Blood Source Era

Chapter 109: : Headless

After coming out of the mysterious compartment, the two walked inside the large library again.

The two of them moved forward one after the other, but this time, they changed to Luna standing in front and Aaron standing behind.

Because Aaron needs Luna this time to help him find the guy hidden in the dark, he has no choice.

In such a dark place, in the case of seeing nothing, the two can only move forward carefully.

They are alert to monsters that may appear in the dark.

The light of the torch illuminates the darkness around, and from time to time something appears on the ground.

Those are some notes, and the notes written in black ink on them have become blurred due to the long time.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the wind blowing in the cave, or because of the chaos, these yellowed notebooks should be placed on the table.

And now, they are all scattered on the ground.

The dust accumulates on it, and you can vaguely see that there is a splash of blood, which once sprinkled on it.

It seems that there has been a battle here.

I don't know if it is a hunter's guild, they broke into this large library.

Because what appeared on the paper, the dried blood was splattered, so there must be a fight here.

When Aaron thought this way, weird voices came from the shadows.

Aaron turned around with Luna at this time and looked towards that place, a guy with pale skin appeared in the sight of the two.

This guy with a pale complexion, he must have been very neat to die, because his gray school uniform was hardly damaged.

That means that his body has not suffered any harm.

This poor student, his real method of death was to be cut off with a sword!

'S splashed plasma dyed almost half of his gray robe dark.

And the blood dried up with the passage of time, and finally became the appearance that appeared in front of Aaron.

Lost his head, but for some reason, he can still act.

It's just that his body behaves like a zombie, and his skin is very pale, just like a corpse.

Must be because of some kind of magic, or evil alchemy, so that his body will become like this.

Every hunter will be more or less magical as an auxiliary force during his battle.

But that's just an auxiliary force, because so far, humans have not yet penetrated the mysteries of magic.

So, not to mention turning a dead person alive.

This is simply an impossible thing, but the terrible scene in front of me is a reality!

"Damn, how could such a thing appear." The first time he saw this monster, Aaron rushed forward.

Then he protected Luna behind him.

I chose to face this monster in front of me, although I don't quite understand why such a guy will appear in front of me.

But no matter who made this thing in front of him, Aaron will definitely solve it.

Because of this, he had to stand up.

It looks like a bad thing, but for Aaron, this is not necessarily the case.

Because he can understand more clearly than anyone else, the guy in front of him is equivalent to explaining something.

That's what the firelight is shining on, the mess here.

Because there is no way to illuminate all the darkness, he can only see the things around him, so there is no way to draw an accurate conclusion.

But when the monster in front of me appeared, things became less complicated.

Obviously, maybe it is possible that the Hunter Guild once came to this place.

Because this guy who looks like a scholar, his method of death is very in line with the hunter's guild's methods at the time.

At that time, in order to deal with huge monster hunters, they usually used huge weapons.

When waving, you can also easily cut off things like human limbs.

Then, it ’s good to cut off a person ’s head, and it ’s effortless.

So it's very likely that there was a chaos here, it wasn't that the orderly but the murderous guy suddenly broke in.

Caused the scholars here to panic, and then everything was messed up.

So those hunters began to open the killing ring, killing these merciless scholars mercilessly.

Therefore, those things scattered on the ground will be contaminated by the splattered blood.

This must be the case.

Unclearly, when it came to the vicious alchemy experiment on the eyes, Aaron initially felt that the Hunter ’s Guild was a bit untrue when doing this.

Because he thinks there is a way to cross the river and demolish the bridge, to kill the donkey.

But when he learned about the alchemy experiment on that eye, Aaron knew how cold-hearted they are to these guys who look harmless to humans and animals ~ ~.

Think about the things you encountered on your way, how many people in this magical academy were dismembered by these scholars for the so-called magic and holiness?

Take the organs of the body as the material of the experiment?

Aaron didn't dare to imagine that word count, but he did the same, exhausting the last trace of mercy in his heart to this magic academy.

These people are not worth the poor guy.

Since they dare to see other people's lives like grass and mustard, they must have been prepared.

Let them use their lives to take responsibility for their mistakes.

Although it is not known to what extent these guys' alchemy technology has developed, but after being cut off their heads, they can still live as corpses.

And looked at his outstretched hands as if to find his head.

Aaron couldn't help but felt more sick.

He hated these things that happened in front of him, and hated accepting these facts.

Although I don't know how strong this corpse is, but after Aaron had protected Luna behind him, he unfolded the chain whip and slapped mercilessly on the guy in front of him.

"Since the head is gone, it can't be called a human even if it's still alive."

At the moment of wielding his weapon, Aaron said softly.

What qualities do people always have to be able to be called humans, if even these things are lost.

Can people really be called people?

It is better to live in this disgusting gesture or die earlier!

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