The ball was thrown out of the way, and the ball was thrown out.

Kuroko Tetsuya suddenly appeared in front of the point guard of Teruyoshi and slammed the ball out.

The ball turned and passed to Aomine Daiki.

The shooting guard of Teruyoshi did not pay attention to the direction of the pass just now, but just glanced at the direction of Fang Jilai's pass.

Just when the shooting guard of Teruyoshi thought Fang Jilai had made a mistake in passing the ball, the ball turned and passed to Aomine Daiki.

The shooting guard of Teruyoshi was surprised and froze for a moment.

Aomine Daiki seized the opportunity, passed the shooting guard of Teruyoshi in one step, and faced the defense of Muji Tieping, and scored the goal with a layup.

After landing, Aomine Daiki began to defend, patting Kuroko Tetsuya on the head and laughing:

"Azhe, your pass is so comfortable!"

Kuroko Tetsuya touched his head and said calmly:

"Aomine classmate, please don't hit my head."

Aomine Daiki smiled and explained embarrassedly:

"Sorry, sorry, I won't do it next time."

Teruei shooting guard murmured in horror:

"The ball............turned............."

Muji Teppei turned his head and asked Teruei point guard what happened just now.

"What happened just now? Why did the basketball turn?"

The point guard of Teruei was surprised. He was stunned for a while before pointing at the back of Kuroko Tetsuya and said:

"Did you just...see him?"

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the point guard of Teruei. The moment they saw Kuroko Tetsuya, the small forward of Teruei exclaimed:

"What happened? When was he on the court?"

Mikichi Teppei looked serious and said in a deep voice: "Since the second quarter, we have basically not noticed him."

The point guard of Teruei nodded and said:

"Yes, his presence is too weak. The mistakes and the turning of the ball just now were caused by him."

The small forward of Teruei opened his mouth and murmured in disbelief: "Is there still...this kind of play?"

Mikichi Teppei shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I don't rule out this possibility. After all, the world is big. Okay, let's continue the game."

Everyone nodded and started serving again.

After crossing the half court, the point guard of Teruoei began to observe the surroundings. After noticing the position of Kuroko Tetsuya, he immediately reacted and broke through Kuroko Tetsuya.

Bai Yan went forward to make up for the defense, and the point guard of Teruoei passed the basketball to Muji Tieping who ran to the basket.

Muji Tieping received the ball and put the basketball into the basket steadily.

Attack and defense transition.

Fang Jilai dribbled the ball across the half court and decided to play a ball himself.

Facing the defense of the small forward of Teruoei, Fang Jilai held the ball high above his head, lowered his head and looked at the hard-working small forward of Teruoei, and chuckled:

"Do you know? Being too close means......"

Just when the small forward of Teruoei was still confused, Fang Jilai turned into a black shadow and instantly broke through the defense of the small forward of Teruoei.

The small forward of Teruoei opened his mouth wide, his pupils trembled, and turned his head in disbelief. When he turned his head, he saw Fang Jilai had already scored a layup.

Muji Tieping didn't even have time to react and defend before Fang Jilai scored the ball.

Muji Tieping himself didn't expect that Zhaorong small forward would be easily passed by Fang Jilai in one step.

After scoring the goal, Fang Jilai turned and ran to his front court. When he passed by Zhaorong small forward, Fang Jilai said lightly:

"It means you will be passed by one step."

After that, Fang Jilai didn't care about Zhaorong's reaction and returned to defense.

Zhaorong small forward was stunned in place, his lips trembling, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It was the first time that Zhaorong small forward felt powerless. He had tried his best to defend, but was passed by Fang Jilai in one step.

Muji Tieping stepped forward in time to comfort:

"It's okay, the game is not over yet, keep going."

Zhaorong small forward quickly came to his senses. Because of Muji Tieping's presence, their team's resilience is much stronger than other teams.

Zhaorong small forward nodded and ran to the front court to prepare for the attack.

Muji Tieping smiled slightly, then looked at Fang Jilai with a stern expression.

‘What a scary character. ’

The ball was changed, and Zhao Rong had the ball.

Zhao Rong passed the ball to Muji Tieping from the small forward. Muji Tieping faced Bai Yan in the paint, bumped into him, and immediately turned around and hooked the ball.

Bai Yan desperately tried to

, trying to reach the hook shot.

But it was all in vain, the basketball's arc was too high, Bai Yan could only watch the basketball enter the basket.


Two points are valid.

The ball was changed, and Bai Yan passed the basketball to Fang Jilai.

After Fang Jilai received the ball, his eyes focused, and he rushed to the front court at the maximum speed.

Zhaorong, who was still returning to defense, saw a black shadow flashing by, and Mu Ji Tieping immediately reacted and shouted:

"Return to defense!!!"

Zhaorong's five players chased Fang Jilai together, but no one could keep up with Fang Jilai's speed.

They could only watch Fang Jilai put the basketball into the basket.

Zhaorong's point guard gritted his teeth and looked ugly.

'What speed is this! '

After scoring, Fang Jilai ignored everyone's expressions and returned to defense alone.

Zhaorong served the ball again, and the point guard led the ball forward.

Fang Jilai came to the inside and said to Bai Yan: "I will defend Muji Tieping."

Bai Yan was stunned, but nodded and went to the outside to defend.

After Muji Tieping entered the inside, his expression changed slightly.

'Did you switch defense? '

Muji Tieping came to the free throw line and received the pass from the point guard Zhao Rong.

Muji Tieping faced Fang Jilai with the ball in both hands.

Fang Jilai half-squatted to defend Muji Tieping, his left foot stuck outside Muji Tieping's right foot, and chose to use the defensive posture of the weak hand again.

Bang! Boom! Boom!

A huge steel wall rose up in front of Muji Tieping, completely blocking Muji Tieping's right route.

Muji Tieping widened his eyes, his mouth slightly opened, his pupils dilated, and was shocked.

'This... Is this a huge steel wall? ’

Zhao Rong’s point guard opened his eyes wide, staring at the huge steel wall that suddenly appeared.

‘Is this… this the ability of the ‘magic cube’? ’

Mu Ji Tie Ping swallowed his saliva, quickly calmed himself down, and his eyes were stern.


Mu Ji Tie Ping took a deep breath and dribbled the ball with his left hand to break through from the left.

There was no way, the route on the right was blocked, and the only thing he could do was to break through and shoot.

Shooting in front of Fang Jilai’s tight defense was obviously not a wise choice.

As for stepping back and shooting, Mu Ji Tie Ping had never considered it, because Mu Ji Tie Ping was not good at three-pointers at all…

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