Blood Source Era

Chapter 665: : Green ghost fire!

This is a very tragic reality presented in front of people, no one can change the status quo seen in front of them.

The shadow of death shrouded above this guy's head and quickly took his life.

Cannot breathe for a moment, and when she exhales the last warm breath in her body, the blood has also begun to solidify quickly on the slate.

If someone notices something clearly at this moment, they will realize that the surrounding temperature has dropped abnormally again.

But the red-eyed soldiers, at this moment, they desperately needed to feel that they were all in the boiling of blood, and they were extremely hot, how could they notice such a small change.

So even at this time, feeling the damp and dark ice coming, they did not have any other thoughts about the problem at this time.

As if the situation was like what you saw in front of your eyes, so simple.

When dealing with such a simple thing in front of your eyes, you no longer need to have any other hesitation about the problem.

Faced with the reality in front of him, and realized that this is something that needs to be dealt with and dealt with.

Is there anything else that is too good to be considered or prepared for?

Such a status quo is naturally meaningless. Judgment of the problem, so when you go naive and other other ideas about the matter, it becomes no longer worth the need and preparation and judgment.

So things started to turn into reality, and the situation I saw in front of my eyes was very simple.

Therefore, when dealing with the problems before them, people no longer have the attitude of contempt for this guy who has escaped, and there are more choices for problems.

Seems to be due to people's neglect of such a problem at this time, which also leads to the next thing destined to happen and become a reality.

'S own situation is as simple as what you see in front of you, so why not have to consider any other things that are not suitable for yourself.

And as their resistance to the monsters in front of them, and the number of monsters they killed gradually accumulated.

Eventually, the pooled blood, under the power of some kind of dark magic, gradually began to send in to those already resurrected monsters, more power.

Seems to be deliberately manipulated by this dark magic, and also seems to be this dark magic, deliberately strengthened by these **** monsters at this time.

The black cloud that had been lingering on the defensive wall suddenly turned up violently at the moment, just like throwing a red iron into a cold water tank.

In that trance, people raised their heads in surprise, watching the sudden change in the sky.

But soon, people realized that the situation was not like what people realized at the beginning, maybe the situation was not as bad as they thought.

It is very likely that all things can still appear at this time with some more room for change and change.

So even in such a very obvious thing, when it started to get worse, everything was so clearly presented in front of people.

Faced with the facts in front of him, although even at this time, I have seen too many changes in this strange situation, and at this time I tried to remind my companions to pay attention to such changes.

Finally, these people chose to turn a blind eye to what they saw in front of their eyes, because it was something that could not be changed after all.

No one can face the things that cannot be changed, and make something that can be called the correct way to deal with the problem.

Since everything is happening in front of their eyes, they have no other better solutions to the problem, so why should they do things that are not appropriate and have a different attitude to thinking about the problem.

Everything is as simple as it was at the beginning.

Naturally, the situation will no longer need to have any other self hesitate and worry about the problem.

Even at this time, the firelight under the influence of the dark magic turned into a dark green at this time, and slowly fluttered and shaken in the wind.

Even at this time, those monsters that had flashed scarlet and violent red light in front of them suddenly turned into deep and dark purple.

Even at this time. It seemed that the amputated limbs and corpses of the monster that had originally piled up under the wall of the city suddenly spoiled and then sunk.

If you just fear what you see in front of your eyes, remember that being afraid of what you see in front of your eyes is the existence of monsters.

Obviously, this is definitely not a proper and accurate method to deal with the problem.

It is clear that the situation is gone without any other better idea of ​​the problem.

Everything will suddenly become something that makes people feel incomparable reality and can be clearly understood at this time.

In the face of these, since the things you can see in front of you are so clear that people can recognize and understand it, then you have to think more about the other yourself, and you do n’t need it anymore. Have any other more ideas.

Why not make those meaningless again? Thinking about the problem is meaningless. What about a wrong judgment about the problem?

Perhaps the situation itself has become free of any other too many numbers that need to be particularly worthy of concern or concern.

"There is such a legend in my hometown, as long as you do n’t work hard and want to try, you know what is the truth behind all these weird changes."

The soldier holding the sticky, green, **** blade tightly in his hand, muttered to himself at this moment, as if comforting his tempting heart in his heart.

Faced with what happened in front of you, and then accepted the reality you see now, it became the only choice.

Big breathing and gasping influenced his judgment of the monsters in front of him to continue to charge and attack at this time, but this still does not affect his courage to continue fighting.

