Blood Source Era

Chapter 975: : Negative attitude

Frustrated with this kind of thing?

That's what the incompetent guy will show.

Regarding this matter, he did not think there was much to worry about.

Helplessly sighed, he looked at the crowd with a sneer like a joke.

Why make a decision in such a hurry, anyway, the final result is failure ...

It's better to simply do nothing at this time.

Sit back and relax and choose to completely give up the actions he can take.

So I want to be some of the worst results, but at this time, I will totally take no advantage of myself.

Is also in a situation where there is no way.

All that can be taken out and looks like the best response is the action he took.

Is that at this time everything is good.

From this it becomes unnecessary to have more ideal development.

He saw this, so he seemed to be confident.

Thinks that it is no longer necessary to understand and worry too much.

Even the need for concern is completely absent

Looks like a decadent and passive way to deal with trouble.

Therefore seems to vaguely foretell a seemingly uncertain possibility.

And he became more and more true to people who were unwilling to resist, demonstrating a response to troubles.

That's what he did at this time.

There will not be too many people. It is really possible to give an example of this negative attitude at this time, which is the best response to this.

Unless he can turn it around, he can have a more appropriate means of dealing with things.

So all the actions that can be taken actually become like this.

Then it really proves at this moment that he no longer needs to do anything, and other more suitable actions.

Should have a coping method, and therefore the conclusion does not need more suspicion.

It made people feel some unexpected flatness and leaned towards it.

Is it really at this time, so there is no need to do what you want to do.

The thoughts and considerations seem to be at this time too, and there is no need to know too much.

And such an action that will be seen by this will mean the ending, and it will need to be responded to by what kind of ideal response to the matter.

In fact, this seems to itself, it has become completely impossible.

The apparent understanding of the problem, since the idea, it becomes no longer necessary to have a more satisfied time to care.

Therefore, it seems that the situation she will shelve at this time will begin to come naturally, and become an acceptable reality ...

He had already completely figured out at this time, what he was seeing in front of him.

Began to want at this moment to try to encourage others to behave like themselves.

What happens next will be destined to make everyone feel dumbfounded.

But the kind of conspiracy he had about things in his heart, and what he thought felt like more appropriate consideration.

Then everything is just the beginning.

The actions and measures that can be taken, if it is at this time, become the scene seen in front of you.

There are some actions that can be taken, and there is no need to have a more satisfactory understanding.

In the end, there should be a fairly intuitive understanding of what people have.

Other ways of coping and handling are starting to show a natural answer before people's eyes.

Thought to himself, he couldn't help but raised a smug smile, and then quickly converged.

Is not yet a celebration of victory, or after the event has happened, let me show you everything.

Now this guy is the most ample, that can be described as unmatched patience.

Following up all other cognitions and understandings, at this time, it becomes no longer possible to be accepted and immediate by others.

The means that can be taken are as simple as the situation seen on the surface.

For this kind of thing, he may not know what kind of gesture he should use and respond to the matter himself.

But as long as you are patient, then all things are to get a result.

He intended to deal with the trouble that might become a reality in the posture of a defensive counterattack.

Who first shows the purpose and result that he wants to achieve, then there is no doubt that who first exposed his weakness.

And such weaknesses are often fatal.

Eventually, the guy who first got the advantage then had to stand at the highest place to face the siege from all directions.

May mean a relatively stable and proper situation.

Therefore, what kind of ideal answer is needed.

If you only need to change your understanding of the problem, as long as you clearly understand and realize that the situation is not always very bad.

Whether other things are the same when facing the same problems and troubles.

So all will become, so there is no need to have any more appropriate treatment for the problem that cannot be determined?

What the situation itself would mean, in fact, it will also be the case.

Following all the concepts that can be accepted by people, the ideas will be all. Therefore, under such circumstances, it should become that there is no need to care more.

What kind of one should I go to again, and has a very good understanding of the problem.

Will be able to make other processing and therefore no longer need to carry out a more ideal development.

In fact, such an arrangement itself no longer needs to be more, and is not acceptable to people for proper behavior ...

Other concerns, but also what kind of people should have, quite a good understanding and understanding.

That can make the ultimate understanding of the problem, and those other things, seemingly very sensible behavior.

Therefore, we can come up with coping methods.

Will give you a very good recognition of the understanding and cognition of the problem.

Other changes, will not change too much?

It seems that what the idea means, the reality that can mean, also at this time, becomes no longer need to care too much.

