Chapter 45: Oh my god, a monkey has entered the Peach Garden!

I have to say that the chat group is quite smart.

The Monkey King split into two avatars, and the live broadcast room also split the screen

The split screen shows the Monkey King’s clone.

“Brother Taozi, you must succeed.”

“I also want to try what the golden elixir and peach taste like.”

Qi Tian secretly said

“Donor, you have been absent-minded since just now, and now you are laughing. Why is that?”

Guanyin frowned, feeling a little unhappy

She had promised to answer Qi Tian’s questions before, so she would not break her promise.

Qi Tian did ask her a lot of questions. Although she listened to his explanations, she was obviously absent-minded.

She didn’t care. It was Qi Tian’s business whether to listen or not.

But you don’t have to listen. Why did you suddenly laugh?

“Ahem, nothing, I just suddenly thought of something happy”

“What happy thing?”

“My wife gave birth to… cough cough cough”

“My friend’s wife gave birth to a baby”

Why are you smiling so happily when your friend gave birth to a baby?

And what you wanted to say before was that your wife gave birth to a baby?

I suspect you are proud of your friend’s wife, the child she gave birth to is yours

But I have no evidence

Guanyin looked at Qi Tian who was laughing foolishly and knew that this was just an excuse he made up.

But again, it doesn’t matter

As long as you are here and don’t touch Zhizunbao, you can do anything.

Anyway, three to five days is just a blink of an eye for these powerful people.

However, even if she killed Guanyin, she would never have thought that these people would be so bold as to steal the golden elixir and peaches.

“Bodhisattva, I am a little tired. I will talk about the sermon tomorrow.”

“I’ll go to sleep first”

After greeting Guanyin, Qi Tian jumped onto a nearby tree, made himself a rattan bed, closed his eyes and began to sleep.

Although he said he was sleeping, Qi Tian had actually focused all his attention on the Monkey King’s live broadcast.

“We have arrived at Pantao Garden”

“I, Old Sun, have been thinking about these peaches for a long time.”

In the Peach Garden, the Monkey King used his immobilization technique to freeze the ground of the Peach Garden, picked up a three thousand year old peach and took a bite.

He didn’t eat alone, he picked a few and posted them in the group

【Little Monkey: Is this the peach? It smells so good.】

Inside the Slanting Moon and Three Stars Cave, the little monkey was drooling as he looked at the peach in his hand that was almost as big as his head.

The golden dog cloud next to him also drooled and wanted to take a bite

The little monkey was about to split the peach into two halves and share them with the golden dog cloud, but when he saw the master Subhuti lecturing his disciples,

Gritting his teeth, he rode the golden dog cloud to the side of Master Subhuti, placed the peach in front of him, and whispered:

“Although I know this peach is not worth the things you gave me, but this peach is the only thing I can afford. I hope you don’t mind.”

After saying that, the little monkey flew away again

The whole process, Master Subhuti did not look at the little monkey once, but when the little monkey flew away, the corners of Master Subhuti’s mouth slightly raised.

【Qi Tian: Now in front of Guanyin Bodhisattva, I can’t eat peaches openly.】

Qi Tian was upset. He was pretending to be asleep. Suddenly he took out a peach and started to eat it. Even a fool could tell something was wrong.

【Zhizunbao: I can’t take it out and eat it either】

He didn’t know if there was anyone watching him in heaven, but just in case, he decided to save it for later.

【Little Monkey: Brother Taozi, give me another one. I gave the previous one to the Grandmaster.】

“no problem”

The Monkey King sent a few more peaches to the group

The little monkey took two directly this time, eating one for himself and the Golden Dog Cloud ate one.

As soon as the fruit flesh entered his stomach, the little monkey realized that his magic power was growing rapidly, and his cultivation was rapidly pushed to the realm of Qi Refining and Transforming into a Spirit.

“These are the three thousand year old ones now. You can eat them to quench your thirst. I will go pick the nine thousand year old ones right now. They are really delicious.”

The Monkey King laughed, ate all the peaches in his hand in a few bites, and flew into the depths on his somersault cloud.

When we got to the depths, the peach trees here were obviously much bigger than before, and the peaches on the trees were the same.

The Monkey King plucked a handful of hair from his body, blew on it, and little monkeys lined up and jumped down from his palm.

“Children, pick all the ripe peaches!”

The little monkeys said in unison

“Yes, your Majesty!”

Then a monkey carrying a small bag jumped up and down on the peach tree, not missing any ripe peaches.

As usual, the Monkey King first posted some in the group, and then started packing

Qi Tian and Zhi Zun Bao still couldn’t eat it, and could only look at the peaches in the group.

This time, the little monkey first placed the nine thousand year old peaches on the table of Master Subhuti, and then began to eat them.

The effect of the nine thousand year old peaches was much better than the three thousand year old ones. After just one bite of the peach pulp, the little monkey’s Taoism instantly soared to the level of Refining Spirit Returning to Void, and it continued to soar higher.

This scared the little monkey.

However, he kept in mind one thing: the Taoism gained in this way was not perfect, and the magic power was also mixed, and he could not use it as he wished.

I had to suppress myself from breaking through.

But he has no experience and can’t control it.

Just as he was about to ask the Monkey King for help, the Master Subhuti, who was giving a lecture, waved his whisk.

The monkey’s momentum started to fall.

The power contained in the peaches was hidden in his body, waiting to be used whenever he needed it.

“Thank you Master for your help!”

The little monkey scratched the back of his head and laughed loudly.

Master Subhuti shook his head helplessly. This is also a troublesome monkey.

No one knows what is happening here, but the real body of the Monkey King in the live broadcast room has already arrived at the Tushita Palace….

Because there was a Bodhi Patriarch in A Chinese Odyssey, but that Bodhi Patriarch was so lame.

So I used Master Subhuti, who taught Sun Wukong magic. But don’t worry about it, after the story of Zhizunbao is over, he will basically not appear again.

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