Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 66: Hardy's simple view of love

Chapter 66 Hardy’s simple view of love

Princes and a group of young nobles stood on the second floor, watching the fighting below.

 A soldier rushed into the manor and was rampaging in the garden.

 A large number of guards are encircling him, and professional guards are also joining them.

  At first, this warrior was very arrogant. He could kill a guard with almost one breath.

 But with the addition of professionals, not only did the opponent's killing efficiency drop, but their movement and positioning were also controlled.

"Evil enemy, unfair enemy." Princes shook the red wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "Does he really think he is very powerful?"

“He seems to be the soldier who killed the son of a certain marquis last time.” A young man next to him looked at the battle below, and his body was shaking for some reason: “I remember his appearance.”

"Can he really be resurrected?" Prince Prince became interested. After looking down for a while, he said, "Although he is quite brave, his swordsmanship is too rough and his combat experience is very poor. His immortal body seems to have given him Enough courage, but nothing more.”

 The young man next to him murmured to himself: "But he can be resurrected."

“When it comes to resurrection, lichs are even more powerful.” Princes smiled and said, “But do you think lichs have become a thing?”

At this time, Blake also held a wine glass, walked from the main hall to the second floor, and then came to the balcony.

“That kid is really crazy.” Blake exclaimed, “I stood around and watched for a while, and I felt that he was about to break through the defense line. I was afraid, so I came up.”

Princes shook his head: "He can't get up, and he can't even enter the main hall door."

Sure enough, Xixi soon lost his strength and was nailed to the ground by several spears. Then arrows rained down on him, turning him into a hedgehog.

But until this moment, Xixi was not completely dead. He was lying on the ground, looking at the balcony on the second floor, remembering the appearance of those young nobles, and then using all his strength, he raised his right hand and gestured with the middle finger. .

 This is when I finally breathed my last.

 The young nobles were frightened by his aura, and it took a while before anyone spoke.

Princes was surprised and said: "It looks like it, it really looks like it!"

"like what?"

"It's very similar to Hardy." Princes touched her eyebrows with her fingers and lightly traced them: "His eyes seem to have the same kind of pride as Hardy."

Blake frowned and said, "Why can't I see it?"

"Because you don't have the talent in this area." Princes smiled: "If he can be resurrected next time, let someone try to contact him and see if he can be brought to our side."

 “Have you given up on Hadi?”

"How is it possible?" Princes smiled happily: "Hardy is different, he is a noble."

Blake rolled his eyes.

The next day and the attack on the Lion Faction day and night spread throughout the city.

 Then he became really famous in Boris.

 The main reason is that this guy died once before. He shouted that he would rise from hell, but no one believed him. Naturally, no one wanted him, and no one wanted to remember a dead man.

 But things are different now. People are surprised to find that this guy seems to be able to be resurrected.

 At Jeanne's house, Enolin looked at Hadi up and down, her eyes full of disbelief and admiration.

“That warrior who can be resurrected is your friend or subordinate?”

 Hardy smiled and said: "Not really. He should actually be Ms. Taotao's friend."

 “But how do you know that he is going to take action?”


 “Guess?” Enolin was dubious.

Hadi saw her like this and did not explain any more.

At this time, the maid came to report: "Madam, there is a nobleman outside, claiming to be from the Eckerd family. He wants to see Mr. Hardy."

 “Invite him in.” Enolin then looked at Hardy: “Don’t be tempted by beauty.”

They both knew who was coming.

 “I am only interested in beautiful women.” Hardy had to repeat this sentence again.

“I hope so.” When Enolin reached the second floor, Princes just walked in.

 When he saw Hadi, he showed a cute smile: "Are you interested in visiting my house?"

 “Ickerd’s manor?”

 “No, it’s my own small estate.”


"I have a lot of books to read there." Princes smiled seductively and said, "It's not much less than the library."

 Hardy actually wanted to take a few copies back in his heart, but on the surface he was still unmoved.

“I also have a lot of high-quality swords there, do you want to take a look?”

 Hardy's current character is that of a young genius who is very good at swordsmanship and very sincere.

Hearing the words, he said excitedly: "That's no problem, lead the way."

 “You really like weapons and swordsmanship.”

“Men like it, okay?”

 “I don’t really like it.”

Hardy was a little surprised: "Then you still collect so many?"

 “They were all given by others.”

 Hardy looked envious.

"If you like, you can come to my manor as a guest at any time in the future." Princes smiled sweetly.

  “If I have time, I will.”

Hardi planned to visit Princeps' house frequently in the name of "sword appreciation", but after getting familiar with it, he would check out the books at her house.

Even if you can’t find any ‘clues’, you can still enrich your knowledge.

 The two of them got into the carriage.

As soon as Hardy got up, he noticed a faint fragrance in the carriage.

Princes sat opposite him, putting his hands on his thighs, looking very quiet: "Hardy, what kind of girl do you think is a good girl?"

"Those who can communicate with your soul." Hardy thought for a while and explained: "She can understand and understand everything you said. She is a good girl."

Princes smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed: "So will you find a girl like this to be your wife in the future?"


Princes blinked, not knowing why.

  Hardy said seriously: "I like beautiful ones with **** and long legs. It doesn't matter if she and I have the same soul or not."

At this moment, Prince's eyes were as wide as bells.

 She didn't come back to her senses until the carriage stopped at the manor.

 “Hardy, your ideas are really...different.”

Hardy looked at Prince with disgust: "What's so different! This is a thought that all men in the world have. Men don't like fair and thin men, they only like big waves and long legs. Don't say that You don’t like it!”

"Oh..." Princes looked helpless, not knowing what to say or how to refute.

 After all, Hardy’s thoughts are actually quite normal.

“Do you think it’s enough for your wife to be beautiful?” Princes looked at Hadi with confusion: “Doesn’t it matter that she doesn’t understand you?”

Hardy laughed twice: "I saw this sentence in a book: As long as you can stick to a woman's belly for more than half an hour, she will love you, admire you, and respect you. Give everything to you.”

Princes’ face was almost completely dark.

 (End of this chapter)

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