Chapter 54: Zhizunbao: I finally became an administrator!

“Finally refined”

In the cave where he was in seclusion, Qi Tian let out a long breath.

He didn’t expect that it would take him half a month to refine”Seeing Happiness”

Wouldn’t it be great if the six roots were the same as in the game and could be used on equipment?

Although it took a long time to refine”Seeing Happiness”, the results were extremely gratifying.

His current level of cultivation has progressed from refining essence into qi to refining qi into spirit.

This cultivation speed can be said to be terrifying.

Qi Tian even wondered if he could directly ascend to heaven after refining all six roots.

Maybe you don’t need six, five would be enough.

In the plot, the man who has collected all five of them can fight Erlang Shen.

Although Erlang Shen is likely to be letting the opponent win, it is not something that just anyone can do to defeat Erlang Shen who is letting the opponent win.

“In addition to Taoism, he also has the ability to see with fire and gold.”

“And it is a version that is not afraid of smoke”

As he spoke, Qi Tian’s eyes shone with a golden light that penetrated the cave directly, allowing him to see the scene outside the cave clearly.

Although it is not the original version, Qi Tian is already satisfied

【Congratulations to group member”Zhizunbao” for breaking his original fate and starting a new life. He is now granted the position of administrator.】


“That guy Zhizunbao has become an administrator?”

Qi Tian raised his eyebrows

Previously, Zhizunbao tried desperately to get himself an administrator, but failed.

The matter was never mentioned again, but now the chat group suddenly gave him the position of administrator.

The reason is to break the original destiny, which is very interesting.

“Go up and have a look”

【Zhizunbao: Damn, I actually became an administrator?】

【Monkey King: Congratulations, there is one more administrator in the group】

【Little Monkey: Congratulations, Zhizunbao】

【Little Monkey: Your dream of becoming an administrator has finally come true】

At this time, Qi Tian naturally wouldn’t say anything unpleasant, and also congratulated him.

After congratulating, Qi Tian also asked about the business.

【Qi Tian: Zhizun Bao, have you taken back the magic power that belonged to Sun Wukong?】

【Zhizunbao: Yes, that’s what happened just now】

In fact, Zhizunbao was also confused about this matter. He ate peaches and elixirs every day to regain his magic power, and at the same time, the memory of Sun Wukong was also returning.

Today I finally got all my mana and memories back, but a message popped up in the chat group saying he had become an administrator.

I am really happy, but I am also really confused.

【The Monkey King: Since breaking the original fate can also make one become an administrator, why didn’t you announce it directly when the tasks were settled before, but why did you have to wait until now?】

They had already changed the fate of Zhizunbao to become Sun Wukong after he got on the golden hoop, so it stands to reason that they should have leaked the news at that time, right?

【Qi Tian: Maybe it was because Zhizunbao had not yet transformed into Sun Wukong at that time?】

【Qi Tian: Maybe the chat group mechanism is not perfect enough.】

Wasn’t it him and the Monkey King who made some suggestions to the chat group before, which led to the chat group being upgraded and rectified?

The reason why the message popped up so late may be that the chat group was secretly upgraded.

【Little Monkey: Why think so much? Now there is another way to become an administrator, isn’t it better?】

【Qi Tian: That’s true, but was Zhizunbao’s original destiny to wear the golden hoop or to go on a journey to obtain Buddhist scriptures?】

【Qi Tian: If it is a journey to obtain scriptures, it is estimated that 80% of Sun Wukong will have this fate.】

Before Qi Tian traveled through time, almost 90% of the fan fiction about Sun Wukong was adapted from Wu Chengen’s Journey to the West.

Adaptation is not a complete overthrow. Most authors will delete or modify the main plot of the journey to the West, or even make a magical change.

But few people directly abandon the main line of seeking scriptures.

If you follow the original plot, it will be easier to write and you can save countless brain cells.

Why not?

This is still in the novel, the author can change it however he wants

For TV dramas and animations that are aimed at the whole nation, the main plot is to learn from the scriptures.

If the pilgrimage is really the fate of all Sun Wukongs, then it is estimated that except for a few, no one can break this fate.

【Monkey King: Why think so much?】

【Monkey King: It’s always good to have another way to become an administrator】

【Monkey King: Let those who join the group later worry about what happens next.】

【Little Monkey: Brother Taozi is right. There is no specific method for becoming an administrator in the chat group. I can only figure it out slowly.】

【Little Monkey: It would be great if we have two options now.】

Qi Tian actually didn’t take this matter to heart, after all, he is now an administrator.

Whether other people can succeed or not has little to do with him.

So now he is thinking about something else

I mentioned in the group that I was going to the Monkey King’s world to meet him. Now that the matter of Zhizunbao has been dealt with, it’s almost time to go.

Although we met before in the Supreme Treasure World, I was busy dealing with Supreme Treasure’s affairs at that time.

Moreover, the Monkey King only came with his hair clone, so it was not a formal meeting.

【Qi Tian: @Zhizunbao, you should be alright now, right?】

【Zhizunbao: It’s okay. I don’t have to go to the Scriptures now. I feel a little bored.】

【Qi Tian: If you have nothing else to do, go meet Brother Taozi】

【Zhizunbao: Sure, let me get some food.】

【Zhizunbao: Brother Taozi, do you eat meat? If you do, I’ll bring some over.】

【The Monkey King:…I don’t eat meat】

【Zhizunbao: It’s okay, you can eat the fruit and watch us eat the meat, hehehe】

Monkey King: Sometimes I really want to give this bitch a beating…

Thanks to”@鹏”,”风语”, and”阿妮亚吃大瓜” for their monthly tickets.

Thanks again for the flowers

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