Blessed Daughter

Chapter 179 Selling Laba Congee

Wei Ruo, who worked for Wei Ruo, was not left behind.

In Xu Ji's lo-mei shop, Chen Aqing took a bowl and gulped it down.

Seeing her drinking in such a hurry, Wei Ruo couldn't help but said: "You look like this, I wonder if I have deducted your money and didn't let you have enough food."

"No, miss, your porridge is delicious! You and sister Xiumei are so good at cooking!" Chen Aqing explained.

"It's not a matter of craftsmanship, but a matter of materials. This bowl of porridge uses yellow rice, white rice, glutinous rice, millet, water chestnut rice, chestnuts, red cowpea, and peeled jujube paste. They are mixed together and cooked with water. Dye red peach kernels, almonds, melon seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, white sugar, brown sugar, and grapes."

Cooking porridge is particular, but not so particular. It is boiled in a pot of water, which really does not reflect much craftsmanship.

This porridge is more about the materials used. It is true that other places do not necessarily have the time and effort to gather so many materials to make this porridge.

"This... so many things? It must be very expensive..." Chen Aqing stared blankly at the empty bowl in his hand, regretting that he had eaten in a hurry.

"It's okay, I can still afford to give you a meal once in a while, and I don't just feed you, I will sell it later. Tomorrow is Laba, so it's just right to sell this porridge."

Speaking of which, Wei Ruo told Chen Aqing: "When a conspicuous place will be vacated in the store, we will sell this porridge, a bowl of one tael of silver."

"One tael of silver?" Chen Aqing was stunned, unable to believe her ears.

"Yes, one tael of silver." Wei Ruo replied firmly.

Hearing this, Chen Aqing swallowed her saliva, and then looked at her empty bowl again. Didn't she just drink a whole tael of silver in one breath?

Although she felt that the price was very expensive in her heart, Chen Aqing didn't ask any more questions. She believed in Wei Ruo unconditionally, and felt that the lady's price must be reasonable!

When Wei Ruo used this material to cook this porridge, he made up his mind that he wanted to sell this porridge at a high price and only sell it to wealthy families.

Since the opening of Xu Ji Braised Meat Shop, Mrs. Yuan's publicity has attracted many nobles in the city to taste it, and then accumulated a group of wealthy and powerful loyal customers for themselves.

Although the incident with Zui Xianju last time caused some losses to the shop, it also promoted Xu Ji Braised Food Shop to another extent.

Now the shop has no shortage of rich customers, and everyone recognizes the taste of the lo-mei shop, so if Wei Ruo puts this Laba porridge in a conspicuous place in the shop, there will definitely be people who are willing to spend a lot of money to taste it.

Sure enough, at noon, Xu Ji Laba porridge sold several copies.

In the afternoon, more people bought it. Some tasted it on the spot and bought several bowls to take home.

In total, Wei Ruo only prepared one bucket for sale, and it was sold out by the end of the day (two or three o'clock in the afternoon), and a total of thirty copies were sold, equivalent to thirty taels of silver.

Chen Aqing still can't believe it, so she sold it for thirty taels of silver! It's like juggling!

Although Wei Ruo was not surprised, he was surprised by the speed of sales.

From the very beginning, Wei Ruo knew that even if her porridge was priced at five cents, ordinary people and poor people would not buy it.

What they need is food and clothing, not some delicious food.

But the powerful and wealthy are different. What they pursue is quality. The more expensive something is, the more they feel that it is worthy of their status.

This is the reason why rich people's wine and meat stink roads have frozen bones.

Counting the thirty taels of silver in her hand, Xiumei was very happy: "Miss, this Laba porridge is too profitable! After deducting our cost, the profit is much more than we earn from selling vegetables, sweet potatoes and braised meat!"

"Don't be too happy, we have to prepare ingredients when we go back today, and we have to sell them for another day tomorrow." Wei Ruo said.

"To earn so much money, I can do it even if I don't sleep tonight!" Xiumei said excitedly.

"That's impossible, your body is worth more than silver!" Wei Ruo said.

"Miss, you're still talking about me, don't you often do this yourself? You're always tired when it comes to other things, but if you have anything to do with money, you can stay up all night!" Xiumei retorted.

In fact, apart from making money and saving people, Wei Ruo would also forget to eat and sleep.

Uh... can't argue with that.

"Okay, okay." Wei Ruo quickly changed the subject, "Hurry up, I'm busy with the rest of the matter, there are a lot of ingredients to prepare, and if I'm late, I won't be able to catch up with the good day of Laba Festival tomorrow."

Then Wei Ruo didn't give Xiumei a chance to continue talking about herself, and pulled her into the carriage.


Early the next morning, as soon as Xu Ji's lo-mei shop opened, there was a small stall selling Laba porridge in front of the shop.

Yesterday it was only placed in an obvious place in the store, but today it is better, it is placed directly at the door of the store.

A sign was erected next to it, and it read: "Laba porridge, one or two, one bowl."

At first, people passing by thought that the owner of Xu Ji Lo-Mei Shop was crazy about money, and he dared to sell such a sky-high price for a bowl of ordinary porridge.

But soon those who had such an idea found that they were wrong, such expensive porridge was not only bought by people, but also a lot!

The families of high-ranking officials, wealthy businessmen, and children of rich families in the city are the buyers of the sky-high price of Laba porridge.

On the same street, Zuixianju also started selling Laba porridge on this day, but apparently the business was not as good as that of Xuji Braised Meat Shop.

In the afternoon, shopkeeper Shen from Zuixianju came to Xu Ji's lo-mei shop to look for Wei Ruo.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Xu there?" Shopkeeper Shen asked Chen Aqing, who was busy in front.

"I don't know, I'm busy with business." Chen Aqing replied.

In fact, Wei Ruo was in the yard behind the shop, but Chen Aqing still said she didn't know, because she didn't know if their lady wanted others to know that she was here.

Sister Xiumei taught her, so in this case, she told people that she didn't know.

At this time, the shop opened through the curtain of the backyard, and Wei Ruo came out from behind.

"I've seen Mr. Xu, it's like this, my son wants to invite Mr. Xu to Zuixianju for a talk, I wonder if Mr. Xu is convenient?" Shopkeeper Shen asked Wei Ruo politely with a smile on his face.

"When I'm free, I'll go with you now." Wei Ruo replied straightforwardly.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, please follow me!" Shopkeeper Shen hurriedly led Wei Ruo the way.

When they arrived at Zuixianju, shopkeeper Shen still took Wei Ruo to the box in the corner with the word "Heting" written on the door plate.

Same as last time, Fan Chengxu sat alone in the box, with tea and some pastries placed in front of him.

"Boss Fan, why did you come to me today?" Wei Ruo asked straight to the point.

"Let me ask you, when will the five-spice powder and oyster sauce we talked about last time be available for me? Last time you said you would give you some time, I think it's been a long time now."

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