Blood Source Era

Chapter 659: : Deeper fence

There are not many things that need to be considered and doubted, and they are worthy of consideration or special concern.

Since the matter in front of it has become a reality at this time, it will become free of any other concerns.

Why do you have any other unsuitable thoughts about the problem, or worry about it?

They should have their most basic ability to solve this matter in front of them, and also their ability as a hunter.

Now it's time for them to show their strength and fulfill their promises.

Everything is like what is encountered on the surface, making people feel so realistic.

And this is Aaron, the one he is facing does not need to do anything else, it is more worthy of people's thinking and justification.

Presents in front of people's eyes, and in addition to acceptance, there are no other options.

Should have an idea about the problem, which may be more appropriate. Prepare for the problem.

On this issue, tangling about the problem, then the final thing will only gradually become a clear understanding and judgment of the situation that makes people feel very desperate.

Because of the entanglement, it was just a bottomless abyss.

So just face the things in front of you, don't go to any other more changes.

When Aaron chose such a situation, he had no other means to prepare himself for the problem.

These people, since they have chosen such a result in front of them, there is no doubt that they do not need to have other choices.

No one is helping, and it is impossible for someone to help at this time.

And Aaron will certainly have a few more thoughts about the problems that may happen next.

But this does not mean that the situation may present something that is very regrettable.

Naturally everything changes, which makes people feel very sorry.

So accept what you see in front of yourself, is this a matter of course?

The situation no longer needs to have any other, more of my own ideas or considerations that are not suitable for the problem.

This is a thing that people can't resist facing in front of people's eyes. There is no choice but to accept.

Appeared the last resistance.

When rushing past, maybe it should not have a better idea.

Accepting a status quo in front of you is not necessarily a clear understanding of things that no one can accept.

There are other things that make people feel inappropriate, and the idea of ​​the problem has completely changed. There is no special good, and it is necessary to be considered or concerned.

Faced with that huge monster, and then pulled out his own weapon, the roar of the person who made the last resistance, roared and launched his death charge.

Everything is as simple as what I saw on the surface at the beginning.

What kind of thoughts or concerns should you have about the problem.

Does accepting the reality faced in front of your own eyes become a simple understanding of the problem?

Fleeing people did not go at this time, looking back at how these people behaved like this.

They just bowed their heads and ran towards a safer place.

The situation may not be as simple as what people seem to see on the surface at the beginning, so everyone will have some inappropriate ideas about the problem when they face Okay.

As long as you lower your head, you won't see danger. It's as if someone has told you something.

This is such a situation. So in the face of what you encounter, you no longer need to have more good things that deserve special attention or concern from people.

Why face some things you see in front of you, and then have some kind of inappropriate thoughts about the problem, or say you are particularly willing.

From the beginning, everything that is necessary does not need to be paid special attention or consideration,

Nature. The situation will also present a very simple understanding of the problem.

If there are other things that are not suitable, then the idea of ​​the problem becomes unnecessary to pay special attention or consideration.

Then, the huge monster killed those people very easily.

Accept the reality in front of you, this is not something that has no way to resist.

Then why do you have other ideas that you should not have about the problem, or say no, you should have more concerns about the problem?

This is a clear understanding and cognition of the problem that I can't resist seeing in front of my eyes.

Going there is any other unsuitable, and the idea of ​​the problem becomes no special memorization, the need to think and care.

Perhaps this is what I saw in front of my eyes that there is no way to resist, a clear understanding of the problem.

The screams of death and unbelievable things about the situation in front of us just happened and staged in front of people.

Why do you have to have other thoughts and concerns about other people?

Allen's clear judgment of the problem and his sensible understanding of the problem have become a very simple result.

Others are not suitable for themselves, and the idea of ​​the problem becomes completely unnecessary to be particularly concerned and thought.

Since all the conditions will make people feel that it is a very simple reality that can be accepted.

Going to have other choices, at this moment it becomes an unsuitable thing.

The things themselves are just like what they faced when they first started, so simple, and do not need special care.

Faced with the situation before them, there is no other attitude that can resist the problem.

Why go to have more thoughts about the problem that you should not have?

Aaron, he left quickly. Just before reaching a deeper wall, a ladder was dropped from the height.

It seemed like someone was inviting at this time, then the roller raised his head and saw the soldiers standing on the fence.

Aaron looked at the wall from left to right, as if it was intentionally built, and then stopped these terrible monsters.

This may show what you see in front of your eyes, and it becomes a very simple and clear understanding.

When faced with the situation presented in front of their own eyes, there is no need to have any other issues that are worth worrying about.

