Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 280: I need to strengthen myself

Chapter 280 I need to strengthen my strength

Looking at his wife with a completely expressionless expression, Varus Clovis also became furious.

"Since you are married to me, don't even think about leaving." He looked at Patience with a cold expression, as if he were looking at a stranger: "As long as you dare to step out of the manor, I will have you arrested immediately. ”

"Search for me?" Patience's expression was very strange. Her eyes narrowed, like a napping tiger. She felt the scent of the prey and was trying hard to capture the location of the prey: "You have forgotten, back then you When you were not the head of the family, who helped you clear the way; who helped you establish your reputation; and who helped you drive your brothers to the border with a big belly? "

At this time, Patience's magic robe automatically became windless, and magic began to surround her.

 The women of Kievan Rus dare to love and hate.

 Happy, love you enough, fight back on the spot when bullied.

 This is normal.

More than 20 soldiers walked in outside. Varus subconsciously looked at his wife who was already furious, and inexplicable fear began to arise in his heart.

Perhaps it was because of the skin-to-skin relationship for more than ten years, or perhaps because of Patience's forbearance for so many years, Varus had forgotten that this woman was a tigress who could use magic to create a world.

 Now he remembered.

 He slowly retreated. Even though he was hiding behind more than 20 guards, he didn't feel very safe.

 Because magicians themselves have many weird ways of hurting people.

Just Patience looked at him sarcastically for a while, then smiled, looked at her two sons again, used her magic hands to carry her luggage and walked out.


Leonard wanted to call Patience to stop, but was held back by his eldest brother Peter.

Peter looked at Patience's back sadly and said in a hoarse voice: "Mother is a noble fire phoenix in the sky. We carrion-eating vultures should not hold her back. Let her go."

 Leonard’s eyes were filled with sadness.

 The good family was separated like this.

Varus watched Patience walking further and further away, his teeth clenched and his face twisted, but he did not dare to say anything to stop her.

 Patience left Boris, bought a carriage and drove it herself.

 We traveled all day and night and did not go to the city to rest at all.

 She can drive her own car and gather fodder to feed her horses.

 When you are in the wild, you also know how to find a safe, sheltered place to set up a tent and rest. With some unique spells, you can completely ensure your own safety.

Like this, after seven days, we finally arrived at Louisian County.

 Then she went to the Lord's Mansion to look for Hadi, but she didn't find him.

 Because Hardy is still in Tacoma County.

She was received by Tisna, a female player who was temporarily in charge of Louisian's internal affairs.

"Your Excellency Hardy is handling official business in Tacoma County." Tiana looked at this beautiful female magician, her cold temperament was unforgettable, and she felt envious in her heart: "But he wrote a letter and told him in advance "If Ms. Patience Clovis arrives, let us entertain her."

Hearing this, Patience relaxed and said, "Can you arrange a room for me? I need warm water to wash myself."

  Having been driving a carriage outside for nearly ten days, she felt like she was about to stink.

 But this is actually just an illusion.

 Professionals have relatively strong metabolic abilities and generally do not produce much metabolic waste on the epidermis, especially magicians, who are very clean.

 She feels this way because it is purely a woman’s instinct.

Tisna naturally arranged this matter.

After taking a comfortable warm bath, Patience changed into a magic robe and found Tisna again.

“I heard that a magic academy is under construction. Where is its address?”

“Twenty kilometers north of the city.” Tisna replied, paused and continued: “Do you need us to show you the way?”

“No need, just know it’s in the north, I’ll find it myself.”

With that said, Patience left the Lord's Mansion and continued to drive her carriage to the north. It only took more than an hour for her to see a huge construction site.

Hundreds of ‘undead’ professionals are driving more than a thousand gray orcs to work.

The entire construction site was in full swing, with shouts rising to the sky.

 In addition to a large number of people, there are also huge wooden wheeled spreaders.

  Lift large rocks and place them easily in the right place.

 “Is this the magic academy of the future?”

Patience's eyes sparkled.

 She was born in Kievan Rus, a relatively poor place. Although she was a descendant of the nobility, her life was only slightly better than that of ordinary people.

 Just enough to eat and wear clothes.

 Then when she was ten years old, she met the E.P.R trio and was lucky enough to become Master Yi's student.

 In fact, Master Yi was really poor and relied on teaching the descendants of the nobles to make ends meet.

 Many people think that magicians are wealthy.

 But in fact this is a stereotyped phenomenon.

 If you want to say you are rich, you are quite rich. Any good magic material will cost a high price.

 But precisely because of this, the magician’s private life is not very good.

 After buying magic materials, you don’t have much money to live a good life.

During the time when she was still a student, Patience heard Master Yi tell interesting stories from Master Yi more than once when the Magic Academy still "existed".

 In Master Yi's narrative, a group of like-minded companions gathered in the Magic Academy, where they all studied together, made progress together, and debated with each other.

 Although I really don’t have much money, I can even be said to be a bit poor.

 But everyone was happy and felt that their days were fulfilling.

 It's just a pity...The magic academy was demolished later. They offended someone and were wanted, so they had to scatter.

In Patience’s young mind, she believed that a real magician must stay in a magic academy.

  At least have an experience of studying and growing up in a magic academy.

 This is the regret in her heart.

 But now...this wish seems to be coming true.

“It would be great if the teacher also came to the magic academy.”

Patience muttered, then her eyes lit up, as if she thought of something.

 She drove the carriage, left the construction site, and headed straight for Tacoma County.

Three and a half days later, she arrived in Tacoma County. After giving her name at the Lord's Mansion, she quickly met Hardy.

 Then she saw the beautiful girl Guiwenier and Sophia who had a good figure.

 And also saw Hardy in the study.

She looked at the study room, then looked at Hardy, and said with a smile: "Do we need to meet in such a formal environment?"

Hardy was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "If you want to go to a more private place, of course I have no objection."

Patience smiled openly: "Actually, there is no problem here in the study. I need to strengthen my own strength, which will also be good for you."

 “What’s the benefit?”

"I plan to go back to Kievan Rus." Patience squatted under the table: "You will definitely need a lot of teachers to build such a large magic academy. I will find a way to help you bring my teachers here. "

 Hardy took a deep breath: "This will trouble you."

 (End of this chapter)

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