BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 194

Chapter 194 the understanding of ignorance (4)

“Emergency! Emergency!”

The door of the situation room opened violently. Kim Hyun-soo, who ran inside, bowed his head to Chairman Kim and poured out words.

“The driver is starting to doubt it. I heard my behavior has been suspicious lately.”

With Chairman Kim and Choi Hyung-seok nervous, Kim Hyun-soo quickly unraveled the conversation he had just had.

a short conversation

However, the fact of doubt was clear, and the subject of the doubt was the relationship between Kim Hyun-soo and the wizard.

“…Mr. Chairman.”

Choi Hyung-seok looked at Chairman Kim. It was urgent, but Kim’s face was unexpectedly calm.

“How long did he say he’d wait?”

“I said I’d wait no matter how long. You said you could do that. But the next time I’ll be back…….”

“Be honest with me.”


“From beginning to end, every single one of them. It’s not a situation where you can lie about it in moderation. If I were going to do that in the first place, I’d put someone next to you. Friends who are good at packing.”

Chairman Kim was expecting this moment to come one day.

Changes in attitude are bound to occur in those who face sudden changes.

Henry Camilton was not a simple human being, and of course, he would have felt that Kim Hyun-soo had changed.

“It lasted a little longer than I expected. It’s probably because of the trust between you and his friend. That’s probably why you didn’t push it to the end because it was true.”

“…I think so.”

“Be honest with me. That’s right.”

How many times have I experienced this in my entire life.

Kim Hyun-soo nodded with his lips rolled inward at Kim’s voice, expressing confidence. Raising his eyes that had fallen to the floor, he made eye contact with Chairman Kim.

“I see.”

“Whatever the result is, it’s not your fault.”

“……Thank you.”

Kim Hyun-soo bowed and returned to his space. In fact, the reason why the space was separated was because of Chairman Kim’s consideration to make it easier to work.

After waiting for a while, Choi Hyung-seok carefully opened his mouth.

“Are you sure you don’t mind?”

“There’s nothing to worry about. It’ll be okay.”

“…What? It’s okay…”… Oh, you mean the driver’s reaction.”

“If I’m not mistaken for a person, I’m sure I am. I just want to hear an honest story. The fact that the other person doesn’t cheat on me would be enough.”

“Oh, then…….”

“I thought it would be okay from the start. Don’t you need to put pressure on him?”

Of course I wasn’t confident that it was 100 per cent.

However, even if he fails, Chairman Kim had a plan in mind.

I’ve always lived like that, and that’s why I got this position.

“Let him do his job, and we’ll finish ours.”

“Oh, yes.”

“We’re about to have a million subscribers. That’s what you said. Sponsorship will be done in a way similar to this time. The amount is set to be sufficient to achieve the 8-star rating, and the period is set before the end of the mission.”

“I think it’s enough.”

“I’m convinced now, too. Minseok… No, the wizard is happy with our actions.”

“I feel the same way.”

In the past, they sent a message not to intervene for any reason, but it was clear that their position has changed now.

Or maybe it’s because of the difference in the way Chairman Kim approaches.

“So you don’t mind saying that we have all the conditions in the other world? If it’s an eight-star article.”

“We need to consider the terms of fame, but I don’t think there’s a big problem with the current flow. If you can do this, you can really fly around on a dragon.”

a knight on a dragon True or not, it was a subject that could spread rapidly. It’s also a clear fact, so it’ll have a solid basis.

“Mr. Chairman, if the wizard wants the next step…….”

“That’s the way it should be. I’ve checked enough of your doctor.”

According to the current trend, it was clear that the 10-level bundle would reach 7 billion won, but in fact, money was not a problem from the moment Chairman Kim decided.

“The same goes for broadcasting. If you want more than a million, you can fill it up. Then we’re done with everything we can do here right now.”

“That’s right……. Yes, that’s right.”

“Well, then.”

Chairman Kim turned his eyes to the left.

Kim Hyun-soo, who went to reveal the truth to the knight Henry Camilton, was sitting there.

“Just then, a friend on the screen found out about us.”


“Well, what if you could now pass us the information we know.”

“Oh, that’s….”

Choi Hyung-seok chewed his lips. Chairman Kim was right. Since it’s like this, there’s a lot more information you can give Henry Camilton if he doesn’t show any disapproval.

“It would be easier to proceed if possible, but I’m honestly not sure. I don’t know how the wizard will react.”

“If you don’t want that situation, I won’t let him tell you the truth. If I were in the position of a wizard.”

“Oh, I’m sure……”

“Also, we didn’t actively reveal the facts first, and we didn’t fake it. We tried to hide it as much as we could, but Henry Camilton realized something was wrong with himself.”

Now, Choi Hyung-seok seemed to know what Chairman Kim was about to say.

I want to give Henry Camilton information.

But I don’t know the will of the wizard.

That’s why he neglected Kim Hyun-soo even though he knew that his attitude was awkward.

