Shouldn't it be buried in my heart?

Fukui's whole person was a bit messy, and he couldn't understand Sendoh's operation at all. Not only that, but he even doubted whether Sendoh's words were true.

Everything on the court is full of uncertain factors. Fukui glanced at Sendoh suspiciously. He didn't believe Sendoh's words at all in his heart, but he couldn't guarantee whether Sendoh's words were accurate.

On the other side, Uekusa quickly crossed the center line with the ball. Immediately, Okamura directly blocked him. The basketball in the hands of the latter changed hands behind him and passed the basketball directly from the back.

The basketball immediately flew to the top of the arc, Sendoh immediately caught the basketball with his palm, and his body suddenly flashed to the right. With a large movement, Fukui, who was standing in front of him, immediately took a big step back and escaped from the defense -Location.

Sendoh suddenly smiled, stopped abruptly, grabbed the ball with both hands - and jumped up!


Fukui's heart suddenly jumped, Sendoh's attacking or shooting movements were too fast, and the fake moves were a bit fluent, and he was careless, with one kick in front of the attack and the other kick directly back to shoot the ball!

At this moment, Ziyuan, who was standing on the perimeter defending, took a step across and quickly came to Sendoh, and even jumped up!

Murasakihara standing on the outside line will expand his defensive range to the three-point line. Masako Araki wants Murasakihara to block Sendoh's three-pointer. From the outside range, Murasakihara's speed can completely return to the defense!

As a center with such flexibility, Ziyuan is also a great weapon for Yangquan.

Ordinary center forwards are faster than him, not as strong as him, and similar in strength, but not as flexible as Ziyuan in terms of speed!

Sendoh was not surprised at the speed with which Ziyuan could return to the defense. The big hand that was firmly blocked in the shooting area, Sendoh suddenly smiled and said: "It's really high."

"However, you can't cover it.

In an instant, Sendoh raised the ball with both hands, and the basketball was above his head. In an instant, Sendoh pushed it out with both hands.

The basketball immediately flew upwards, shooting like a straight line, only a slanted arc could be seen carefully.

The basketball flew past Murasakihara's finger at a distance of one millimeter. Immediately, after the two landed, everyone's eyes immediately fell on the basketball. They had never seen Sendoh use this kind of shot.

Off the court, even Taoka began to doubt whether the ball could go in or not.

"This ball can't go in." In the auditorium, Midorima said affirmatively.

"Hey, Makoto, are you so sure!?" Takao Kazuari asked in surprise.

"That's right, Xiaolu, Senior Sendoh's three-pointer hasn't been missed yet." Momoi Wuzuki said hastily.

"It's not inaccurate, he did it on purpose." Midorima Shintaro said immediately, he shot more three-pointers than Sendoh, and he has an intuitive sense of accuracy for any three-pointer.

When he saw Sendoh take the shot, he knew it was impossible to get in this ball!

On the other hand, on the court, whether it is Yangquan or Ryonan, everyone's eyes are on the basketball. The ultra-high-arc basketball looks like it is rushing to the ceiling.

When the basketball reached the commanding heights, this direction was also the direction of the basket. Immediately, the surface of the basketball seemed to touch the ceiling, and then began to fall downwards, with orange-red tail flames, falling in a straight line.

At this moment, Sendoh suddenly moved, throwing away Ziyuan who hadn't reacted yet, and rushed directly to the inside line. At this moment, everyone didn't realize what Sendoh was going to do.

In an instant, the moment the basketball fell from the side of the basket, Sendoh raised his right hand and immediately caught the basketball. In an instant, he straightened his body, turned his back to the basket, and dunked it with one hand!



The moment everyone saw Sendoh slam dunk after receiving the ball, everyone in Yangquan reacted, and Fukui immediately shouted, but Sendoh moved faster, and dunked the basketball directly at the moment everyone just reacted.

And it was a one-handed back dunk.

"What's going on here?" Koshino said with a confused face, not to mention Yangquan, even Ryonan is confused and messy at this moment.

…… Ask for flowers………

Yuzhu smiled wryly, and said, "In this situation, no matter how you look at it, Sendoh just throws an impossible ball, and that's exactly what he wanted to do."

Sendoh came out of nothing, everyone's eyes were attracted to the basketball, and they were thinking about whether the ball could go in or not. No one paid attention to Sendoh's movement.

On the bench, Taoka was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile. Sendoh is really good at playing out of nothing, not only the players, but even him as the coach was attracted to him.

In the auditorium, after seeing Sendoh's one-armed dunk, Takao and Cheng were stunned for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Xiaozhen, you really guessed it right!!"


"Shut up Takao, I didn't guess. Midorima Shintaro frowned and said immediately.

"Xiaolu, how do you know this!?" Momoi Goyong asked suspiciously.

"This is an attempt, idiot." Qingfeng Dahui said immediately: "The ball just now has touched the ceiling, if it hadn't touched the ceiling, there was still a little suspense about this ball, but if it did, it would be impossible to get in .”

It's not that no one can shoot a ball that touches the ceiling, it can only be said that when the basketball hits the ceiling, the trajectory of the basketball will also change.

If this ball can go in, it can only be said that Sendoh’s calculation ability is too abnormal. The force that touches the ceiling and the offset trajectory are all calculated in it. Just turn on the wild Sendoh, still can’t make this kind of operation. of.

However, this does not prevent the audience from being confused and confused.

"What's going on with this ball!?"

"I'm a bit confused, can someone explain it to me!"

"The three-point shot seemed to be empty, but Sendoh dunked it in anyway."

"False shot, real buckle, Sendoh played around with that tall guy in Yangquan."

"I don't know how strong it is, but Sendoh-kun is really strong!"

On the bench in Yangquan, Araki Masako broke out of the stunned state, and immediately gritted her teeth and looked at Sendoh, this bastard is simply too irritating. .

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