Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

38 Ace Singles! (Please Subscribe!)

Federer lost consciousness, and was hit by a "black battle ax" by Oni Jujiro and lost consciousness.

However, Karl still wanted to put all his eggs in one basket to fight against the ghost and Kintaro, but he couldn't even resist Kintaro who entered the perfect clothes alone, not to mention that there was a ghost assisting him!

Just like that, the Swiss team lost in embarrassment in their first doubles match!

"The game is over, the Neon team won, the score is 6:3!"

As the World Cup, the Swiss team is second only to Germany's second-seeded team. Facing a low-level team like the Neon team, they suffered a two-game losing streak.

Immediately, shouts flooded the stadium in an instant, and everyone started talking.

"It's really a wonderful exhibition match." A big sponsor applauded and praised.

"That's right, both players are "one-six-seven" muscular players. The tennis player of the neon team named Toyama Kintaro is really talented with a warm-up effect!"

"That's right, such continuous backflips and unruly tennis, it's almost the climax of this performance warm-up match!"

Several wealthy European sponsors praised it one after another!

"I didn't expect the Swiss team to lose to the Neon team for two consecutive losses. When did the Neon team have such strength in tennis?"

"Don't be in a hurry to make a conclusion, you must know that their main player, Amadeus, is often active in professional tennis in Europe, and few people can beat him.

"That's right, no accidents, in the singles match, he will definitely play in person to save the face of the Swiss team!"

At the end of the second doubles match, Oni and Kintaro shook hands with Karl in turn. The two sides showed proper etiquette, and then walked back to their teams.

"Ghost, you did a great job, this shot showed our aura!" Mifune grinned coldly.

He is very satisfied with Oni Jujiro's performance.

"What about me, what about me?" Kintaro pointed at himself and chirped.

"You're nice too!"

Can make the three ships who are so proud and often yell at them, and praise them.

This is enough to prove that the strength of Oni and Kintaro has been recognized by the three ships.

"Brother Fengxiu, I won!"

"Good job!"

All this has long been expected by Fengxiu. Oni and Kintaro will play in person, unless the opponent's Amadeus will play in person and form a doubles with a junior high school student.

Otherwise, with the combined strength of the two of them, the Swiss team basically has no players to beat.

What's more, the ghost hasn't used another dimension, and it's seamless.

As the audience expected, Amatis with black skin and a height of 1.9 meters came on stage!

Wearing a small hat on his head and combing a small whip, he walked towards the court calmly.

But his eyes are like an abyss, making one feel very dark and gloomy.

"Oh my God, Amadeus really played!"

"Amadeus from the Swiss team really played in the third singles to save the face of the Swiss team!"

"Alexander Amadeus, himself a genius of the Swiss team, was discovered by the U17 head coach Uno when he was still in junior high school, and he has been personally brought by his side to train him."

"I'm afraid the Neon team will lose this singles match!"

"It's really hard to imagine, among the Neon team, who will be the opponent of Amadeus."

"Yes, yes!"

Just when Amadeus came on stage, the audience started another wave of crazy discussions. Because Amadeus is not only well-known in the tennis circles of high school students in Europe.

Even professional tennis in Europe has a certain reputation.

And Amadeus himself undoubtedly has tens of thousands of fans!



Crazy shouts resounded deafeningly throughout the audience.

The popularity of Amadeus is due to it!

"This battle, I'm coming!" Fengxiu took out her racket in a high-spirited manner.

Hearing that Fengxiu was going to fight Amadeus in person, the high school students and junior high school students of the Neon team all stared at Fengxiu in astonishment.

A long time ago, they had already done some research on the Swiss team's lineup... Especially Mitsuya and the others, they knew very well that Amadeus was already famous in junior high school .

Moreover, the tennis skills he possesses are ever-changing, and he can be said to be the world's top elite.

Amadeus is even listed as the number one dangerous opponent by the German team and the American team. At least in real matches, there has never been a technical network E.

The darkness he possesses can devour everything!

Compared with black holes, it has more powerful defense capabilities in different dimensions!

His dark shot was earlier than Byodoin Phoenix's comprehension of light shot!

It can be said that Amadeus is undoubtedly the most talented player that has appeared in the Swiss team in recent years.

"Are you sure? Byodoin won't be allowed in this battle? He has a relationship with Amadeus!" Mifune asked in a deep voice.

If In this battle, Byodoin would play against Amadeus and win, the state of mind of Byodoin would rise to a terrible stage, possibly comparable to Polk.

Because, the two had once played against each other.

"Let Fengxiu come for this battle, it doesn't matter whether I win or lose!"

Byodoin Phoenix's tone was very flat.

The strength of the golden generation is stronger than that of the diamond generation!

Now the neon tennis ball is destined to belong to these juniors!

"Since 4.4 is like this, let's go!"

"no problem!"

Fengxiu stepped into the court without fear.

His appearance immediately shocked the audience!

The leaders of both sides are here!

"That handsome, masculine, masculine man is the God of Destruction in Asia!"

"Wow, he's really handsome!"

"Tennis matchups are not won by being handsome, but by strength!"

"That's right, I don't know how long that Asian God of Destruction can last in the hands of Amatis!"

"I think Amadeus is too high. As the leader of the Neon team, Kurokawa Fengxiu's strength is absolutely unfathomable, and he definitely has the strength to fight Amadeus!".

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