Rather, the process itself was to ask questions to the wizard.

“And that he’s still not back.”

In a calm voice from beginning to end, Chairman Kim concluded.

“You mean the Great Wizards don’t have any resistance to this kind of situation either. I need to gather the information and organize it. Something that will help Henry Camilton, and also give him confidence that he may be able to bring down the Mass Wizard.”

“…You won’t have to pack it. In the first place, the existence of the wizard is very different from what the driver is worried about.”

Choi Hyung-seok, who was listening with his mouth wide open, replied in a hurry.

“If you already know that, yes. Have you already figured out what kind of intentions that country, Guyan?

“Oh…… no. I’ll think about it.”

“Everybody knows that the Great Wizard must have created it. But there will be a difference of perspective in the process of reading the intentions.”

“I’m sure it is. If we can find out the intent, it’s possible to skip the problem that the driver is facing.”

Stopping the forest is a problem that will be solved by taking time.

The key is Guyan.

To help them, they first had to figure out what they wanted.


“……Thank you. To be honest, I didn’t understand everything. But I feel for sure that my manager didn’t hide anything from me.”

Ravian, a rural village outside Guyan.

Still not a step into the village, but Henry looked as satisfied as ever.

[M: I feel relieved, too] Thank you for trusting me. In fact, when I first started, I never imagined things would be like this…….]

“So am I. Even the moment I started broadcasting was beyond my imagination.”

At the time when it was gradually driven to the edge of the cliff.

All Henry could think of was that he wanted to build Mana at best.

In the meantime, a broadcast screen appeared out of the blue.

[M: But honestly, I’m still like that. I think it was all a concept from beginning to end. I still feel that way. Like a hidden camera…You don’t know this, do you?]


The chat stopped for a while. Henry thought the flame solo behind the screen would be smiling in some way.

[M: That’s right] I’m sure.]

“I don’t know about your world. I’ve just been a knight of Ballaran, and now I’ve become an unwelcome knight.”

Even the great Coelay didn’t know about the world of fireworks solos. At least Korea was like that’s the case.

They lived in a different world, so they looked at each other from a completely different perspective.

And that fact.

The two have finally realized for sure.

[M: Actually, what I’m thinking right now is. Anyway, what I have to do hasn’t changed much.… Yes, I honestly think so. As a manager, I’ll keep telling you this and that…….]

“I will respect that and follow it.”

At least in broadcasting, Fireworks Solo was able to give a much more professional opinion.

Also, wasn’t it for Henry’s own growth that he was trying to develop in the first place?

In fact, if you think about it in that context, what you’ve seen recently is not that different.

[M : Then slowly…]….]

“Yes, I think we can get down to business.”

The two were thinking the same thing.

Already, the flame sol revealed all the facts without hiding anything. Henry was satisfied with it, and the new information raised new questions.

[M: I’ve already told you this, but I’ll try to organize it again. The wizard, presumably, is a young man in a group of matches.]

“You said you were akin to the succession of the royal family.”

[M : Location is similar. Although it’s out of the line of succession.]

“Then they’ll end up like us.”

[M : That’s right. The Wizard was a human being. But I don’t know what it’s like now. I don’t know what you’ve been through in your world, but it’s all thanks to the ability of the wizard to talk to me now.]

The wizard was a human being.

A human being from another world, trying to cross back to the land.

Finally, Henry was able to realize why he was given this opportunity.

Humans across the dimension built strength, and then reached the end of the power that humans could reach. I crossed the space and twisted the time. Just as Ramsas could have a glimpse of God’s place, so could man.

“Then I’ll have to see Guyan in that context, too.

An article called Henry Camilton was originally a means of returning to the world. Then the same goes for Guyan.

The process of “helping” them was eventually directly related to the wizard.

[M: Right] So this unique land would have sprung up out of the blue. It’s the same until now. It’s strange that few people on the continent knew about Guyan in the first place.… of course, there are a lot of strange things.]

It was not simply a matter of access from the common sense line.

The land of Guyan was out of place in this world, and Henry had to understand them to the bone.

[M: But you’re a lot more advantageous. We’ve already got a much wider range of accidents, haven’t we? You’ve seen other channels, you’ve noticed there’s a different world…….]

“It’s true.”

[M: Anyway, you’re in a position to know what these people want, right? But this side has no intention of telling you.


[M] Then we need to find out for sure what the people of Guyan are like. Right?]

Henry nodded quietly. To some extent, I learned from experience, but it was true that it was not enough.

[M: Then let’s start with this. That’s what the driver said back then. Those who understand the knight’s sword can know what the knight is like.

Citing what Henry once said, Manager Fire Solo actively offered Henry the way as he always did.

[M] Let’s start with our understanding of the ignorance that the people of this land use. I think it’s a country where even rural residents value power to carry swords. How do you like it?]

A question that doesn’t have to be asked.

With pleasure, Henry nodded.

“It’s a perfectly reasonable proposition.”

BJ Swordmaster

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