getting stronger. We need donations to be strong. The same goes for getting Camilton’s name back.’

In fact, it was from the beginning, but it became a little more obvious from this moment on.

Henry in the past considered himself more important as a knight.

But now?

Henry Camilton as a streamer became a little more important.

“Let’s go back.”

“Did you get through enough?”

“Too much. The tower……I’ll take it down.”

Coelay’s face was complicated. Henry didn’t ask her anything, and he didn’t ask for it.

It was because he realized that the number of requests was limited.

a flash of light

A collapsing tower.

Henry was spouting a different kind of comment than before.

“This tower is a vestige of evil. But now it’s collapsed, and that’s the last warning to the fallen wizards.”

I explained the situation. So that subscribers who watch the video can understand.

It was up to the flame solos to make the explanation interesting.

“If the wizards of the Cuelay Party are no different from here, I will erase them myself. In order to do that, the first thing to do is to be fully prepared.”

We identified the opponent as an enemy. It was one of the things Henry had to show one day.

This is the first act.

He laid the groundwork for the recovery of Camilton’s name and knocked down the enemy he faced first.

Henry went beyond the first level.

So, I meant that I finished my first episode of “Game.”

“By the way, we have about a month before we leave for the Duke of Barbara. It’s enough time to return the suffering lands to normal ground. I mean.”

Henry informed the subscriber of the change.

“It means we’re starting Act II now. Henry Camilton, I’m sure I’ll show you something.”


Upon returning to the estate, Henry began to move busily.

29 days from now.

The mission of the wizard must be carried out within a month.

The mission given is to leave for the Principality of Barbara.

However, if he left early, it would have been like giving up 29 days worth of content that could be extracted from the site.

[M: You don’t have to think hard about it. Just think about showing it one by one, calmly, separately.][M: Of course the process should look colorful. He pretends to be colorful, but the reality is that he has to go through one topic.]

There is a new category on the channel.

estate management

Videos of the process of developing the fallen territory were uploaded, and of course the title was not very ordinary.

What the lord’s son can do on the estate.

Give me everything from here to there. a demonstration box][Sorry, I dragged you to show this]

The flame solo maximized Henry’s concept. The distinction between title and action was the biggest laughing point he thought.

And only three days later.

Henry was able to reach his primary goal.

[Total 10,000 subscribers!][Additional rewards will be paid!]

BJ Swordmaster

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