Bleach: Stir Up the Situation

Chapter 43: 1 pot end

"Actually, I think it's good for you not to be in charge of the Xingjun." Urahara looked at Chi Yan as the sky gradually dissipated, and touched Yeichi's arm and continued: "Would you like to think about it? I think this 卍solution is pretty good. of."

"What's the use of all these bells and whistles? If it's an assassination, I can let him run for so long?" Ye Yi retorted with a sneer. She was still brooding about the Zan Po Dao, and this time she saw Qing's battle. In this way, she already has some ideas about Xin Bai Da, and it is imperative to get rid of the identity of a firework master!

  Yaichi and Urahara were chatting out of business, completely forgetting that their mission was actually to protect the gate. But Hongjiang doesn't need them at the moment.

   "Master Lane! Master Connor's order, open the gate, and evacuate all staff!" Earlier, a Quincy sent the latest command from Midtown.

   Who is this "Master Connor" Hong Jiang doesn't know, nor does he want to know. All he knew was that the plan in Midtown went well.

   This eradication operation actually lacked one key piece of information, and that was the amount of combat power in the Star Cross Fortress that could rival the captain and deputy captain.

   Of course, Hong Jiang had entered the Star Cross fortress, but he was cautious by nature, at most he had only sneaked into the vicinity of the border between Midtown and Inner City. Even the existence of the Holy King and the Holy Queen was eavesdropped from other Quincy.

   Therefore, there is a serious lack of intelligence on the distribution of the Star Cross fortress' civil war. So in the middle of Huaixiang, when the old man Shan asked him if he could make a plan, Hongjiang subconsciously asked the conditions, hoping that Shan Ben could give some advice. The result was beyond his expectation. Yamamoto was able to give up to six captains, two more than his conservative estimate.

   Nearly a thousand years ago, there was a battle between Death and the Quincy. Both sides suffered damages. In the end, the Quincy in the Soul World was almost completely destroyed.

   In the past few years, there have been fewer than four new captains in the Seireitei. This is the result of the establishment of the Mao Spiritual Academy and the opening of the gate to Ruukun Street. In comparison, the Quincy's resources and base numbers are far behind Seireitei.

   Therefore, the Star Cross Fortress can be comparable to the captain-level combat power, and there is a high probability that only the Saint King and the Saint Queen, conservatively estimated to be equal to the new captain in the Seireitei, which is four.

  Finally, after learning about Yamamoto's overall plan, because the pretending to attack the virtual circle is extremely dangerous, Hongjiang changed the number of captains in the casting prison to four. However, in addition to the self who has understood the 卍jie and carried another knife, the number of captains is actually six, which is not much worse.

   The appearance of Lane in the inner city was an accident, but it was still within control. So when Forts and others were going to fight with his own wheels before, Hongjiang was not at all anxious. If he continued to drag on like this, the opponent must be the first to be anxious. Will this wheel continue to roll?

   And now, the order to retreat came from Midtown, and everything is under his control.

   Is to continue to consume like this, betting that Hongjiang will make mistakes? Or let it go and run against time? The Quincy in the square must make a choice!

   Hongjiang smiled, and while kicking a quinceaner beside him, he released the air to block all arrows in the distance. These people haven't gotten irritable yet, he wants to add fire to this group of people.

   "Today is the day of the extinction of Er Deng! Give up resistance, I promised, I can wait for a whole corpse!" Hong Jiang suppressed his throat and announced loudly.

   The four words ‘Day of Clan Extinction’ are like a heavy hammer, smashing into the hearts of these quintessentially. They can also guess some of the reasons why the death gods will occupy and guard the crossing gate, but the two sides are still in the mutual attack stage before, they don't believe that only two death gods can really guard the crossing gate.

   But now Connor-sama in Midtown has heard news that it is only a matter of time before the fall of Star Cross Fortress, and it will not be too long. The only way to survive is occupied by the masked old **** of death, and they are not sure to take it in a short time.

   Some people are in a daze. There were two hot characters, and without the cover of distant arrows, they attacked Hongjiang directly on the top of the clock from the left and right sides.

