Blood Source Era

Chapter 465: : Hawke's Greed

Faced with this one in front of him, he claimed to be Hawke.

Aaron can say that he felt the other party's bad intentions for the first time, no matter what the other party said or a gesture.

It seems to be explaining to myself, or to prove to him his noble identity.

Actually, there are no other things that are too much for people to question or say.

Aaron, he was also very relaxed and accustomed to accepting all the problems that happened before him.

Because he knew very well that as a hunter's guild, there are some things that do not require him to bother his own spirit.

There must always be someone to help yourself solve some problems within the Hunter Guild itself.

And now it seems that the guy in front of him is the one who undoubtedly helps himself solve the problem.

Faced with such a thing, Aaron originally intended to show that he was willing to accept a gesture from the other side.

I don't want to just break a rule established in the past, or a control over the incident.

But obviously, at this time he underestimated the other party's own desires in this matter.

And at this time, it was very obvious wrongly judging what the man in front of him wanted to do.

People always stay in a position for a long time and will make a wrong judgment about their behavior.

Under such circumstances, it will lead to some things that can be said to be relatively bad.

In the face of this kind of thing that makes people feel bad, so there is no need to have too many other questions.

All people will have at least the most greed in their own hearts. Aaron has even been accustomed to such things for a long time.

It is because he has been very accustomed to accepting the greedy manifestations hidden in people's hearts.

Under such a situation, there is naturally no other explanation.

The situation started to become a thing that made people feel very simple at this moment, and no need to question.

And in the face of such a situation, it can be said that all the problems that occur in front of you can almost perfectly appear at a just right time.

In such a situation, naturally there is no need to have any other hesitation.

Why can't he take advantage of this as the new president when he came to the Hunter Guild, his foundation was not stable.

Immediately and decisively take some necessary means to completely lift the opponent?

At that time, after only a few years of operation, it can further expand the power in its hands.

After these few years of operation, I am afraid that this new president will also die under the hand of a monster.

Another newcomer will become a better object for him to solve and deal with.

I have been sitting in this position long enough, long enough to know how the elders of the Hunter Guild have chosen the President of the Hunter Guild.

At this time, he already had a clear idea of ​​what kind of qualities a hunter ’s guild president generally needs to be able to serve.

After facing 12 people who almost seemed to be completely similar.

He was very clear at this time, knowing what kind of situation he encountered in front of him.

Naturally, in such a situation, there is no need to have any other judgment on things.

All the problems that I saw in front of me already had an arguably clear result at this time.

And it is when facing such a conspicuous and such a definite result that this does not need to have any other too many questions.

Any, other, don't fall into doubt about what you see in front of you.

It may cause you to miss such a best opportunity that you encounter in front of you.

In fact, at this time, carefully analyze the situation in front of him. It is not difficult to find that it is indeed the best opportunity for him.

The first is the death of the imperial emperor, which caused the entire emperor to fall into an inexplicable and strange turmoil.

Everyone, especially the nobles, under such circumstances, they obviously felt their own safety and were threatened.

So they will not have too much other greed and the benefits they want to earn at this time.

As long as these greedy borers do not want to share this opportunity with themselves, then they can control all their interests in their own hands.

And there is one more important thing in this.

That is, in the face of what he saw in front of him, the young hunter ’s guild president did not seem to have much contention for the rights of the union.

It's just to deal with what might be called chaos in the imperial capital.

This is really a naive and ridiculous behavior.

Only by getting used to it and accepting the situation in front of you will it be clearly understood.

Nothing in this world can be changed casually after it happens.

Anyone who wants to make his own attempt, or wants to make his own change, will immediately have to pay for his actions.

In such a situation, naturally there is no need to have any other hesitation.

The guy in front of him, he is very straightforward to make such a mistake that should not be made.

Do n’t stand firm in the Hunter ’s Guild first, and then want to take your own action immediately.

Under such circumstances, he must bear the price he deserves for what he has done.

No one can take any mistakes or responsibilities after making mistakes ~ ~ and let these things go on for granted.

This is something that will make people feel very sorry and useless.

Faced with the problems they see in front of them, people do not need to have any other question or judgment about things.

The situation of all this happening in front of you can be said to be very simple, you can understand the situation.

Any other worries about the problem, or his hesitation, will become worthless.

In such a situation, there is no need to worry too much.

He made his judgment about the things in front of him almost immediately.

And it is quite natural to think that the other party is just a completely naive guy who doesn't know that he has his own rights first. Epoch of blood

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