At this time, you are talking and wiping away the things that are flowing into your eyes, don't know whether it is sweat or blood.

The situation seen in front of him does not need to have any other considerations. As long as you recognize yourself, you can actually maintain such an ignorant posture in the face of everything you see in front of you.

No matter what he sees in front of his eyes, it will not affect his slightest waves.

And this is the best way to deal with things.

"As long as you don't know what kind of conspiracy is behind the truth, what then?"

At the same time, the soldier who was already exhausted and fighting next to him wanted to make his own response in the final battle.

At this time, I suddenly ignited my last curiosity. I want to know what the situation is.

Does not have any other worry about the problem, or does not care about any other, and should not think about the problem.

"As long as we don't know what the monster hiding behind is like, then we can kill them with our eyes closed!"

Finally, after making such remarks, a very arrogant smile appeared on his face.

As if this matter he should have been like this, and there is no need to have any other questions about the problem.

Faced with the things in front of me, why not go there any other people feel inappropriate, think about the problem, or think about it.

In this way, what the recipient sees in front of him has become so simple, and can be clearly understood by people.

Naturally, the situation no longer needs to have other more good needs to be worthy of people to do more doubts, or to understand more things.

This is what I see so clearly in front of my eyes, there is no way to make more changes, or to make more of what I think may be more appropriate and correct understanding of the problem.

At this time, suddenly one of the crowd showed a very arrogant gesture at this time.

These guys who had already fought to the point of being irrational in the face of these monsters and had already prepared for their lives were also as if they were infected with emotions at this time.

Cope with such a problem before us, so that there is no other too much hesitation about the problem that needs to be done or that people who need to do it should think about things that should not be done.

Thing, so it is in such a situation that it begins to become a very simple thing for people.

According to what you see in front of you, it is not a good idea to have any other ideas, or to have too many other considerations of the problem.

The warm body was gradually cold after being shot. No one cares about the person who hit the arrow at this time.

The deserter is not worthy of attention, but after another round of artillery fire, the **** monster hidden in the monster pile finally can not bear the hungry desire in his heart.

Is the arrogant smile issued by humans at this time, it seems that at this time, it stimulated its nerves.

People have not noticed why such a situation occurs, so it is impossible to understand, when faced with what they are seeing, what kind of preparations to deal with the problem may be more appropriate. , A means for things.

Watching this scorching battle, it may be that they will continue to continue in such a state of fatigue as they have seen in front of them in such a tired state.

In order to relieve such fatigue, with such an arrogant laughter, it seems that it is not a behavior that needs to be dissuaded too much.

But in fact, judging from the current situation, it is possible to do that kind of behavior right now, but it may indeed seem a little inappropriate.

In fact, when facing these things that I see in front of me, I have to have some other other ideas about the problem, or preparation is not something that should be done.

So what should be an idea for the problem, or that it might be a relatively good way to deal with the problem.

The situation no longer needs to have any other too much that is necessary for people to pay more attention or judgment.

While coping with what he sees in front of him, why should he make such an understanding of the problem that makes people feel very regrettable.

Suddenly, among the already shrunken monsters' corpses, there was a very dull and roaring sound of monsters that made people feel very harsh.

All the people cast their eyes on the first time, but did not find out where the other party was hiding.

But no one would think that it was something that he had heard by mistake at this time. This very harsh roar made all people's knees almost subconsciously soft, almost kneeling on the ground.

Why not go there again for any other things. There should be no more consideration or judgment about the problem.

"Everyone is ready for a monster with a bigger weapon." The officer in charge ~ ~ faced the dark, stern cry that had become more gloomy.

In this way, in the face of the actual situation encountered in front of his own eyes, all the situations no longer need to have more worthy of special hesitation by people.

Even if he did not do such a behavior at this time, people would at this time, because of the harsh sound heard in their ears, subconsciously prepare for their defense.

There is no other other concern about the problem, it becomes unworthy of these more things that need to be pondered or judged by people.

The actual situation is as simple as what you see in front of your eyes, and there is no need to prepare for problems with more words.

While facing such a realistic situation, why not make any other unsuitable concerns about the problem?

The actual situation is already at this time, with a kind of almost no need to have any other more answers to questions, which is now presented in the situation that people see in front of them.

The problem has become devoid of the need to be pondered by people, and there is no value at all for people to think and judge.

It was at this time that the blood beast that had been hiding and hiding in the shadows, accumulating his own strength, could no longer endure the rage and killing desire in his heart and rushed out of the body!

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