Chapter 12: Sun Wukong brand thruster, start!

In an unknown sea, the little monkey just agreed when he saw a black unknown creature falling from the sky and landing on his raft.

The raft, which was not very big to begin with, sank visibly with the weight of an adult monkey.

The little monkey stepped forward and poked Qi Tian, ​​asking curiously:

“You should be the Immortal Equaling Heaven, right?”

Qi Tian climbed up from the raft with dead eyes, who should he call the Great Immortal Qi Tian?

Sounds so chilling

Not even a whit compared to the Monkey King!

Having said that, Qi Tian still smiled and greeted the little monkey.

“Good morning, little monkey.”

“Good morning”

The little monkey replied subconsciously

Then the two of them stared at each other.

After all, we just met yesterday and we were all chatting in the chat group.

Although we were chatting animatedly, we were still a little reserved when we actually met.

It’s like some people’s XP is so strange that it doesn’t look like a human being. The topic of conversation every day is that LSP is so dirty that it’s hard to see it at a glance.

But in reality, I have never had any actual experience, and I would blush even when I touch the hand of the opposite sex.

Qi Tian and the little monkey are in this state now

While staring at each other, the two monkeys were also sizing each other up.

Although I already know what Qi Tian looks like from the Black Myth: Wukong uploaded by Qi Tian,

And Qi Tian also appeared in the video just uploaded

But when the little monkey saw Qi Tian in person, he still felt it was magical.

To be honest, if the spells I got from the group weren’t real, and I saw Qi Tian appear in front of me alive,

The little monkey really thought he was dreaming

Qi Tian was also looking at the little monkey. Although the little monkey was also Sun Wukong, he was actually quite different from Sun Wukong.

They are all monkeys, but the little monkeys have no monkey characteristics.

Not only does it have no monkey hair, it doesn’t even have a tail.

Apart from his red hair, he looks like a normal human.

The stone diaper he had been wearing was taken off and replaced with a set of clothes made of fish skin.

Looks more like a wild man than a monkey

“Now that we are already in a group, let’s say hello to everyone in the group.”

“Come over, let’s take a video and post it in the group”

The little monkey came over obediently, and was obviously much shorter than Qi Tian.

Turning on the recording function of the chat group, Qi Tian put his hand on the little monkey’s shoulder, made a scissors gesture, and showed a bright smile on his face.

The little monkey also imitated the Great Monkey and made a scissors gesture

“It’s recorded. Send it directly to the group.”

After uploading the video, Qi Tian directly tagged all

【Qi Tian: @All members, I have successfully dated Xiaohouzi offline!】

The Monkey King who is always online is the first to come out and make a bubble

【The Monkey King: I’m so envious. I don’t know when I can go to other worlds to meet you in person.】

Now he relies on the chat group to relieve his boredom.

Fortunately, there are still those movies, TV series and novels uploaded by Qitian

He is eating peaches and watching TV series now. His life is so much more comfortable than before.

【Zhizunbao: Brother Monkey, Brother Qitian, you must remember to ask Bodhi Patriarch if you can pass on your magic to others.】

【Zhizunbao: I’m relying on you two now.】

The name of Zhizunbao has changed, and the main point is that he can bend and stretch

Even though the two spells he knows now are only half-baked, they are really practical!

【Qi Tian: Don’t worry, Brother Taozi. I’ll come over to see you when I have enough points.】

【Qi Tian: Although I can’t stay for too long, seeing you once should be enough.】

It is not difficult to accumulate these points. After all, you can earn 900 points steadily every day.

Apart from the 100 yuan he spent every day in the little monkey’s world, he still had 800 yuan left.

The round trip ticket only costs 2,000 points. Considering that I need to use points to learn spells, saving up for ten days or half a month is enough.

【Qi Tian: Zhizunbao, don’t worry, we will ask the ancestor for you.】

【Little Monkey: Yes, I will never forget you.】

【Little Monkey: Brother Taozi, I will go to see you with the Immortal Equal to Heaven.】

【The Monkey King: Then I will wait for your good news!】

【Zhizunbao: Thank you Brother Qitian, thank you Brother Monkey!】

After chatting, Qi Tian and Xiao Houzi left the group chat.

After all, their main task now is to find the Bodhi Fairy Island, and the sooner they find it, the better.

“Little monkey, do you remember how long you have been at sea?”

Qi Tian asked

The little monkey scratched his head, recalled carefully, and then said uncertainly

“Ah, about six years?”

After drifting on the sea for so long, although he would go to land, it would be difficult for him to give an exact time.

“Six years, which means there is still one year left to reach Bodhi Fairy Island”

“In this case, let’s use Transfiguration to travel in the sea alternately, which can greatly shorten the time.”

Qi Tian thought about it and said

The little monkey in the story relied on a raft and drifted on the sea for seven years before he finally reached the Bodhi Fairy Island.

Now that we have magic, we don’t need such primitive methods.

What era is this? Who still uses traditional rafts?

“That’s a good idea.”

“So let’s get started!”

The little monkey put one hand on his waist and wiped his nose with the other hand

Then he transformed into a big fish and fell into the sea.

The fish came to the back of the raft and flicked its tail, pushing the raft forward at high speed.

Sun Wukong card booster, go ahead!…

Thank you for the monthly ticket of”仮面の客士” and thank you for the flowers

Although I don’t know who invested more than 2,000 yuan at one time, thank you very much!

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