Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 852: I understand (Part 1)

 Neferti showed great dependence on Hadi.

She would get anxious whenever she couldn't see Hardy when she got up.

You have to stay with Hadi every day, otherwise you will appear very nervous and uneasy.

There was no other way, so Hardy had to keep her with him all the time.

That day, Hadi was teaching Aiya how to write, and Neferti was listening. Hadi looked at her doing nothing and said, "Neferti, come over and learn how to write together."

"Hello, Dad." Neferti nodded repeatedly, moved the small stool, and sat next to Aiya: "Sister Aiya, let's learn together."

"You are so cute." Aya pinched Neferti's tender face and whispered, "Actually, you can call me mom."

Hardy also heard this. Of course he understood what Aya meant, but he pretended not to understand it at all.

Neferti shook her head: "No, sister is sister, mother is mother."

Aya sighed helplessly: "Okay, let me be your sister first."

On the other side, Fina and three succubi were organizing the archives.

"Move filing cabinet three here."

"File cabinet number four is over there."

"From now on, this will be the office of the three of you, responsible for the statistics and classification of the city's resident population files."

She directed the succubi to work, and at the same time she had many thoughts in her heart.

At first, when Hadi recruited these ten succubi, she was opposed to it in her heart, but she didn't say it out loud on the surface.

She doesn't like succubi, both in public and private matters.

But now... seeing these succubi handle many things easily, she had to admit that educated and educated people could handle domestic affairs much more efficiently than uneducated people.

Now that the pressure on her and Aiya has been greatly reduced, they have been able to free up a lot of time to have their own 'life'.

For example, try cooking, raising some flowers, etc.

Aya, on the other hand, has more time to study with Hadi.

With the efforts of the three succubi, the archives quickly became what it should be.

Although Fina hardly did anything, she still patted the dust on her hands very hard and said, "Okay, you guys should also take a rest."

The three succubi sat on their chairs with smiles, took out the snacks they bought from the street to share, and invited Fina to come over and eat with them.

Fina shook her head, and then she said meaningfully: "You seem to be dressed more conservatively..."

When these ten succubi first came to Basov City, except for the key parts that were covered by shell coats, other parts were exposed. They were all white and eye-catching.

But now, they cover up almost most of their skin. Compared with before, they can only be said to be quite conservative.

"Because we are people with a destination now." The youngest succubus smiled and said: "Why do we succubi want to be exposed? We don't want to find a male who can protect us and like us as a man, and then we can be so stable. Live on. Now that you have found it, you don’t have to show off your beauty anymore, just show it to him alone.”

Fina was a little surprised: "Wait a minute, don't you succubi like to change men?"

"If you don't find something you like, of course you have to change it." A succubus said matter-of-factly: "Is it possible that I have to hang myself on a bad tree? We are not that stupid."

Another succubus answered: "But if we find a good one, why should we change? Do you think we naturally like to change men? It's nothing. We are not stupid, and we also know whether the relationship needs to be managed well."

"It seems that you have been harmed by rumors!" Fina shook her head helplessly.

The youngest succubus smiled charmingly and said: "No, this rumor was actually spread by ourselves."


"Because it's easier to find a good man this way." "Huh?" Fina was surprised.

She couldn't understand how she could find a good man if her reputation was ruined.

But the three succubi looked at each other and smiled.

Some things are fine if you know them well, but it is not good to speak them out.

Fina left the archives room. She was in a daze and still couldn't figure it out.

She walked to the stairs and bumped into Qili.

"Seeing that you are in a daze, have you been scolded by Hardy?" Qili asked with a smile.

She was wearing leather armor and had a long sword hanging on her waist, and she looked heroic.

Fina was startled and broke free from her thoughts. When she saw it was Qili, she breathed out: "It turns out it's you."

"What are you thinking about? So absorbed."

"I just don't understand." Fina shook her head and said, "Let's not talk about this anymore. Are you back from patrol? How is the situation outside?"

"Same as usual." Qili said with a smile: "Hadi killed a group of bandits outside some time ago. Now that his reputation has spread, those caravans are much more secure."

Again, the team that just went out to do business had two brushes in hand. In the wilderness, the identity of the caravan and the bandit was very ambiguous, and they could be transferred at any time.

Fina smiled and said: "Fortunately you came to help, otherwise all these things would have to fall on Hadi. I don't know how hard it would be for him."

"Do you feel sorry for him so much?" Qili asked with a smile.

Fina snorted: "It's not that I feel bad, I just feel that people shouldn't have to work so hard."

"Speaking of hard work, I have something I want to ask you for advice."

Fina asked curiously: "What's going on?"

"Your prophet can only predict yourself or the people around you?"

Fina shook her head: "Not really, it's just that I don't like meddling in other people's business."

"Then I want you to help me predict it."

"Then you come with me."

The two came to Fina's room. She picked up her crystal ball, put it on the table, and said, "What do you want to predict?"

In fact, Fina has always liked prophecies. She used to love to exaggerate in prophecies and like to peek into the future.

But since meeting Hardy, her hobby has been temporarily put aside.

First, Hardy's fate line was too thin for her to see clearly.

Another reason is... Hardy doesn't seem to like fate very much, so she doesn't want to talk too much about fate in front of Hardy.

Now that someone came to her door, it was her new friend, so she naturally had to behave well.

Qili's face became serious: "I want to predict my parents' future."

"What are your parents' names?" Fina asked, "Where are they roughly?"

Qili said her parents' names, and then said: "They should be in the royal city now."

"Then let me take a look." Fina poured her mental power into the crystal ball and said at the same time: "Let me tell you first, the timeline of my prophecy is uncertain... If you see something bad happen, you can't blame me."

Qili nodded: "I understand." (End of Chapter)

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