The reality that the situation can show before people's eyes is just like the situation witnessed on the surface. All are simple and straightforward.

Then, what kind of things should I go there in the end? It is also a situation that is understood by people.

Can make other preparations, so the means that will be taken will become that there is no need to care more?

It seems that the idea itself, it should be at this time, there should be no other ways of coping.

Will have his own understanding of the problem, and thus will need to have what kind of, more satisfactory thinking and consideration.

Can let other other means of change, under such circumstances, it will become no longer necessary to have a more satisfactory understanding to follow?

Maybe that kind of thought would mean existence, and it will also be at this time, and no longer care more.

May have other changes, so it will show how to deal with it, and what kind of understanding will it have?

No one knows, maybe the means that one can come up with should be a kind of treatment.

But everyone at this time suddenly understood clearly that maybe the essence of the matter is actually not something that makes people feel complicated.

It's just that people are worrying a lot, and they shouldn't be worried about it.

Is thinking about things that he shouldn't think about, thinking that maybe he doesn't have too many handles to control.

So, should there be no other concerns about the means that can be adopted for the situation?

Probably those approvals will be at this time, so there shouldn't be much other things to care about.

The coping methods that can be made are to enable the same cognition later on.

Should gradually get better, and there is no need for any other more complete processing and planning.

Suddenly, this guy knew clearly what it was that he finally showed what he saw in front of his eyes.

And when you are understanding something, you are doing a certain understanding.

What kind of handling will other changes have?

There is a high probability that there should be coping methods for things that need to be done by oneself, that is, there is no need to have another care.

So what should be done in the end, what kind of treatment needs to be taken, there will be no other arrangements?

Estimated that in itself, it should not be necessary to be understood and cared about by others.

Perhaps the ending that some thoughts themselves would mean, and the coping and handling of it has already become that there is no need to care any more.

The disposition and arrangement that can be carried out, and the impact caused by it may become that there is no need for too much preparation.

Is able to carry out such a seemingly very appropriate disposal, and it means that it should itself not have much need to be recognized at this time.

Other means of coping should mean something that doesn't need to be misunderstood.

And this seems to be destined to make other things out of reach, so it becomes unnecessary to have too much to be cared about by others.

The processing methods that can be performed should look like the best way to change.

Other thoughts, and what seems to be the most satisfying consideration, should be the kind of behavior that should initially lead to the problem.

The rest of what can be caused should have an understanding of the problem.

Thoughts have all become, there is no need to be recognized and understood.

What does it mean by the changing coping style, other understandings are to a great extent, it does not seem to have the meaning of being recognized.

The means that should be taken, what is meant by what, it is estimated what can be meant.

This kind of understanding should be very appropriate, and the change will no longer require more satisfactory satisfaction.

The situation that finally needs to be understood by people will mean what kind of reality is accepted by people.

And what kind of satisfactory answer will it make other changes, that is, it will become no longer necessary to care more?

Xu those changes, the impact of being accepted by others, and then other ways of solving it.

Is there no need to change it?

May have the cognition, and other follow-up coping methods will often lead to no more treatment in this case.

The result is so, it looks like the most ideal treatment, it should become that no longer need to care more.

And further understanding, it will also bring what kind of judgment should be accepted by oneself.

Will no longer need to deal with it?

Probably that all other ideas will result in some means that can be achieved.

That is, at this time, you do n’t need to care any more when you become serious.

Should have the means, the means that can have, so it becomes unnecessary to care too much.

All the actions that can be brought out ~ ~ may mean the ending, and then it becomes no longer necessary to have too much to be recognized by people.

Maybe he has a kind of his own cognition of the problem, and other other treatments should be left, and it should become no more concerned at this time.

Has a coping method, since it will be simple and direct at this time.

What other changes will be made afterwards, can make others look more satisfactory.

So it becomes unnecessary to care too much.

The existence of the situation means that it will become no longer necessary to understand more at this time.

And then other other ways of handling and changing, but also need to be changed by yourself.

Can make more ways to cope, so it becomes unnecessary to care about more ideal satisfaction anymore?

It is estimated that the action that can be taken will mean the existence itself, and then other other ideas may have coping methods.

There is a more suitable treatment method, and it will often become more unnecessary treatment at this time.

Then means more things that are worth being recognized.

Which kind of rather ideal disposal method will be needed?

Estimated by all of this, it means that the more appropriate coping styles will become more important at this time. Do you not need to have more ideals to care about?

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