Blood Source Era

Chapter 103: :Reply

"If you want to know the answer, you can see if you look up." The other party is also very simple to speak at this time.

Everyone who explores the darkness knows that if they want to understand what is in the darkness, then they just need to walk in and find out the situation.

This point does not require others to teach, as long as Fu Da Ming Da can have enough skills, you can do so.

Everyone can learn more things according to their own ideas.

And for Aaron, if he wants to know the answer, he just has to go up and he will know.

So in this case, these words may seem impeccable, but in essence they have many problems.

Aaron took a deep breath and knew that the other party wanted to slip away.

If he wants to run, Aaron will not easily make this matter a reality.

"Then I'll ask another way." Aaron screamed at the other party at this moment.

Then in this very serious tone, he questioned.

"Can you tell me the reason why you want to go up? If I understand correctly, the organ that pulls this staircase should be far away."

Therefore, in this case, Aaron seemed to unconsciously hit the ground with his own weapon, making a rhythmic and regular sound.

And said, "You should always be able to answer this matter."

The other party stopped his pace. After hesitating a little, he thought about it and said.

"Yes, I can answer this question, but does this matter have anything to do with you? You want to know my movements, what do you want to do?"

The atmosphere of fell into a stalemate environment again at this time.

The tone of both parties was very unfriendly at this time, and Aaron's irritable mood was reflected in his hand movements.

He kept making more and more and denser noises, looking like he was ready to do it at any time.

At this time, the man with blood stains on his robe also hesitated. He knew better than anyone, how many evil things there are in this castle.

In the previous battle, he has wasted a lot of physical strength.

Various strange monsters are hidden in the dark, and no one knows whether they are fake or dead.

I don't know what the original hunter's guild was doing and why so many monsters were left out.

And establish an enemy for yourself, this is not a smart choice.

After thinking about it again, considering the possibility of direct rejection, it would cause Aaron to make some excessive reactions, causing things to become very bad.

Therefore, even if it is a lie, he must also say one thing that can work out.

Because of this, he changed his mind at this time.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for him to tell the whole truth and truth to Aaron.

Just has certain things, not lies, but something she really might do, he will only tell Aaron.

Came to this castle not because he came here voluntarily, but someone sent him a letter inviting him to come here.

At first, the person who handed out the letter said that there are many treasures in it.

But when he really came here, instead of seeing the inviter, he saw some corpses, which were fresh hunter's corpses.

He felt something was wrong, so he came in to check the situation.

Then things became what they are now, there are monsters in almost every dark corner, and he just wanted to find the person who handed him the letter, and then asked why.

Aaron nodded as if to understand, then he pointed to the stairs and said, "So did you move this institution?"

The man shrugged, explaining this disapprovingly.

"If you see an institution in front of you, will you pull it down and try what happens?"

He opened his hands, his body was already covered with the blood of various monsters.

Pointed to these facts, and then he said, "Look, I have made such concessions, so much risk has taken place in this castle, maybe I can get the treasure pointed out in that letter."

Then he looked at Aaron very sincerely and said.

"You should come here just to make sure."

He chuckled, and the laughter seemed to mean that he had seen through everything.

But is this really the case? At least for Aaron, he doesn't think so.

Obviously, the person who wrote the letter is very familiar with the character of each hunter. For different hunter personalities, the content described in the letter will also be different.

This guy in front of him is obviously a greedy man because every time he talks about treasures, his eyes will emit a strange light.

This is not a disguise that can be performed. It is the character that is embodies the desire for wealth inscribed in the depths of the human soul.

So the Aaron people temporarily believed what he said, and then nodded and answered.

"In this world ~ ~ Not everyone is like you, we are not interested in the hidden wealth in this castle."

"Because you want to find those things, you only go to the dark corners, so you only meet those monsters."

Then Aaron showed off his clothes, although there are also blood stains, but it is far more than this guy.

This is because apart from killing the blocking monster, he hardly took the initiative to go the wrong way.

So naturally it is impossible to encounter so many terrible monsters.

But in this remark, the other party was very obvious and did not believe it.

He shook his head and said negatively. "Only foolish people will believe what you say, no one can resist the temptation of wealth. If you think money is useless, then you certainly don't know the magic that money represents."

He almost raised his corner of the mouth, and tried his best to restrain his voice, and gave a low chuckle.

Then he shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, then you should already know everything, can you let me go?"

Aaron narrowed his eyes and remained silent for a while, then he nodded helplessly.

"Well, since this is the case, then I think I should have no reason."

Is no longer blocked by Aaron, so soon, this man disappeared into the darkness as he did when he came.

Aaron was silent, said Luna, who had stood aside for a long time without saying anything.

"You should know that guy is lying, right?"

Aaron opened his hands helplessly "I know, then how, more seriously, what he said is facts, part of the facts, this is enough."

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