Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 806: How can you ride if you are so tall?

Chapter 806 He’s so tall, how can you ride on him!

 Hardy really understands it and learns it.

Therefore, basic theory is really important.

This is the greatest contribution of the E.P.R trio.

They theorized the magic system and conducted introductory teaching from shallow to deep.

In fact, apart from Hardy, the Magic Academy has now trained many students with solid basic skills.

And among these people, whether they are players or ‘natives’ in the game, they almost all account for one part.

Of course, Hardy also intends to control the racial enrollment ratio of the Magic Academy. After all, almost all players have received systematic education and are very strong at learning. If they do not add control, the Magic Academy will be the world of players in the future.

Back to business, Hardy looked at Larigan's obviously disbelieving expression. He stood up and directly cast the magic spell according to what was described above.

Blue magic lines appeared in the air, forming a huge circle suspended in mid-air.

Larigan's eyes widened: "How did you do it!"

The reason why this spell is so difficult now is that there are several magic elements that need to be used.

Since the fall of the sun, the entire world has been dominated by dark elements, and other elements are very scarce, so the difficulty of this magic has increased exponentially.

Originally Larigan could use it, but now she can't.

But this is not difficult for Hardy, who can 'elementally transform'.

In fact, Morado can easily use this magic, but it is not necessary.

The evil eye clan's outer body is much more practical than this thing.

The blue magic circle grew larger and larger in mid-air, and soon it took shape and was slowly rotating.

"The first step is done." Hardy chuckled.

Larigan looked at Hardy with strange eyes, and then asked: "What technique did you use to condense the other required elements so quickly?"

Hardy said nothing.

Instead, Morado walked up to Larigan: "You want to learn?"

"What's the price?" Larigan asked.

"Sign a slave contract with me and I will teach you!"

"Don't even think about insulting us again." The spiritual fire in Larigan's eyes kept shaking and igniting.

For the Bone Demon, saying that she is a slave of the Evil Eye Clan is the ultimate insult, no matter what!

"Then forget it." Morado shrugged indifferently.

Hardy, on the other hand, watched the magic circle moving slowly, and transparent objects were attracted from the outside world.

There are humanoids and animalistic ones.

Because there are no gods in this world, and there is no such thing as the underworld, so unintelligent spirits are actually everywhere.

But most people can’t see it.

It's just that these spirits will appear briefly when they are 'invested' in the magic circle.

Soon, the magic circle stopped rotating.

This is a sign that enough souls have been absorbed.

Hardy began to cast the second stage of magic spells.

The circular magic circle began to fold and shrink, and finally formed a square 'box'.

Blue box.

A translucent box made entirely of magic, filled with souls.

These souls have no consciousness or any reaction. They are just spiritual bodies that walk instinctively. They are not even as intelligent as lower animals.

"The next step is integration."

Hardy extended his spiritual power into it and began to use the magic circle to cut, squeeze, and then piece these souls back together.

This is a very critical process, and even a spiritual master like Hardy has to immerse his consciousness in it wholeheartedly.

At this time, Hardy had no defense ability. Morado immediately came over and guarded Hardy's left side.

Judy stayed on Hardy's right side.

Seeing this, Larigan couldn't help but sneered: "We have all been captured by you, who are you still guarding against! Is it your companions? It seems that you guys are not very united."

This is a naked provocation.

But Morado nodded directly and said: "Except for Judy, I don't believe anyone else."

Judy was a little helpless.

Although these people are relatively loyal, it has only been about three months since they captured Basov City.

It is naturally impossible to get everyone to focus on this little time.

Listening to Morado's words, others had no reaction.

After all, they also know that it is normal for people like themselves not to be fully trusted.

Larigan saw no reaction from the others and said nothing more.

She sighed helplessly inwardly.

At this time, there was new news on Hardy's side.

The blue 'box' has become very small, and there are not many souls in it. A large part of the useless souls, that is, the souls with not so high quality, have been divided, and the rest have been separated according to the rules of Haha. Dee's will began to regroup, forming a basic 'embryo'.

It's like a small square black block.

The magic circle disappeared completely and the black block fell to the ground.

"Did it succeed?" Morado whispered in Hardy's ear.

Larigan also cast his gaze over, with a curious look on his face.

Hardy nodded and said with a smile: "Very successful."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little black square reacted.

First, a large amount of dark elements formed around it, then turned into a vortex, condensed from the air downwards, and finally injected into the block.

The vortex was so violent that Hardy subconsciously took two steps back.

With the rapid injection of dark vortex, the black square expanded rapidly and soon took shape.

Horse shape.

When Larigan saw this form, he couldn't help but murmur to himself: "It was really successful, just once..."

She was visibly shaken.

The dark vortex in the sky continues to pour in, and this black war horse continues to grow.

From the size of a fist to the size of a child, he now has a normal body shape.

Logically speaking, it should stop 'growing' at this time, but the vortex of dark elements is still being injected, and it continues to grow, and will soon be three meters high.

But it's still growing.

Larigan couldn't help but said in surprise: "What's going on? Did you mess up? This is unreasonable."

What's unreasonable? The so-called "learning" means completely understanding the content of magic formulas and knowing why they work.

At this point, isn't it normal to change some data or nodes of the technique?

That's what Hardy did.

He has modified this magic a little bit to make it more suitable for him.

So...the current war horse is still growing.

In the astonished gaze of everyone, it rose to a height of about five meters.

The huge body looked particularly majestic and majestic under the light of the bonfire.

Larigan couldn't help laughing: "You really messed up, so do you ride!"

(End of chapter)

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