Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

91 Shinichi Maki's Thoughts【Seek Full Order! 】

"It will be a disadvantage if you are so reckless." Soichiro Jin said immediately.

"Hehe, you didn't know where I was when I was playing basketball!!" Hisashi Mitsui sneered suddenly and said.

The body suddenly leaned back from the air.

Fadeback jump shot!?

Soichiro Jin raised his eyebrows, his own blocking at this level was completely useless.

At this moment, the basketball in Hisashi Mitsui's hand was thrown out immediately, and it flew past Soichiro Jin's fingers in an instant, and the basketball drew a beautiful arc in the air.


In the end, the basketball flew directly over, but the basketball hit the basket directly and bounced straight up.

At the basket, Akagi and Takasago Kazuma are already on the rebound.

However, the gods still favored the iron-headed baby. After the basketball bounced straight up, it finally entered the net when it fell!


Off the court, the Shohoku bench immediately cheered, each and every one of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

"Great job, Mitsui-senpai!!!"

"Nice shot!!"

"Shohoku, defend!!"

“Pretty, used ex!”

In the field, Sakuragi suddenly laughed and shouted, Hisashi Mitsui was stunned for a moment, and then he said stiffly: "Don't be surprised at 170, I just haven't found the touch yet.

But at this moment, his heart was already ecstatic.

"Hahaha, it's still one point away. I must come back next time. Sure enough, God still favors Tietouwa!!"

Aside, Soichiro Jin sighed, and at this moment, a person patted him on the shoulder.

Mu Kun said with a slight smile on his face, "It's okay, just go back."

The game continued, Kainan got the ball.

After receiving the pass from Kiyota Nobunaga, Mu Kunyi launched a fast break immediately, and she herself also accelerated a lot.

This is the result of three months of training. Now Kainan is not limited to Sannoh alone, but also focuses on all teams in the country!

In an instant, facing Miyagi who was directly blocking him, Mu Kun flicked to the right with his whole body.


The moment the basketball hit the ground, Mu Kun rushed in with the ball.

Not fast at the start, but enough to pass Miyagi!

With an instant breakthrough, Mu Kun drove the ball into the inside lane.

Just at this moment, Sleepy Kiminobu stood in front of him.

Mu Kunyike (bgbe) is very familiar with this old opponent, the moment the basketball in his hand changes hands quickly.

The basketball was passed out immediately!

Kiyota Nobunaga, who is open, jumps up and shoots the moment he receives the basketball.

"You have crossed the line, get down for me!!"

In an instant, Sakuragi rushed out directly, and with his super jumping ability, half of his arm directly blocked all the shooting routes of Kiyota Nobunaga.

"It's quick to return to defense, but I'm not going to shoot." Kiyota Nobunaga sneered suddenly.

However, at this moment, Kiyota Nobunaga retracted his shooting hand, and the basketball was passed directly from below.

Below, Tadashi Muto immediately jumps up to shoot after receiving the basketball.


Tadashi Muto didn't hesitate, and shot directly after receiving the ball and taking off.

The basketball roared across a gentle arc in the air, and fell perfectly into the net.


A smile appeared on Tadashi Muto's face.

As the game time passed, the tug-of-war between the two sides became more and more intense, but Shohoku was clearly invincible at this time.

It can only be said that the strength of the point guards is too different. If Miyagi wants to defend against Mu Kunyi, he must use more physical strength.

The premise is that he can prevent it.

At this time, Akagi Takenori needs to pay attention to Mu Kunyi's layup.

When the second quarter came to 5 minutes, the physical strength of both sides was greatly exhausted, even Mu Kunyi was the same.

But after seeing the point difference, what this call has done is worth it.

Five minutes into the second quarter, the difference between the two sides has reached 12 points!


At this moment, the referee blew his whistle, and even more voices came from the summit platform.

"Kainan Big Affiliate Requests Timeout!"

Immediately, the two sides slowly walked back to their benches.

"It's unbelievable that Shohoku's defensive ability is so solid." Yuji Watanabe said immediately: "An impenetrable defense, if the strength of the point guard is stronger

Today Kainan will not be easy either. "

"Yes, but Kainan's offensive ability is very strong. He seized Shohoku's weakness and crushed it desperately." Hachimura Lei followed up.

"Now there is a 12-point difference between the two sides. It is very good that Shohoku can do this without an ace." Yutai Watanabe said immediately.

"I have to say that I am very optimistic about Sakuragi Hanamichi's growth now. He seems like a fan, and he will never be able to see what he will do on the court." Lei Hachimura continued.

In the front row, Yotsuba turned her head and asked, "Ah Muqian's physical strength seems to be a bit weak."

"Nothing, that guy is very good at seizing opportunities." Sendoh said with a light smile.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Clover asked puzzled.

"During the Summer Cup, Kainan and Sannoh had a long match." Sendoh said immediately, and after seeing Clover nod, he continued: "At that time, Amu had already shown signs of opening the zone."

"It's a matter of finishing the door, but now he has grasped that state."

"Eh!?" Clover was even more puzzled.

"Pseudo-zone status is a threshold. People who can enter the pseudo-zone have their own talents, but it is not easy to grasp that state." Sendoh explained.

"Just like the zone, the pseudo-zone state has 90% of the concentration, and there is a slight increase, and Amu has grasped that state, and can achieve that level without entering the zone!"

"Speaking of it this way, it's like a wild animal." Clover said suddenly.

"Almost, I didn't expect him to be able to grasp this state." Sendoh said with a light smile.

He himself has never had the kind of time when he passively opened the zone, everything was just water.

So Sendoh has never experienced what it looks like in that pseudo-zone state.

But Sendoh was not too surprised, after all, if Amu can enter the zone independently, it is not difficult to control it well.

At this time, everyone on the Shohoku bench had exhausted their physical strength, and their faces were covered with sweat.

That's right, Sakuragi's face was a bit bad. After all, he said such a tough word at the beginning, and now he has been overtaken by 12 points.

Coach Anzai was still like Maitreya Buddha, he smiled and said: "Hehehe, everyone has worked hard, it is very good to be able to do this."

"Father, your mentality is good enough." Sakuragi smiled immediately. .

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