Naturally, other things are not suitable. Therefore, there is no idea or judgment about the problem, so it is more necessary to be considered or considered.

In response to what is happening in front of itself, there is nothing else that is too good to be considered and judged.

Following those who ran away, Aaron finally chose to grab the ladder. As he climbed up, the people above began to pull the chain quickly to pull it all up.

The other party seems to know that he is the president of the Hunter Guild.

Does need to have more things worth thinking about or doubting?

Or do you need to have more thoughts or questions about these other problems?

Has already become a thing that does not need to be carried out at all at this time, and it is particularly worthy of concern to respond to concerns.

There are other things in the natural situation, which make people feel inappropriate, and the idea of ​​the problem no longer needs special care or consideration.

Perhaps presenting what people face in front of them is just like what they see on the surface, which makes people feel so simple.

Aaron, he climbed up and turned his head to look at everything in front of him.

By accepting the reality in front of your eyes in this way, you no longer need to have any other ideas or concerns that you are more unsuitable for the problem.

All these things become a comprehensible understanding of the problem.

Then there are other things that you should not have, thoughts on the problem, or other things that you should not face, one more consideration of things, at this time, it just makes people feel very Accident.

Standing on the tower for the first time, Aaron can use this relatively clear and wide line of sight to see what kind of changes have taken place in this city.

Perhaps presenting what you see in front of your eyes is not so good in itself, especially worthy of concern, or the necessity of consideration.

Why go there any other ideas about the problem that are not suitable for yourself?

At this time, it was already present in the situation that I saw in front of my eyes, and no more delicious, special care or concerns were needed.

Naturally, what other ideas that should not be more relevant to the problem becomes completely meaningless.

Perhaps the situation itself is as simple as what you see on the surface.

"Is this the last wall?"

In response to what he saw in front of him, Aaron, he asked the heavily armed soldiers around him.

He believes that the other party can definitely give him a definite answer.

Perhaps it is at this time to accept what he sees in front of him, and there should not be any other concerns.

Anything that makes you feel inappropriate is not necessary to be concerned about or considered.

So why should the situation make any other special considerations about the problem?

Choose to accept what you see in front of yourself in this way, does it become a very simple understanding of the problem?

As if all things were present in front of his eyes at this time, he should have been like what he was facing.

So naturally, there are other things that are not suitable for me. There are no special considerations or concerns about the problem.

"It's not like that, sir, there is one more behind."

He made his reply, as if such a disaster had happened long before this city.

Presents what you see in front of you, so you do n’t need more special care or concerns.

Accept reality, this is the only accurate judgment and means that should be made to deal with the problem.

Then the natural situation has some other special thoughts or considerations about the problem, and it becomes something that is not particularly reliable.

The actual situation sometimes he is like what he is facing in front of his eyes, so simple,

Why should I go to other things that are not suitable for me, thinking about the problem, or worrying about it.

Could you accept what you are facing in front of yourself, then it becomes not a very simple understanding of the problem?

Looking at the surging refugees, after gradually approaching the iron fence gate, Aaron frowned, realizing what might happen next.

Is there anything else I need to have too much about the problem, an inappropriate concern or consideration?

Seems to have this understanding of the problem, which itself does not need to carry out other things that are too much to be concerned about or worried about.

Then I have another inappropriate idea about the problem of myself, or the situation becomes that it is no longer necessary to carry out more for the necessity of concern or thinking.

Naturally, all problems appear in front of people's eyes, and the situation they see becomes a very simple thing.

Why not go there any other ideas or considerations that should not be appropriate for the problem.

"It's still like this, layer by layer, until the hunger of these monsters is satisfied ..."

Aaron, he said something like this at this time, and then suddenly realized that he seemed to be unable to talk about some topics ~ ~ immediately shut his mouth.

Do you accept the status quo you see in front of you, has Lu become a very simple and clear understanding of the problem?

It seems that the reality I see in front of my eyes is such a simple understanding of the problem.

Itself is a thing that does not need to have any other thoughts or worries about the problem.

So natural, other other people have more thoughts or considerations about the problem, which is just a wrong understanding.

Aaron, he had already thoroughly understood what was happening in front of his eyes at this time.

Then go to my other other one's own thoughts on the problem and it becomes too much, which is worthy of special attention or concern.

It is very simple to present what people see in front of people.

What kind of self should have, an accurate idea or understanding of the problem?

At least those who are higher than themselves, at this time they have already realized what these things are like, and they are ready for themselves.

Itself does not have much to pay special attention to, or the necessity of thinking about problems.

Is just what people want to think about the things in front of them in their hearts.

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