Blessed Daughter

Chapter 369 Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet

In the letter, the Elder strongly asked his younger brother to obey the nobleman's arrangements, saying that the rise and fall of the Wei family depended on this one time.

Because of this letter, Yun was angry for several days.

In this way, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, Yun's really can't be happy. Those who should have come have not come, and those who should not have come have come.

After Wei Ruo knew the general situation, she didn't ask any more questions. The sweet potatoes and the first batch of rice on her farm were about to mature, and it was the busy time for harvesting.

On Wei Ruo's desk are piles of account books sent from various villages.

After Wei Ruo asked, Nanny Zhang flipped through it.

Judging from the current situation reported by Zhuangzi, the output of this batch of grain is quite substantial, even better than last year's.

The bumper harvest of this batch of grain gave Wei Ruo a reassurance. Most of the grain she had stockpiled earlier had been used up—a small portion was used to feed the people in the village, and most of it was sold to the military camp.

If there is no good harvest this year, it will be a big problem for Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo inquired about the situation of other families in Taizhou Mansion. The part was planted early, and the part that did not suffer from bakanae disease and did not change the seed should be mature by this time.

It is said that although their harvest is not as good as Wei Ruo's high-yielding late rice, but with the help of various government measures, this year's harvest is better than the previous two years.

This is a good sign.


The next day, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wei Ruo and Yun Shi were invited to attend a banquet at the magistrate's mansion.

When Wei Ruo arrived at the gate of the magistrate's mansion, he saw another carriage belonging to the Wei family.

When Wei Ruo looked at the carriage, the curtain was raised, and Wei Qingwan, who was wearing a light green long dress, walked down with the help of the maid Cui He.

The moment Wei Qingwan raised her head and looked at Wei Ruo, Wei Ruo saw a provocative look in her eyes.

Her eyes seemed to be telling Wei Ruo, even if so many tricks were used to drive her out of the Wei family, so what? Can't she still come back?

But when she walked up to Wei Ruo, her expression became cautious again.

"Sister." Wei Qingwan's voice was soft and careful.

Wei Ruo didn't reply, but turned to look at Yun's beside him.

"Mother, can you tell me what's going on?"

Wei Ruo's eyes are sharp, giving people a feeling that there is nowhere to hide.

Yun looked away with some guilt, and then explained: "In order to avoid Wanwan not showing up for too long and making the outside world suspicious, instead of being accused of having a private meeting with a man, my mother thinks it is better to let Wanwan attend such a crime." The occasion is better."

After a pause, Yun added: "Mother did this for your own good, Wanwan's reputation will be damaged just as much if people suspect you."

"Oh, my mother is really considerate of me." Wei Ruo snorted lightly.

"I just asked Wanwan to attend today's banquet, and I will continue to let Wanwan go to Zhuangzi to take care of her health later on. You don't have to be so stingy." Yun said again.

"What does this have to do with me being stingy or not? Don't say that letting her go to Zhuangzi is what I want and wish, and don't mention that this is the punishment she should have received." Wei Ruo said coldly.

Yun's face froze, and then said: "It's getting late, it's time to go in."

After finishing speaking, he led Wei Qingwan to the mansion.

Before stepping into the gate of the mansion, Wei Qingwan looked back at Wei Ruo, and smiled at Wei Ruo.

Xiumei pursed her lips, and said to Wei Ruo, "I'm afraid Ma'am will find a chance to take Second Miss back to the residence soon."

"Let's go in too." Wei Ruo didn't want to be affected by such things.

It's a good harvest season recently, so I should be happy.

After entering the mansion, Wei Ruo was immediately taken to Mrs. Yuan's side.

Brother Sheng next to her grinned when he saw Wei Ruo, glanced at the nanny and maid who took care of him, and ran towards Wei Ruo.

"Hug~ Ruo, hug~"

The voice of the little milk is very sweet.

Although the little guy can't speak much, he has mastered the address of Wei Ruo proficiently.

Although Mrs. Yuan taught him to call "Auntie", what he learned was to call Wei Ruo.

As soon as Wei Ruo just hugged the little guy, he received the little guy's initiative to offer a kiss.

"Baji" kissed Wei Ruo on the cheek.

Madam Yuan smiled and said: "This little naughty boy, I would never be happy to let him kiss his father, and you are the only one who has the honor, sister Ruo'er."

Then Mrs. Yuan was afraid that Wei Ruo would get tired of holding her, so she wanted the nanny to carry Brother Sheng back, but Brother Sheng refused, so she stayed in Wei Ruo's arms and refused to let others hug her.

Brother Sheng clings to Wei Ruo and refuses to be hugged by others, so Wei Ruo hugs Brother Sheng and teases him for a while.

It wasn't until Master Yuan sent someone to pick up Brother Sheng that the little guy reluctantly left Wei Ruo's arms.

After Brother Sheng was taken away, Mrs. Yuan was about to pull Wei Ruo to say hello, when several other wives came over to say hello to Mrs. Yuan.

Seeing Wei Ruo, the wives greeted her very warmly, and praised Wei Ruo with smiles on their faces.

They are all participants in the wasteland reclamation. Now the progress of land reclamation is gratifying. Even the imperial court has heard about it and praised Taizhou government. This makes their faces bright, and they are also praised by their husbands at home.

So they liked what Wei Ruo thought of him.

Facing the compliments from the ladies, Wei Ruo only responded with a humble smile.

At this moment, Yun Shi led Wei Qingwan over.

Because it is Wei Ruo's mother, the wives of the Yun family also surrounded her and said a lot of compliments:

"Mrs. Wei is good at teaching daughters. The eldest girl is talented and generous. She is a model of ladies."

"Yes, yes, we are all envious. How I wish the girl at home could have half the talent of Miss Wei."


Wei Ruo felt that the compliments from several people were a bit exaggerated, and it was nothing more than to praise her for other things. How could she become a model of a lady? She clearly didn't do anything that a lady should do.

Yun's face was full of joy: "Ladies, you are too praised. The two girls in my family are just obedient and diligent, and they can't be called particularly talented."

While expressing modesty, Yun did not forget to bring Wei Qingwan along.

Hearing Yun's mention of her other daughter, the wives all looked at Wei Qingwan in unison. They had heard all the rumors a few days ago, and it seemed that the Second Miss of the Wei family had acted out of line.

Later, I also heard that the Wei family's second lady was sent to Zhuangzi by the Wei family, and it seemed that her charges had been confirmed.

Today, Mrs. Wei brought someone to the princess's banquet in such a grand manner, I don't know what was on her mind.

Seeing the wives looking at Wei Qingwan suspiciously, Yun Shi took advantage of the situation and said: "Speaking of which, my second daughter is not as lucky as the eldest daughter, and I don't know some treacherous villain spread some rumors outside, making it so It made her restless and depressed, and she went to Zhuangzi to recuperate for a few days before she calmed down."

Wei Qingwan immediately said: "It's the daughter's fault. Let the mother worry about her daughter. It's really unfilial."

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