Chapter 227 Deidara’s licker

“It’s useless…” Kuroyoshi shook his head lightly. “I only met Raikage a few days ago, but he didn’t even give me a chance to explain what I was coming for, so he did it directly.”

“After all, it is the Five Great Ninja Villages…” Nagato sneered from the side: “As the long-term overlord of the Ninja world, even if you really want to believe us and peacefully merge the entire Ninja world, they are personally led by their hands.”

Itachi lowered his head and said no more.

Because what the two of them said are facts, this kind of thing can’t be solved by talking.

It’s just that the release of Kaguya Ji…

“However, complete peaceful reunification cannot be achieved, but it can still be achieved with the use of small-scale force.”

“The Five Great Ninja Villages are the overlords of the Ninja World, occupying most of the power in the entire Ninja World. If the Five Shadows can agree with my plan, everything after that can be completed smoothly.”

“I will go to the Five Shadows Talks.” Kuroyoshi looked at Itachi who raised his head and said, “However, it is not to discuss with them, but to unilaterally announce my plan. If anyone disagrees, let them see. With absolute power, Nagato and Itachi will go with me!”



The country of Sichuan.

In the wild forest, what was originally a clearing, did not know when an ancient Japanese-style mansion was added.

It is a portable cabin.

The matter of accepting Akatsuki came to an end. Kuroyoshi collected some body tissues of the Chakra and Gedo Statues of several other members of Akatsuki’s organization, and prepared to count the harvest here.

“Just start with the weakest!”

Kuroyoshi took out Hidan’s Chakra, and immediately remembered the system’s prompt sound in his mind.

【Ding! Special material “Chakra of Cthulhu Followers” is detected, special items “Cursed Scarecrow” and “Blood of the Undead” can be forged. Whether or not to forge]


Kuroyoshi said silently in his mind, and suddenly there were two things in his hand.

A scarecrow, a bottle of bright red blood.

“Cursing the Scarecrow: Apply the blood of the target to be cursed to the scarecrow. The scarecrow will be connected to the target’s body, and the damage suffered by the scarecrow will be equally transmitted to the target.”

“The blood of the undead: The blood of the undead, as long as you drink a sip, you can get the immortal body, even if the body is blown to ashes, you can maintain a sober consciousness. (Note: Even if the body is blown to ashes, you can not die, but think To be immortal, you must maintain energy supplementation. If you cannot take in nutrients, the effect of immortality cannot be maintained.)”

These two things are the manifestation of the dead body’s blood and the immortal body.

However, does the blood of the undead mentioned in the system belong to Hidan or to Cthulhu?

Although Hidan is also immortal, he can’t truly be immortal, and his blood can’t make others immortal.

“Sure enough, it refers to the evil god!”

Kuroyoshi pondered for a moment, then stopped thinking about it.

In addition to the things shown in anime, this world also has many weird existences.

If you want to understand it thoroughly, you must become the will of the planet.

Put the two items into the system space, and Kurayoshi immediately took out Kakuzu’s blood.

The strength of Kakuzu and Deidara is in the middle.

But when the two of them fight, the worst result is the same. Therefore, Kakuzu judges Kakuzu to be weaker.

【Ding! Special material “Chakra of God-level Sniper” is detected, special props can be forged” Intercontinental Shuriken “Suture” “Frankenstein” “Dawn Family Planning”, is it forged?]


As the mind fell, Kuroyoshi had four more props in his hand.

A super-large shuriken, which was used by Third Hokage to test Obito during the four Ninja battles.

A roll of thick thread, a weird doll with stitched body, and a book.

“Intercontinental Shuriken: With its own navigation and tracking and power, as long as you throw the shuriken with the enemy’s appearance in your mind, you can accurately hit the enemy even if it is 800 miles away.”

“Suture: The thread that can sew life.”

“Frankenstein: A stitched weird doll with 5 hearts, infinite power, and immortality, can be activated by injecting Chakra. (Note: Frankenstein has 5 hearts and possesses physical performance beyond ordinary people.” At the same time, it can also have an infinite life cycle, so as long as a little Chakra is activated, it can always exist in the form of life and remain 100% loyal to the person who gave him Chakra.

“Dawn Family Planning: This is a magical ledger that records the current time and all businesses that can quickly make a lot of money in the vicinity of the holder. (Note: With this ledger, if you are still poor, I suggest you marry the poor god.” )

The abilities of these props are very clear and easy to recognize, and Kuroyoshi confirmed their source of forging at a glance.

Intercontinental Shuriken is the stalk of a shuriken aiming at First Hokage 800 miles away; the suture is the manifestation of Kakuzu’s secret art of grievance; Frankenstein is the appearance of Kakuzu’s body with stitches everywhere, dawn The family budget is Kakuzu, and he loves money like his life, and is the position of Akatsuki to manage finances.

These four props are not strong for him, at least they are not very helpful to him, but the abilities are very interesting.

He also played for a while before starting to forge the next item.

【Ding! The special material “Chakra of Explosive Genius” is found, special props “Explosive Genius”, “Big Artist”, “Big Star of Expansion”, and “Lipper” can be forged. Whether or not to forge]


As the voice fell, Kurayoshi had four more items in his hand.

A pair of gloves, a certificate, a palm-sized starfish. A candy.

“Explosive ghosts: gloves with magical powers. People wearing them can turn them into bombs that can be manipulated by touching anything.”

“Big Artist: This is a proof of an’artist’, as long as you wear it well, you are a real artist.”

“Expanding big star: A big star that can expand indefinitely. When it expands to the limit, it will explode with an impact range of 10 kilometers.”

“The licker: A candy with magical magic power. After eating it, you can grow another mouth and tongue on any part of your body, and it’s very flexible.”


After watching the world props, Kuroyoshi didn’t know what to say.

He was quite satisfied with the first three props, but in the end the licker made him unable to look directly.

It made him want to crooked in an instant.

Take it to Ino?

As soon as this thought came out, it was like a pouring flood that was out of control and intensified. All kinds of evil scenes popped up in my mind for an instant.

“I’m not that kind of guy.”

Kuroyoshi shook his head vigorously, and it took a long time to get rid of the picture in his mind.

“This thing is very harmful, forget it if it is ruined.”

With that said, Kuroyoshi took out the second-hand recycle bin and put it in.

But just when it was about to be put in, it stopped again.

He felt that there was a problem with his idea.

How can those ideas be considered mean?

Ino and him were originally a romantic relationship, and maybe they will get married in the future.

Even if something like that happens, it’s normal!

Thinking of this, he carefully put away the candy.

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