   There was a crack in the team that had advanced and retreated well and cooperated with each other. How could Hongjiang let go of such an opportunity, holding the Zanpo's knife handle to the left waist with his right hand, while holding his left hand imaginary, "Tie Dao 61, a hundred-step railing!"

   Hong Jiangxu's left hand was holding a long stick shining with silvery white light out of thin air. With his wrist lightly swinging, all the phantom shadows left by the long stick in the air turned into entities and flew towards the Quincy Master on the left.

   At the same time, his right hand is not idle. The white blade came out of its sheath, leaving a piece of white snow in the air, and the bald-headed Quincy on the right seemed to hit it by himself.

   He has waved his arm out, but the hand holding the spirit bow stays in place. The red wave rises from his chest and hits the snow-covered beach, but it will never go away.

This beautiful scenery did not last for even a second. The silver long stick swung around in Hongjiang’s left hand and was pierced into the chest of the Quincy Master, pierced his spine directly, and nailed it to the foot of Hongjiang. side.

   The two impulsive Quince killers were sleepy and injured in an instant, and the painful and trembling wailing sounds sounded. They were clearly sobering voices, but the Quintiles present felt even more dazed.

   Except for one person, Nott Forts, Ryan is not there at the moment, then he is the supreme leader of the Guardian of the Sons. The retreat order has been issued, the situation is already extremely serious, he must make a choice.

   "Life or death! Fight for the dignity of the Quincy!"

   Fortz's roar brought the rest of the Quincy back to their souls. They glared at Hongjiang on the top of the clock, and their fighting spirit that was about to dissipate was now reunited, like a blazing flame.

   "Fight for the dignity of the Quincy!"

   Hongjiang looked at the remaining eighteen. No, it was the nineteen Quincy who regained confidence. Is this going to launch a general attack? Just don't know if their goal is him or the jail under his feet.

   But the next moment, Hong Jiang will understand. The ten Quincy Masters in the distance had their arrows wound up, and the nine nearby rushed towards the top of the clock together, looking at their expressions, they were going to die with him.

   Hong Jiang is wrong about this. The so-called life and death is what Futz told archers in the distance, and the target is not Hong Jiang, but the life and death of them! The idea that Futz is holding is not to die Even if he bites Hongjiang with his teeth, he will drag Hongjiang to **** together!

   But is it the key? It is not critical to Hongjiang. I just didn't deal with them one by one, just because I was afraid that these birds would be shocked, which would cause trouble to Yeyi and even the people in Zhongcheng District. Now that the nearby Forts and others are swarming, his purpose is already Achieved, as for the same end? It also depends on whether the person on the other side will fight you hard.

   The **** of death on the top of the clock cannot move. This is indeed a fact, but it is also a misunderstanding.

   Hongjiang cannot leave the jail, but there is a prerequisite. There must be a jail for him to guard. If there are no enemies, there is no need for the existence of the jail, and he doesn't need to be stupidly beaten in place!

  Futz and the others, who had fallen into a misunderstanding, had just gathered on the top of the clock when the big brass clock at their feet buzzed loudly, disappearing with the **** of death who hadn't moved a step here.

Just when they thought they had victoriously forced away the **** of death on the top of the clock and prepared to call their companions to evacuate, the black lines appeared in vain, spreading from their feet, and soon formed a strong barrier. Wrapped in it.

   "Broken road ninety, black coffin!" This time he shot the road on the 90th. Hong Jiang looked at the black coffin that had formed at his feet with determination in his eyes.

   The nine nearby ones are over, and there are ten in the distance.

   "Broken road ninety-one, Qianshou Jiaotian Taipao!"

The Quincy in the distance just released an arrow and shot it on the black coffin. Groups of light pink light clusters appeared on the top of the black coffin, and then the light clusters turned into beams, like a cherry blossom waterfall falling from the sky, instantly flooding the distance. Of ten Quincy Masters.

  The black coffin is buried in the sea of ​​flowers, quincedos, take your dignity and go all the way!

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