Under night.

An outdoor court somewhere near Teikou.

In the front is Nijimura Shuzo, and behind is Akito Shigure walking side by side with Kuroko Tetsuya. The street lights around him are a bit uncertain, just like Kuroko Tetsuya's mood at the moment.


Nijimura Shuzo wearing the official jacket in the front.

The pressure is too strong.


"What is the purpose?"

"With my current strength, I can't be my opponent against Captain Hongcun, and I probably won't be able to perform well... I'm just a member of the military.……"

"Why are you talking about this again?"

"Don't be afraid, feel free to fight"


I’m not afraid anymore…

Although I don’t know what the senior wants to see.

But... in front of seniors, I just don’t want to disappoint you at all.


"I will try my best."

Shigure Akito nodded.

Although... it is absolutely impossible to win.

But at least let Nijimura have a look.

Maybe he can come up with some new abilities that are different from the original plot.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, in fact In the field of basketball, Nijimura's vision is quite strong.

Especially because of his own appearance, this Nijimura's growth trajectory has been completely changed in the direct and indirect confrontation and competition throughout the first grade.

Qiu Ren scratched his head... it's so strong... it's scary


On the court.

When Nijimura Shuzo really stood in front of Kuroko Tetsuya.

The 130 style of painting in front of him reminded Shigure Akito of Akashi Seijuro vs. Koganei Shinji in the original plot, and even more so.

It can be called a lion versus a Chihuahua.

Hongcun Building:"……"


I can't smell the feeling of being strong at all.

Shigure... he won't be mistaken this time, right?

Bang bang~

Outside the court, Akito Shigure, who was being suspected by Nijimura Shuzo, applauded Kuroko Tetsuya and even said some outrageous words.

"Come on Heizi~"

"Kill him!"

Nijimura Shuzo was speechless again, but seeing Kuroko Tetsuya's very serious expression after receiving the encouragement before him, he still lowered his focus and defended actively, but not with all his strength.

Kuroko Tetsuya... triple threat.

It can be seen that It's Teiko's style

"I'm going to fuck you, Captain Nijimura"


"Are you looking down on me?"

"What to remind?"


Kuroko Tetsuya's little face was tense, and he was making probing steps, but the small probing steps under that kind of physique only made Nijimura Shuzo frown slightly, and he was completely unmoved.




Kuroko Tetsuya dropped the ball!

It can be seen that he usually practices very seriously. When controlling the ball, he keeps his eyes on the opponent seriously, constantly moving the ball in his hand, and then... suddenly bends down and lunges to accelerate the attack!

Breakthrough step by step!

Kuroko's breakthrough movement is the most basic move in Diguang's training. Although the movements are in place before the breakthrough, the speed is very slow.

And... the most critical problem is that before the breakthrough. It's in place.


Nijimura's water was flowing loudly, but the speed of follow-up was still beyond Kuroko's imagination. The moment he was blocked, Kuroko Tetsuya suddenly felt suffocated. , his hand is empty, Captain Nijimura is still in front of him, and the ball has not been intercepted, so that means.……


Akito Shigure looked towards the court, and his eyes focused on the moment Kuroko Tetsuya broke through. His 'exquisite' control brought the ball to his feet and bounced far away from the court.

Silence is the main theme of this moment.

The scene was extremely silent.

Hongcun Building:"……"


Not at all entry level.

When he is far away from the defense, he can control the ball very well. Once the defense is close, his movements are all messed up, and the ball can be dribbled to his feet. A newbie learning this level...

I haven't seen him in a long time. Especially in Diguang.


Nijimura Shuzo glanced at Shigure Akito with a cold gaze. The meaning in his eyes was clearly saying, 'At this level, are you kidding me? '.


Shigure Qiureto responded with a calm and calm smile.

Well... first of all... rule out the possibility that Kuroko Junior High School can use the 'disappearing dribble' ~ poor foundation.

But before Shigure Akito saw it with his own eyes, he never expected it to be so bad.

On the field.

Kuroko Tetsuya stood there awkwardly.

He hesitated and said:

"team leader……"

"It's my turn to defend."

After hearing this, Nijimura Shuzo withdrew his eyes from Shigure Akito, and turned back to Kuroko Tetsuya,"Well, you...come on.……"

At least... it's still pretty firm.

But... what about that soulless look before.

What did that letter say? strangeness

"Captain Hongcun……"


"Can you take action with all your strength?"


"I want to see how far I am from Yijun…."



Nijimura Shuzo did not talk nonsense, but expressed it with actions!

In front of him... a lifelike lion!

Baring its fangs!

And Kuroko Tetsuya felt that his head was approaching the blood basin.

He was about to bite it off in the next second! An unusually ferocious dribbling sound!

Unlike the defense that had just been released, Nijimura made no reservations about this ball.

It means to explode at full speed under wild conditions!

Since the three armies in front of you want to know the distance...


your own specifications are far higher than the first army, the opportunity is rare for the three armies, so take advantage of it.

This opportunity, see it clearly at once!

Bang ~!

He broke through exactly the same as when he attacked just now, but under the control of Hongcun Xiuzou, he hit with the power of a roaring beast...

at the same time!

It's a gust of wind!

Kuroko Tetsuya:


It's not an illusion.

Moments that pass by.

There was a real gust of wind.

So fast!

Nijimura's smooth breakthrough easily passed through and overturned Kuroko Tetsuya's defense. To Shigure Akito on the sidelines, this was like a cannon blasting a mosquito.


Flying dunk!

Swing out and land smoothly!

But unlike Shigure Akito's imagination, when Nijimura Shuzo looked back, not only was there no look of disappointment on his face, but his eyes were filled with complex research.

Hongcun Building:"……?"

Very weak... coupled with an absolute disadvantage in physical ability.

So weak that it's completely inconspicuous.

But... even Shigure might not be able to notice it.

This first grader named Kuroko Tetsuya clearly has subconscious pre-judgment movements in his body. what is that?

Do you have the same ability to collect and analyze information about your opponent's actions as you do?

"One more ball"

"I attack"

"You defend."

Outside the court.

Shigure Akito didn't see anything strange at all from Kuroko Tetsuya's defense just now. When he suddenly saw Nijimura Shuzo's reaction, he was curious and scratching his head. But the two of them were completely absent from the court. A guy on the same level, Nijimura attacks and Kuroko defends. After the offensive and defensive roles are fixed, he is beaten unilaterally, and the beating becomes more and more vigorous.


I can’t understand.

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